The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Jesus lads I've one val a day at 12 n I'm fucking perfect,ooze confidence n feel fantastic... Now just to stick with the one a day lol but fuck me they help alot.

How did that work out for u Don? If you've ever a chance @ crescent get em you'll be knocked out


Well-Known Member
Alright lads I've got a large letter to send to Ireland can I just send it thru post box with a shitload of stamps on or do u haveto go in post office to send to Ireland?


Well-Known Member
Aye its nothing dodge mate but Yeh going in would most probs be best...its just I got a book of 1st class stamps lol I'm a tight cunt ain't I lool


Well-Known Member
Well pop in with the Stamps n package, say ur not 100% on how many to use so can they weight it up for u so u kno exactly what stamps to use


Well-Known Member
Hey UK thread mentals!

Just stopping by to say 'Hi' as my 1st grow is now ready for harvest.

Thanks for the advice/abuse from you fuckers that saved my grow from total disaster (only a minor disaster in the end).

pics or it didnt happen lol


Well-Known Member
Afternoon people, how are we all?

Over the next month or 2 im gonna be setting up another 600W grow so if anyones getting rid of/got any spare equipment give me a shout if ya can

looking for
600w hps
cool hood
4x4 roofcube tent
fans 6"n 5"


Well-Known Member
Cheers Rambo I'll whack a few big stamps on it then nay bother.....just seen that on the front page if the something from breaking bad I just shook me head...they think its some deadly operation that could go kaboom and blow the fuckin world up or something....looked like a real nice op too


Well-Known Member
Good ending to peaky blinders...

None ya's answered me question though! should I top all bud sites, or just the top?? Current growth rate is 1 foot every 2 weeks....I have to keep them around 6 foot as poly tunnel is only 2m at the highest point. I don't think i'll have enough space for all of them by the end.... They're all getting or over 3 foot high and 2 foot wide and ive another 4 months to go..
Top the shit out of it. Cannabis is "apically dominant"Look it up
If they're over 4 ft high when you flower them they will easy hit the roof of the poly tunnel. That will cause it's own problems. Leaves against the plastic will have reduced air flow and get mold easier