The UK Growers Thread!

I have not compared cocaine to green like for like, and have said as much. I also didn't give any specific views on alcohol, certainly didn't defend it. But while on the topic, don't you think it's strange, or a coincidence even. While being legal, ''socially accepted'' and consumed by so many people, alcohol is one of the worse offenders, can you not see cannabis going down a similar path?. Yes the downsides will not be like for like, but as I've mentioned in previous posts, the downsides will be there, in other ways, like individual social break down. That isn't a good downside if you have a family to support, it isn't a good thing even if you don't.. what potential future partner wants to be with a real pot head?, aside from another pot head.

Alcohol is quick to show negative results that much I agree with. Cannabis could do that in rare exceptions but I agree, it's not like that. How ever cannabis does have mid to long term effects that you dismiss because they are not as obvious or you have rose coloured glasses on when it comes to cannabis, like so many others. It is the same mentality that lead to extremely liberal views on alcohol in the uk and why we now have such a big problem with it, among all ages. People didn't respect the implications of over use (be it in one night or long term).

The ''It's my house'' argument is bs. You live in society and are part of it, if you want to make claim to your own house and rules pack up and find a wild spot to claim as your own. You don't get to live in a society and reap only the benefits, it has compromises. One being that by law you have to have your boiler checked to avoid explosions.. you don't just get to do it ''when you feel like it'', because many people will never feel like it.

What stops you getting into a car under the influence is the knowledge of what can go wrong and the consequence to you and those you may hurt. That moral compass is engrained into you by a decent upbringing,that also accounts for abiding by the law or at-least respecting it's necessity if caught on the wrong side. Don't be a fool and project your moral compass onto everybody.

A similar path in what respect? I think its farcical that cannabis is illegal and alcohol is shoved down your throat at almost every social situation outside work, and occasionally at work.

Of course there will be risk of abuse but those people will, for whatever reason, find some means to get off their face. Whether it's toking, tooting, drinking, crushing up codeine or buzzing gas. I know cause I've been that person. The law is simply an inconvenient obstacle when you're in that position.

Weed is legal in holland my mate can grow 4 plants in Spain and since its decrimininalisation they've managed to avoid complete anarchy.

I'm supportive of the legal system but that doesnt mean they've got everything right. The fact we're the biggest exporter of medicinal MJ while outlawing it tells how contradictory and backward our legal system can be. Or maybe thats the point, once its legal and anyone can grow it what happens to those profits

The drugs minister, who openly speaks against legalisation, is married to a guy with a legal canbabis farm! Philip May, the prime minister's husband is linked to cannabis pharma. So it's the law when it suits them
A similar path in what respect? I think its farcical that cannabis is illegal and alcohol is shoved down your throat at almost every social situation outside work, and occasionally at work.

Of course there will be risk of abuse but those people will, for whatever reason, find some means to get off their face. Whether it's toking, tooting, drinking, crushing up codeine or buzzing gas. I know cause I've been that person. The law is simply an inconvenient obstacle when you're in that position.

Weed is legal in holland my mate can grow 4 plants in Spain and since its decrimininalisation they've managed to avoid complete anarchy.

I'm supportive of the legal system but that doesnt mean they've got everything right. The fact we're the biggest exporter of medicinal MJ while outlawing it tells how contradictory and backward our legal system can be. Or maybe thats the point, once its legal and anyone can grow it what happens to those profits

The drugs minister, who openly speaks against legalisation, is married to a guy with a legal canbabis farm! Philip May, the prime minister's husband is linked to cannabis pharma. So it's the law when it suits them
Victoria Atkins.

You can’t make this shit up
ignorant, stupid, naive, ungrateful, blah blah, any other insults, you seem full of them!! I have read enough of your drivel (and honestly, I skipped most of it and completely ignored whole posts, probably because I am ignorant). However even if it was legal, I still wouldn't smash your head in with a stone.

edit, oops, forgot to say, thanks for the positive contribution to the thread re MMJ.

You are taking offence to my opinion of your views, I can't help if that insults you. Do you stand by the other posters in suggesting heavy cannabis use has no downsides?.

