Well-Known Member
I have not compared cocaine to green like for like, and have said as much. I also didn't give any specific views on alcohol, certainly didn't defend it. But while on the topic, don't you think it's strange, or a coincidence even. While being legal, ''socially accepted'' and consumed by so many people, alcohol is one of the worse offenders, can you not see cannabis going down a similar path?. Yes the downsides will not be like for like, but as I've mentioned in previous posts, the downsides will be there, in other ways, like individual social break down. That isn't a good downside if you have a family to support, it isn't a good thing even if you don't.. what potential future partner wants to be with a real pot head?, aside from another pot head.
Alcohol is quick to show negative results that much I agree with. Cannabis could do that in rare exceptions but I agree, it's not like that. How ever cannabis does have mid to long term effects that you dismiss because they are not as obvious or you have rose coloured glasses on when it comes to cannabis, like so many others. It is the same mentality that lead to extremely liberal views on alcohol in the uk and why we now have such a big problem with it, among all ages. People didn't respect the implications of over use (be it in one night or long term).
The ''It's my house'' argument is bs. You live in society and are part of it, if you want to make claim to your own house and rules pack up and find a wild spot to claim as your own. You don't get to live in a society and reap only the benefits, it has compromises. One being that by law you have to have your boiler checked to avoid explosions.. you don't just get to do it ''when you feel like it'', because many people will never feel like it.
What stops you getting into a car under the influence is the knowledge of what can go wrong and the consequence to you and those you may hurt. That moral compass is engrained into you by a decent upbringing,that also accounts for abiding by the law or at-least respecting it's necessity if caught on the wrong side. Don't be a fool and project your moral compass onto everybody.
A similar path in what respect? I think its farcical that cannabis is illegal and alcohol is shoved down your throat at almost every social situation outside work, and occasionally at work.
Of course there will be risk of abuse but those people will, for whatever reason, find some means to get off their face. Whether it's toking, tooting, drinking, crushing up codeine or buzzing gas. I know cause I've been that person. The law is simply an inconvenient obstacle when you're in that position.
Weed is legal in holland my mate can grow 4 plants in Spain and since its decrimininalisation they've managed to avoid complete anarchy.
I'm supportive of the legal system but that doesnt mean they've got everything right. The fact we're the biggest exporter of medicinal MJ while outlawing it tells how contradictory and backward our legal system can be. Or maybe thats the point, once its legal and anyone can grow it what happens to those profits
The drugs minister, who openly speaks against legalisation, is married to a guy with a legal canbabis farm! Philip May, the prime minister's husband is linked to cannabis pharma. So it's the law when it suits them