The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
From everything i've read, 35 day harvest is a load of lies. I've never seen a strain that can be harvested at less than 7 and even then they should be given 8

It's a piss take though innit. I was chatting with his sister while i got sorte out and he's been pushing her to sell everything at £10 a gram, £10 a gram at this stage in it's drying, as much of a mate as he is, i feel i should clobber him one (although i guess seeing as there has been a big drought these past fw weeks, everyones probably been racing from demand to get something, anything outta the door so i can respect it on some level). still, 2 average size joints for £20 is bollocks! Luckily money means nothing :) It's the knowledge of what you shoudl have got that is the annoyance. Think i'll start trading him e-cheese clones for eights in future.

Dunno what's going on with the forums of late, first insistence on having twitter ability, and now forcing us to register our emails to a random on-line publication site, feck it, i don't got no medical magical paperwork!


I don't use twitter, but how compromising is it? reason i ask is because the people that tweeted the tweets on the right hand column, well, the tweet username does not appear in the linked thread. Load of cunty bollocks if ya ask me, i'm staying wellll lear


Active Member
ok thanks man, im thinking of the fast bud & speed devil just for the fact that the minimum time they will be ready is 35 days.

iv rang everyone i knew no-one answered, and my mate rang a mate who rang a mate who you me a bud, its a 2.1g dry out of the bag (a trick in l'pool is weigh it in the bag why its slightly damp, and use bigger sacks) nice haze dont know what strain tho.

looks like il be getting deleted then
yea 35days thats bull bro my fast bud took 35days to start flowering lol there on week 8 now and still need anuva 2weeks so they will be a bout 10weeks or 70days before they finish lol soz bro if only there was a strain that finished in 35days hey


Active Member
yea 35days thats bull bro my fast bud took 35days to start flowering lol there on week 8 now and still need anuva 2weeks so they will be a bout 10weeks or 70days before they finish lol soz bro if only there was a strain that finished in 35days hey
ahhhhhh fuck it then, i might go for quick one, short ryder & low girl


Active Member
nivarna have stoped sellin short ryder coz they dont autoflower so i wouldnt bother with them bro soz again ur not havein much luck are ya brov

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Not sure about lowriders or any autos , confused as how they manage to auto flower!! the auto versions taste the same as the real? Whats the best yeild anyones got off autos or lowriders..

Here we go again!!

everythings back up and running now, gave the room a clean and hot box treatment.Added a few more pots to the room ,ill post some new pics tommorrow also added another 600wtt light:

4 x 600hps
5 x 20ltr dwc bubblers
1 x 90ltr dwc with 2 pots instead of one
1 x 20ltr soil
4 x 11ltr soil

Going to add a 2 more chronic plants as soon as there ready ,one soil and 1 dwc.
Got some brown furry roots in one of my bubblers ,the plant look stunted.I've gave it a dose of microbial to deal with it,should i buy some benifical bacteria to add after i finish using this as it kills all life forms in the water? If so how long after?

has anyone used dutch pro take root- explode or multi total? Got some samples free but it dont say any% of npk or any ingrediants so im a bit wary to use it.
Ive just popped an A.Strawberry haze plus 2 AK48s from greenhouse and nirvana seeds.
Hi folks :) I'm a noob to both this site and growing but after smoking for over 30 years and getting sick & p'd off with crap deals, crap weed & problems keeping a regular supply i've decided to grow my own. I've built a grow box approx 2x2x4 feet and fitted it with a 250w eurowing reflector & son-t plus lamp. I took a cutting from a friends female plant, had it growing in the garden for about a month and now have it in my grow box. Seems to be going ok apart from some browning of the lower leafs. I don't know what strain of plant it is but hope to do some cloning from it in the next week or so and maybe later on try buying some seeds of choice.
So i guess now i'd better do some reading up on this site and get things right. Any tips will be very welcome.
Happy daze ahead (I hope) :)


Well-Known Member
almost impossible to say from that picture. Might want to try a pic without the lights on as well, lights make everything orange and impossibly vague
one word... "Balls"

Killed the bastard XD replaced with a couple CM clones

and greenpotteruk! Welcome to RIU!


its a bad idea because your not ment to germinate in the first place due to laws, and for that reasons they wont replace it. ive bought a few seeds from pickandmix and they germinated fine


Well-Known Member
Hello im a new grower just wondering what an ideal size to turn them would be in feet or inches thanks , i got told about a foot and a half !!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hello im a new grower just wondering what an ideal size to turn them would be in feet or inches thanks , i got told about a foot and a half !!
They'll double or tripple in size so you want to go 12/12 when they are large/s,mall enough to fit your spae requirements, but also not too large that your light is no longer effective on the lower half of the plant.


Active Member
iv seen a couple of grows and there finishing in about 8weeks bro. im guna do a s.o.g with them 8 of each worth a shot as la divas a blueberry cross love it lol


like rockin horse shite round here £2oo oz min not good!!!
i just put my plants in a 1 sqmtr tent 400w light and new leafs are curling upwards really bad i got them on 18/6 had them in conservatory for 1 week then moved to tent using plant magic soil and ferts 24hr stood tap water any ideas to curl and wil they turn male due to moving??
will post pics l8r but any idea on curl???


Well-Known Member
like rockin horse shite round here £2oo oz min not good!!!
i just put my plants in a 1 sqmtr tent 400w light and new leafs are curling upwards really bad i got them on 18/6 had them in conservatory for 1 week then moved to tent using plant magic soil and ferts 24hr stood tap water any ideas to curl and wil they turn male due to moving??
will post pics l8r but any idea on curl???
hey mate. you need to give us more info what light is it ex hps/mh? what reflector is the light in? have you got a fan in the tent for air sirc? fan for out take? how old r ur plants? how much n how often r u using ferts and wich ferts are u using right now on them? all the answers with pics u should get the answer

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Is it the tips, or the whole leaves which are curling? I've found my curling leaves are normally due to a rapid change in environemnt (hot to cold, humid to dry etc)