Or continue to pick and choose the context that you're comfortable with. ''However even if it was legal, I still wouldn't smash your head in with a stone'' I don't know what you were trying to prove with that.
A similar path in what respect? I think its farcical that cannabis is illegal and alcohol is shoved down your throat at almost every social situation outside work, and occasionally at work.

Of course there will be risk of abuse but those people will, for whatever reason, find some means to get off their face. Whether it's toking, tooting, drinking, crushing up codeine or buzzing gas. I know cause I've been that person. The law is simply an inconvenient obstacle when you're in that position.

Weed is legal in holland my mate can grow 4 plants in Spain and since its decrimininalisation they've managed to avoid complete anarchy.

I'm supportive of the legal system but that doesnt mean they've got everything right. The fact we're the biggest exporter of medicinal MJ while outlawing it tells how contradictory and backward our legal system can be. Or maybe thats the point, once its legal and anyone can grow it what happens to those profits

The drugs minister, who openly speaks against legalisation, is married to a guy with a legal canbabis farm! Philip May, the prime minister's husband is linked to cannabis pharma. So it's the law when it suits them

What's farcical is peoples disregard to any side effects of heavy cannabis use. Nobody seems to want to get into that, aside from bashing my previous statements out of context. Have any of you even met people with a real cannabis problem?. The similar path is obvious if you are not bias, it's the increase in general use combined with the lack of acknowledgement for any side effects of heavy consumption. Look at those taking part in this discussion, the ignorance of those side effects that they demonstrate is the perfect example, so multiply that by a nation. Same thing that happened with alcohol.

You again use alcohol as a greater evil to excuse cannabis. And again, I never said alcohol abuse is a good thing either.

Holland and Spain are two different country's. You can look for some insight but fundamentally, just because X country is doing something, it doesn't mean everybody should follow. 30 year ago when everybody in the uk were oblivious to setting in motion multiple generation drinking problems, would you have said it was ok for other country's to copy us and have 6 pubs on every street?. But again, If you think cannabis has no downsides and telling people this will lead to no ill effect, then why would you consider what I've said.

The legal system is ofc not perfect, don't think I'm oblivious or in agreement to the contradictions. Again though, it's a case of you using a greater evil to justify a smaller one.
What's farcical is peoples disregard to any side effects of heavy cannabis use. Nobody seems to want to get into that, aside from bashing my previous statements out of context. Have any of you even met people with a real cannabis problem?. The similar path is obvious if you are not bias, it's the increase in general use combined with the lack of acknowledgement for any side effects of heavy consumption. Look at those taking part in this discussion, the ignorance of those side effects that they demonstrate is the perfect example, so multiply that by a nation. Same thing that happened with alcohol.

You again use alcohol as a greater evil to excuse cannabis. And again, I never said alcohol abuse is a good thing either.

Holland and Spain are two different country's. You can look for some insight but fundamentally, just because X country is doing something, it doesn't mean everybody should follow. 30 year ago when everybody in the uk were oblivious to setting in motion multiple generation drinking problems, would you have said it was ok for other country's to copy us and have 6 pubs on every street?. But again, If you think cannabis has no downsides and telling people this will lead to no ill effect, then why would you consider what I've said.

The legal system is ofc not perfect, don't think I'm oblivious or in agreement to the contradictions. Again though, it's a case of you using a greater evil to justify a smaller one.
Please link evidence eg clinical studies of heavy cannabis use alone causing side effects and actual diagnosis of these side effects I would be interested in reading those. cheers Rowdy
You are taking offence to my opinion of your views, I can't help if that insults you. Do you stand by the other posters in suggesting heavy cannabis use has no downsides?.

Or continue to pick and choose the context that you're comfortable with. ''However even if it was legal, I still wouldn't smash your head in with a stone'' I don't know what you were trying to prove with that.
Bahahaha, I am not taking offence at all. This is the internet. You don't know me, I don't know you.
If you can't figure out why I made that statement I really don't care.
doei schatje,
What's farcical is peoples disregard to any side effects of heavy cannabis use. Nobody seems to want to get into that, aside from bashing my previous statements out of context. Have any of you even met people with a real cannabis problem?. The similar path is obvious if you are not bias, it's the increase in general use combined with the lack of acknowledgement for any side effects of heavy consumption. Look at those taking part in this discussion, the ignorance of those side effects that they demonstrate is the perfect example, so multiply that by a nation. Same thing that happened with alcohol.

