The UK Growers Thread!

Even valium goes for 3e a pill I get a box of 28 for a tenner n sell each strip for 40e so 70e profit easy money but I'm very paranoid so keep it small scale sort out mates telling em I've a few polish mates n what not.only the gf knows I grow
Loool how's ur packaging? N prices n have u sorted any of the regulars here that can vouch for u? We tend to stick to our own....not that we do this sort of thing sure pgp me in pm
Yes lol ask irish they pay even more up there man since we don't do 8th for 50 it's a '50' bag so a proper ozz is alot . Pop on the Irish thread n ask lol when I started I'd give em 3.5gs n they'd thing it was a q so I had to stop they got suspicious n I'm not gonna complain they love it I make a killing
we don't say that 8th crap either. a 50 is 3 g.
Nah I wouldn't sell damp n I don't shake my shit it's the bag appeal n smell that sells my gear n money's money.they don't have to buy it ur taking the risk so it's only logical to maximise profit especially at ur leccy cost n so on.
i got it same time i got my ipad so when i was working i can shear all data between the 2 but as im a stay at home dad now lol i dont need it i was looking at getting sony z3
Z3 is great but they break easily. Go to app store Dow load exif remover or metadata remover n when u take a pic run it through that once u see the pm tell me n ill delete it