The UK Growers Thread!

How is that different to most chart music tho?

Its all pants!!

Cant stand that little gordie weasle tho, glad he didnt get his number 1.

Im a music snob, admitedly...Its broken the chain though in the sense that manufactured pop has repeatdly been number one for quite some time!
sice the 60s, the monkees et all, but right now its indemic throughout the music world, not just pop look at linkin park.
chas chandler from the animals? cool. i love the animals. before my time as well, the 72 at the end of my name is the year i was born, i'm actually an old punk/skinhead, i like virtually all music but my heart is really in the unvarnished raw music of the late 70s and early 80s, but i listen to everything from led zepplin to classical, madness and real old school robert johnson blues and nwa( fuckin hate new rap, its went like 'cowell pop' , formulaic and predictable).
i went to sonica in italy 2 years back the musci didnt stop for 5 days the mountainn was on fire the fire brigade turned up periodically to hose the ravers tho!
i usually do a festival or two every year, t in park or leeds, havent done glasto yet. only prob is that after 3/4 days of extremly heavy uppers and drink abuse ive gotta take enuff valium to drop a fuckin rhino just to stop myself committing suicide. i just lie in bed shaking, sweating , occasionally screaming, drinking lucozade and masterbating for another 3 days. mobile phone switched off and all the curtains shut. the older i get the more of a basket case i become after a heavy session, doesnt seem to fuckin stop me though. new years resolution- find secret voodoo magic that allows me to transfer my hangover to a deserving person, like margaret thatcher or timmy mallet.
i usually do a festival or two every year, t in park or leeds, havent done glasto yet. only prob is that after 3/4 days of extremly heavy uppers and drink abuse ive gotta take enuff valium to drop a fuckin rhino just to stop myself committing suicide. i just lie in bed shaking, sweating , occasionally screaming, drinking lucozade and masterbating for another 3 days. mobile phone switched off and all the curtains shut. the older i get the more of a basket case i become after a heavy session, doesnt seem to fuckin stop me though. new years resolution- find secret voodoo magic that allows me to transfer my hangover to a deserving person, like margaret thatcher or timmy mallet.
hahaha wankin for 3days lol
ul go blind lol
as for class a i just cant handle the comedown n e more its not worth the buzz:joint::hump:
comedowns!!!!! i have comedowns like a fuckin space shuttle re-entry, oh god just thinkin about it makes me sweat. every time it happens i swear on my grannys grave that i'm NEVER doing it again but sure as shit next weekend witha gut full of booze and head full of air i'll start sniffin and poppin like a retard. 37 years old and i still cant fully comprehend cause and effect.
as for class a i just cant handle the comedown n e more its not worth the buzz:joint::hump:

Yeh i know the feelin, the older i get the less i can stand comedowns and the more tolerent i get to the drugs so i just cant bring myself to do it anymore, i remember when i was a kid i was a fucker for punishment but now i'm the total opposite.

Ah the good old days.
Drugs aint the same as they used to be. Jus as well I spoze cuz we'd all be much more fucked up by now lol. Its a shame they cant water down the booze ijn the same way lol. Booze is so distructive to the body and mind.
Drugs aint the same as they used to be. Jus as well I spoze cuz we'd all be much more fucked up by now lol. Its a shame they cant water down the booze ijn the same way lol. Booze is so distructive to the body and mind.

Dunno about that, the coke in our area seems to have improved over the years and as MDMA has become easier to get shit pills stopped bein a problem and for a while last year i could buy speed in almost liquid form, it was possibly the best speed i've ever had or seen.

I think the reason is i've bought higher up the chain, when i was 16 i was buying in street cut form, pills full of ket, coke with washing powder or icing sugar and resin with plastic bags in.

Still, i need a lot more M to get trashed so i dont bother, once you notice your tolarance is increasing alot its probibly time to evaluate if its worth taking. only class A i've had this year is a little bit of charley so i'm quite proud of my self in some ghay becoming an adult way.

Dont think i'll ever stop the reefa tho, i dont drink much and i've given up the cigs too so i'll be happy if i just toke and nawt els.
fucking nicest feeling after no comdown just like weird thoughts and shit. So peaceful feel so good.
i just got my hands on some good pills, smurfs. ive had them b4 but these ones are alot better, nowhere near as good as the disco biscuits of the nineties but probably the best i've had in 3 or 4 years. the charley i get is usually pretty good but like u say stoner its because i know people further up the food chain now. speeds a hit or amiss round here although 2 years ago i had some liquid stuff and i swear on my grannys teeth i was almost for phoneing 999 for a taxi, i had to swallow valium ten hours after i had taken it coz my heart rate was thru the fuckin roof and the paranoia was sniggering loudly behind me. fuckin freaked me out and i'm no apprentice in the workplace.
im not yank bashing( although i do occasionally indulge in the sport, its bit like robbing blind kids though) but i'm convinced that its the american hijacking of xmas thats turned it into the money grabbibg, my presents are bigger than ur presents fuckin rip off for taxis and everything else holiday. not that im bitter, eh??? at least weve got new year to come and being scottish i am obviously a world class expert on the subject; get drunk get singing , try ur mates wife and slap ur own. now THATS a fuckin holiday