You again use alcohol as a greater evil to excuse cannabis. And again, I never said alcohol abuse is a good thing either.

Holland and Spain are two different country's. You can look for some insight but fundamentally, just because X country is doing something, it doesn't mean everybody should follow. 30 year ago when everybody in the uk were oblivious to setting in motion multiple generation drinking problems, would you have said it was ok for other country's to copy us and have 6 pubs on every street?. But again, If you think cannabis has no downsides and telling people this will lead to no ill effect, then why would you consider what I've said.

The legal system is ofc not perfect, don't think I'm oblivious or in agreement to the contradictions. Again though, it's a case of you using a greater evil to justify a smaller one.
Shut the fuck up and piss off Tory boy
You are aggressive, emotionally driven, can barely punctuate, have a clear childish anti establishment attitude, and then, smothered with ignorance you expect me to take that post serious?. I imagine what comes next is you playing the adhd card.

Nah your just a cunt im very highly educated actually and i bet i have been accredited with more than you have ever achieved in your life so you go ahead and make your observations wrong as they are

Are you a cop flowki ? Cos im beginning to think you are one that or you have a penchant for them ???
Please link evidence eg clinical studies of heavy cannabis use alone causing side effects and actual diagnosis of these side effects I would be interested in reading those. cheers Rowdy
Cannabis toxicity is real. Ask @curious old fart And more people are diagnosed with it now than ever. It's like being on a long whitey by the sounds of it. COF was constantly being sick. He had to take a hiatus from consuming it. Not sure if its caused through eating or smoking. Regardless, doesn't change my view on legalisation. Life is for sure a balance but I think there are.many things you can balance your life with.
I really dont think any human being could consume enough cannabis to be toxic what your describing sounds more like cannabis hyperemesis syndrome rare but some people can get it
I really dont think any human being could consume enough cannabis to be toxic what your describing sounds more like cannabis hyperemesis syndrome rare but some people can get it
actually it's called cyclic vomiting and Doctors in the US are linking this to increased cannabis use.
Cannabis toxicity is real. Ask @curious old fart And more people are diagnosed with it now than ever. It's like being on a long whitey by the sounds of it. COF was constantly being sick. He had to take a hiatus from consuming it. Not sure if its caused through eating or smoking. Regardless, doesn't change my view on legalisation. Life is for sure a balance but I think there are.many things you can balance your life with.

The world certainly has plenty of people who can't do things in moderation, myself included. I've lost everything gambling, I've spent everything on cocaine, i ate so much junk food I was morbidly obese for about 5 years, I'm a binge alcoholic.

Should my lack of self control mean others can't enjoy these things, minus the cocaine.

If you're smoking so much weed that it's daily/heavily/toxic, it is not the weed that's the problem. There's some other underlying issue imho.

So they're self medicating or self exluding for whatever reason, so everyone else who enjoys a toke of a generally non addictive substance should be penalised? When I worked nights I used to drink 10+ coffees a shift, now there's a dangerous substance. When I was caffeinated i was at times off my face/driving luje a maniac, and when I was off it I was angry AF. And when I hadnt had some in a couple of days I had bad withdrawal. Should we ban coffee since I can't moderate my own personal use.
The world certainly has plenty of people who can't do things in moderation, myself included. I've lost everything gambling, I've spent everything on cocaine, i ate so much junk food I was morbidly obese for about 5 years, I'm a binge alcoholic.

Should my lack of self control mean others can't enjoy these things, minus the cocaine.

If you're smoking so much weed that it's daily/heavily/toxic, it is not the weed that's the problem. There's some other underlying issue imho.

