The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
wait wait wait. the british won what where now? i thoguht we were a bit of a luaghing stock these days..

and welcome to our abode, although notts eh, not so keen on that haha ;) went to stay at the university for a few days on a trip, and we all mosied into town to try and find somewhere that we could get alcohol with using student ID's (we were 17 :P) and took us bloody 4 hours or something stupid to find a dodgy enough offlicense :lol: stupid town! haha

you chopped your ladies yet then? they are looking rather stonking


Well-Known Member
no not yet but im tempted! lol. you know how it is the last few weeks are the hardest! its weird though because the bigger plants are taking a bit longer to flower. i wonder if this is usual? i am off on friday (which will be 8 weeks) and im going to definatly start the chop then!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
friday is week 7 for my cheese, things are getting exciting :)

i totally forgot it was a bank holliday, in fact i didn't foget, i plain didn't know. :) i think i need to go and find myself a job!


Active Member
I'm loving it, don't get bank holidays back in the states :p I would never have a day off (unless I took it off) this time of year, not til like xmas again :)


Well-Known Member
im working. i cant remember the last time i had a bank holiday off! at least im doing at work the same as what i would do at home! (apart from smoking)


Well-Known Member
fuck the mods on here wind me up well mod not mods cause ive only really ever seen 1! and all the yanks just wana kiss his arse! they are so scared of being banned its fucking ''sad to witness'' lol

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
so sambo, tip top, you have anythin nice to eat today ???
i hear fdd had a nice big slice of humble pie stuffd in his glass bung !!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the argument is done with, or it will be when certain mod admits that he was wrong, don't think that's gonna happen, threads gone hush hush :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
never had either of those haha, i dip beer in beer, a manly man's dinner!

anyone feel like offering me a little help on hydro? just seen something about a bubbler cloner, in which the stem of the thing was simply submerged in the water. how well does this work (i'd ave thought wthe water would just wash any rooting gel etc off and as such be slower) amd what do you then transplant it into? (i'd have thought if you then take rooted stem, and insert into rockwool, you're going to destroy that root growth you've just achieved. basically mine take roughly 14 days to root in my dwc bucket, and i'd like to cut that down so they get that little bit more veg :)