The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Areet chaps, first time outdoor grower here, just harvested the top buds off one plant and I got 48.3 grams wet of some very nice looking afghan :-D

Am I the only person in the UK that's harvested their outdoor grow?


New Member
i went to a bnq megalopolis, and they had sweet fuck all in terms of choice for soil. didn't have what i wanted at all.

a friend who's been in green for the alst 20 years or so reccomended John Illes no.2 mix. along with perlite and 5mm sand, in like a 3:2:1 ratio. i used this and it seemed to give pretty good results. was my first grow so i can't comment on just how effective it is, but certainly ran into no drainage bug problems blah blah and the plants seemed to like it. i had to goto a propper garden center to find what i was after. even the flower pot range at bnq is pretty limited, and very expensive. i just shelled out £3 a go for run of the mill plastic runoff tray things...

The best soil you will ever use.... is the soil you make urself. Start composting lads!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The best soil you will ever use.... is the soil you make urself. Start composting lads!!
iindeed, but i live like 50 feet above the street, the busy street, inbetween hundreds of buildings, although there is a nice communal garden out front :D

in the past i did a lot of that thing, for garden flowers and veg, had a nice big composte heap for food wastes, had a second one that the farmer filled up with his lovely smellies, and about 500 tiger worms composting for me :D

back in the day. the city rocks, but imagine if i'd been growing back at the old house :(
hi guys, im new on here and just about to start my first grow!!
im just wonderin will a 125watt cfl lamp be ok to grow 3 plants or just the two?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the garden is for childrens ballgames only! apparently. :P

and personally i think i'd stick with just the 2 plants under that light campmandan.


Well-Known Member
whats the best soil that is available from either b+q or homebase.
and whats the best in your opinions.
what works well and whats not so good or no good.
thanks for you opinions everyone.
some experience of using your particular choice of soil and the results would be really handy.


ive used bio bizz all mix and coco mixed with hydroton before and got the best results with the coco, its about £13 for a 50ltr bag so can be pricey if you need alot of it.

i used a multi purpose compost from a wickes store cost me about £3 for a 75 ltr bag, using 15ltr pots and yielded the same as the bio biz did.
i think that any multi purpose compost will do the same and i would use it again if i was short on cash.


Well-Known Member
ive used bio bizz all mix and coco mixed with hydroton before and got the best results with the coco, its about £13 for a 50ltr bag so can be pricey if you need alot of it.

i used a multi purpose compost from a wickes store cost me about £3 for a 75 ltr bag, using 15ltr pots and yielded the same as the bio biz did.
i think that any multi purpose compost will do the same and i would use it again if i was short on cash.
did u have a problem with ph testing and all that shizz?


Well-Known Member
did u have a problem with ph testing and all that shizz?
the compost is neutral at 5.5 to 6.0 ph and i just mixed my nutrients in a 40 ltr bucket and ph downed it to 6.0 throughout the whole grow. i ended up with 12oz from 16x 15 ltr pots veged for 14 days before flowering. done under a 600watt light, i could have done better but i harvested early.

i was too tight to pay out for a ph tester for soil.


hey guys, been looking EVERYWHERE for those multi CFL sockets like you see in the US cfl grows where you have like 4 bulbs poking out of one socket on a bulb adapter. if anyone knows where i can purchase some of these adapter things that would be much appreciated.

safe, peace, smoke well
hey guys, been looking EVERYWHERE for those multi CFL sockets like you see in the US cfl grows where you have like 4 bulbs poking out of one socket on a bulb adapter. if anyone knows where i can purchase some of these adapter things that would be much appreciated.

safe, peace, smoke well
Apperently maplins do em. I need2 but cant find em on there site


Active Member
you arite guys , only just noticed this uk grow thread , i like it i like it lol , i got a question for you lads, Is trimming a good idea??? now im by no means new to growing but iv never ever trimmed atall, as science says the leaves harvest the light producing energy therefore i never understood trimming the plants. i Know alot of rly rly experienced growers half of them trim saying they leave the leaves closests to the buds therefore diverting the energy into the places most needed , this to me sounds like bullshit and the rest agree with me that you shouldntrim atall, but i see so many ppl trimming i finally decided to have a go and see what happens, iv got 18 plants in a space roughly 9ft long by 4 - 5 ft wide, iv got a 8 inch outtake attached to a carbon , a 4 inch intake under 2 600 w hps lights, which i will be adding another too this week when i go and get a bigger fan for the intake, staying with 2 ntil i get it as iv got the temp at a steady 28 degrees and the RH at 50% so i dont want to make it much hotter without adding a bigger intake. Iv posted a piture of the last crop i did in the same space that i didnt trim and the crop im doing now that i have trimmed both at around the same stage a week into flower, basically just want some info on whether its worth doing and if so have i over done it atall, if you need better pictures let me know and ill pull a few of the babies out of the grow room, cheers


Apperently maplins do em. I need2 but cant find em on there site
yeah theyre def not on maplins ive looked all over it. ebay is selling this weird 4 panel cfl but it's meant for a photographer's ultra powerful flash. I just want some cheap cheap adapter sockets ive looked everywhere. PLEASE HELP UUUUSS! bongsmilie

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i couldn't find em. anywhere. had to get tube lighting. then got wrong stufgf (i'm telling myself i did, it could be exactly the right bulbs :P) so went HA! and bought a 400w hps :D

but i'm in your situation now. trying to build a veg room, and i need Y adapters else i'm off to buy a fabulocious £60 veg light with some spare cash lying around :D