So they're self medicating or self exluding for whatever reason, so everyone else who enjoys a toke of a generally non addictive substance should be penalised? When I worked nights I used to drink 10+ coffees a shift, now there's a dangerous substance. When I was caffeinated i was at times off my face/driving luje a maniac, and when I was off it I was angry AF. And when I hadnt had some in a couple of days I had bad withdrawal. Should we ban coffee since I can't moderate my own personal use.
nope, cannabis should not be banned. coffee should also not be banned:) alcohol should also not be banned.
Cannabis toxicity is real. Ask @curious old fart And more people are diagnosed with it now than ever. It's like being on a long whitey by the sounds of it. COF was constantly being sick. He had to take a hiatus from consuming it. Not sure if its caused through eating or smoking. Regardless, doesn't change my view on legalisation. Life is for sure a balance but I think there are.many things you can balance your life with.
Yeah went through something similar though not diagnosed due to it not being legal, had a break and I'm good now. I think more diagnosis will come out once it is legalised and people can talk to their doctors about cannabis use and the doctors opinions will or won't be backed with actual studies and research. It was more of a loaded question to see if his opinions are based on any research or just a show about a kid in holland lol I'm all for legalisation prohabition doesn't and has never worked imo
Nah your just a cunt im very highly educated actually and i bet i have been accredited with more than you have ever achieved in your life so you go ahead and make your observations wrong as they are

Are you a cop flowki ? Cos im beginning to think you are one that or you have a penchant for them ???

Calling me a cunt because I have an opposing opinion is not very intelligent, it is what it is.
Yeah went through something similar though not diagnosed due to it not being legal, had a break and I'm good now. I think more diagnosis will come out once it is legalised and people can talk to their doctors about cannabis use and the doctors opinions will or won't be backed with actual studies and research. It was more of a loaded question to see if his opinions are based on any research or just a show about a kid in holland lol I'm all for legalisation prohabition doesn't and has never worked imo

That isn't the right answer, you are suggesting to leap before you look. As you've just said diagnosing side effects of cannabis over use is difficult, not only because they are complex and some subtle, but that many people don't come forward with it for various reasons. One being that they haven't even made the connection cannabis is the issue.

Over use side effects are there, I've read enough and seen enough with close friends and family, if you'd seen the same you'd understand the damage it can do. So the idea is to fully legalise with poor info and general populace naivety toward the downsides of over use (like the posters around here) and then just see what happens?. That's a bad plan, in-fact it isn't even a plan.
That isn't the right answer, you are suggesting to leap before you look. As you've just said diagnosing side effects of cannabis over use is difficult, not only because they are complex and some subtle, but that many people don't come forward with it for various reasons. One being that they haven't even made the connection cannabis is the issue.

Over use side effects are there, I've read enough and seen enough with close friends and family, if you'd seen the same you'd understand the damage it can do. So the idea is to fully legalise with poor info and general populace naivety toward the downsides of over use (like the posters around here) and then just see what happens?. That's a bad plan, in-fact it isn't even a plan.

In your opinion. And no it has been legalised in other countries for years now and has never been illegal in others for example, are we not to look to them for information and knowledge. Diagnosis is difficult because it is illegal to research it in many countries that have the ability to research it properly. People cannot make connections unless educated on issues. Your family and friends aren't a conclusive study, are they honest with you about their other drug use? are there social or economic issues as well? mental health issues in the family? and a link to the info you've read if possible so every one can educate themselves. You seem to make assumptions on what everyone knows or doesn't based on if you agree with it or not. Maybe people do know and aren't naive to the issues but feel the benefit to many outweight the negatives to the few. A plan can fail but can also work inaction never solves anything.
Evening lads
@zeddd if u don't get sorted drop us a message pal
Just smashed 2 sofas up fuck me what a job! Can fit them in the car now in one trip on my ones proper loner me lol wont even ask for help haha
Noticed something about criminal records holding us back and that shits real I'm certified for all sorts of stuff from electronics to programming to cyber security will anyone touch me with a barge pole will they fuck! In my view everyone deserves a second chance because not all but some people do change like myself I was a violent person now I'm a father to 5 children and people don't believe I'm the same person anymore and it's only been 16 years