The UK Growers Thread!

how old are ya T? an u dont know how to give multiples? It goes multi multi then quote on the last one

hahaaaaaaa, caguely noticed the button for the first time the other night :D

i'm old enough to still love timon and pumba! :D

Could it be the cooling shade of the shady tree? The air tickling pleasentness of the songbbird and the refreshingly coolified sky blue pond?
alrite dragon im good m8 hada bizzy day yday n been smoking the kief so too monged out to post etc my gf now calls it my mongo juice lmao

that light im my opinion i would use it, the only lighting i no that can be harmful is UV light there may be others but thats the only 1 i no? it dont sound like a uv light so id use it m8 more lumens more buds imo (aslong as u still control temps n humidity).

how u been m8? been working 2day?

cheers mate i'm not to bad had the day off for the dentist got to wait a wk to have it sorted the tooth is cracked an got an infection round the nerve so that don't feel to clever but been smoking to compensate lol and got the electrics sorted earlier so 1 less lob to do, mongo juice lol gives that feeling after a couple lol oh yeah i didn't worry about humidity after veg even then i just misted the bottoms of the pots a xouple of times after 12/12 haven't bothered i am gonna pick up a meter soon enough though to see whats going on in the new place, the misses in work and i got nothing to do so i'll be doing a little more siving in a min and i'll chuck that light on aswell later cheers mate
ava look after its been on half hour or so dont wana fry ya buds might give of sum mega heat? av you tried it on for a while yet? i wouldnt worry either to much about humidity at the stage your in, extra light n extra heat should mean humidity will only lower which is a good thing at the stage your in m8, im battling with my humidity right now im not happy it being so high am definatly getting a air conditioner unit nxt go.
fuck tooth ache m8 thats 1 of the worst pains! only advise i got for that is stay as stoned as poss until you can get it sorted lol but on the plus side it got you a day off work lol

n m8 if ya not checkin humidity at all be carefull at your stage if its mega high you can get mold then its game over!
ava look after its been on half hour or so dont wana fry ya buds might give of sum mega heat? av you tried it on for a while yet? i wouldnt worry either to much about humidity at the stage your in, extra light n extra heat should mean humidity will only lower which is a good thing at the stage your in m8, im battling with my humidity right now im not happy it being so high am definatly getting a air conditioner unit nxt go.

yeah i put it on for an hour earlier i didn't check with a thermo but it belts out the heat mate i'll have to put it about 2 feet away iwas thinking it might help the lower buds a little, i can't help thinking about the ac i can't see how you manage through the summer without it? it might just because i'm stoned but other than that all i got is add extra exhaust fans and extra intake, but i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed lol
lol how ya feeling mate?

good mate, headaches have almost gone and the body is starting to sort itsself out( farting like a fuckin cow though), probably have another cplof nite of the sweats and cramps but i can feel my old self cuming back back( this may not be good thing, coz i get fuckin ocd organised when im totally clean), gaunna get all me plants re potted this week and get my grow fully started. hows you?
A farmer wants a divorce goes 2c a lawyer, farmer says "Oi wants to get wan of them dayvorces"
Lawyer..."Do you hav grounds?
Farmer... "Yes, i gots me 40 acres"
Lawyer "No, you dont understand, do u have a suit?"
Farmer..."Yes, oi wears it to church on Sundays"
Lawyer..."No, i mean do u have a grudge?
Farmer..."Yes, that's where i park the tractor"
Lawyer..."Does ur wife beat you up?"
Farmer..."No, we both get up at 5.30"
Lawyer gets annoyed & tries one last question..."Is ur wife a nagger?...
"No, she's white, but the baby's a nagger, that's why i wants a bloody dayvorce!!
good mate, headaches have almost gone and the body is starting to sort itsself out( farting like a fuckin cow though), probably have another cplof nite of the sweats and cramps but i can feel my old self cuming back back( this may not be good thing, coz i get fuckin ocd organised when im totally clean), gaunna get all me plants re potted this week and get my grow fully started. hows you?

i'm good cheers mate glad to hear your feeling better or almost feeling better, with a bit of luck the next couple of will pass quick for ya, you going outdoors mate?
got my indoor set up ready but im still thinking bout a few guerillas round the area, im into fishing so ive been eyeing up a few spots, but where i live ive got at least another 2 months before i'd go outside, we're really prone to late frosts but i'll se how it goes , wot bout you dragon?
yeah i put it on for an hour earlier i didn't check with a thermo but it belts out the heat mate i'll have to put it about 2 feet away iwas thinking it might help the lower buds a little, i can't help thinking about the ac i can't see how you manage through the summer without it? it might just because i'm stoned but other than that all i got is add extra exhaust fans and extra intake, but i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed lol

lol im hardly a genius m8 but if we are struggling with temps etc now its only gonna get worse as the summer comes, a cheap a/c cost £250 its gotta be worth it.
yo dragon
i used to have mega tooth ache problems caused by a calcium defficiency get some clove oil from your local chemist its less than £2 a bottle put a little on the end of an ear bud thing an rub it around the tooth that hurts trust me the pain goes instantly only problem with it is that it tastes rank so try an only get it on the tooth n not on your tongue
Evening all,

Dragon the best cure for tooth ache is to rub some whiskey on it, I know its a waste but it really helps.

Hope your all having a nice evening. I'm off to ma bed before the mrs divorces me. Just thought i'd pop in and say hi!
lol im hardly a genius m8 but if we are struggling with temps etc now its only gonna get worse as the summer comes, a cheap a/c cost £250 its gotta be worth it.

I seen a cracking we A/C unit for sale in our local charity shop for £25 quid, think I may have to purchase it even if it dont fit in my grow closet i could stick it outside it next to the intake vent. Canny go wrong for £25 quid
have heard good things about that clove oil, tastes like shit n you have to keep reapplying the stuff but still a cheap good remedy, think id rather just drink the wiskey bust4 but heard that 1 too m8, best bet has gotta be gettin ya arse back to the dentist as soon as poss tho lol
I seen a cracking we A/C unit for sale in our local charity shop for £25 quid, think I may have to purchase it even if it dont fit in my grow closet i could stick it outside it next to the intake vent. Canny go wrong for £25 quid

thats a bargain m8 id snap it up im about to buy argos cheapest n thats £250 its gotta be the way to go for the summer, yeah weed will grow in all kinda crazy temps but too get proper yeilds u need optimum conditions.
cheers guys i'm having a liitle drop of whiskey now well started about half hour ago to wash down some ibuprofen and paracetemol and just rolled a big'n feeling kinda good now lol
i'll have a look for the clove oil 2mo cheers mate i got over a wk to wait til it gets sorted unless i get the pliers on b4 and am tempted to pull it myself save me some ££££ cost me 20 earlier just for them to tell me it needs sorting cheeky bastards i could of told them that lol sambo couldn't get that light running it kept blowing the fuse with all the stuff on the go gonna have to pick up another extension and run the power down from the attic, looks like i'll be joining you then mate with the ac i never thought i'd be buying 1 of them living here lol
i actually crush pain killers direct into tooth, hurts a bit at first but works well. be careful coz i once burnt the side of my tongue doing it, although to be honest i had taken 18 painkillers that day.