The UK Growers Thread!

What's the most you guys have paid for clones/cuts? The bloke I have used in the past is wanting £18 per cut. Bit expensive if you ask me?!

£5-£8 is the going rate.

I know of a guy that does about 1000 per year and charges £6 each.

For £18 you want to laugh at him and send him jogging.
quacks have said i'm to see the head shrinker and take some happy tabs. quit the drink and be a normal person apparently. no promises though haha from either of us.

Fuck that shit Don lad.

I did 3 weeks on the happy tabs and fucked em off.

First week I threw up violently within 10 mins of every dose while cold sweating my knackers off (felt like a mini come up but dizzy).
And the other 2 weeks I was just agitated to fuck and proper spaced out.

I'm not down for feeling worse to get better.

And there's no doing Molly ever again if you're on the happy pills.
Can kill yourself with serotonin poisoning.

I'd much rather do the periodic Molly for a bump in mood.
Fuck that shit Don lad.
I did 3 weeks on the happy tabs and fucked em off.
First week I threw up violently within 10 mins of every dose while cold sweating my knackers off (felt like a mini come up but dizzy).
And the other 2 weeks I was just agitated to fuck and proper spaced out.
I'm not down for feeling worse to get better.
And there's no doing Molly ever again if you're on the happy pills.
Can kill yourself with serotonin poisoning.
I'd much rather do the periodic Molly for a bump in mood.
well I've agreed to try em for everyone's sake. I'm not bothered about molly or mandy. I think that's partly to blame for my nut being out of kilter. but ffs I can do without sweating any more. As for throwing up I am anyway I'm full of this gastro bug at the minute. it's kicking me all over. the office can hear my belly growling over the radio. I'm losing weight but not in the good way. training isn;t happening til i'm not weak as a fucking kitten.
I decided I'd rather try and talk to somebody to try and fix the problem rather than resorting to drugs to mask the symptoms.

But try em for who's sake?

You've only yourself to think about now, no?
I feel like a right cheap skate now, rocking my €19.99 jeans from Mango. Recently bought a pair in the sales for 9.99 and was chuffed! Not that I can wear them yet!

@zeddd I binned them hours ago! Not all, just the ones that had dying leaves.Lol gonna cut some more later. Was busy repotting a gorilla glue outdoors earlier.
known people on long term antidepressants and they are not right, those pills really messed them up artificially. your seretonin can become out of whack permanently. also any other substance will interact with the pills and spin you around easier than you've ever imagined. ive tried a stint and no thank you.
Don, stay away fae prescribed so called Happy Pills. My sisters been on them for longer than I can remember and she's is fruit loops most of the time with moments of clarity. It can be like walking on egg shells being around her at times. You know what my advise is......if you don't, gies a bell:)
Walking on egg shells is shit I have to do it with our lass n her 2 daughters, (I hide away in my grow room with the dog)
My ex said she's been walking on egg shells for 6 months. I've to try n get straight if I've a shot at getting reet in my head. Me and her ship has sailed.

They're not anti psychotics just an ssrui. They'll work or you'll see me on the 6 o'clock news
Walking on egg shells is shit I have to do it with our lass n her 2 daughters, (I hide away in my grow room with the dog)
Nothing worse than having to watch what you say around folk for fear of them going Polar on you.....I've lost count of the times my sister has stormed out of places because of something not sitting right with her (she's had my wife in tears at times with her abuse). I love her dearly, but fuk me it's hard work, you wouldn't be wasting your time if it wasn't close family.