The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I've to deal with this noob while I remember or I'll forget and it'll never get ironed out.

If he doesn't understand after this then I give up, it'll be another cunt on ignore.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I give up already pointless asking for advice I suppose cheers for the welcome
We get a lot of trolls in here.

If you want to be part of the best publicly accessible UK thread on the net (that's attached to a criminal activity, we're not growing weed in Washington USA ffs) then you've got to stand your ground against the banter/hazing if you're legit.

The weed world aint for lasses that are made from "sugar and spice" as I'm sure you can appreciate.

You're welcome to sit back with a brew and watch how things roll before jumping in, you'll get the picture before long.


Believe me Yorkshireman there ain't no sugar and spice as you put it at my end deffo not pink and fluffy either also being a Yorkshire lass I can give as good as I get so yes I may sit back and watch and see what your all about