The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Would be the most likely option. But i don't want some boring serious sensible flatmate like last time who looks upon cannabis as the devils statutory instrument or such :P unfortunately they seem to be the majority in this kind of price range :( just been offered another job so think that if i take it, the 4 should be getting me enough, figure if i'm earning just £1200 a month i can take the whole palce and sell a little bit here and there should the £400 a month not be enough.

Alternatively i follow suit and jump on a plane, it's long overdue. Thinking a year in Canada, should be able to grow no trouble there, and can also finally learn to snowboard :D

4s abit much man, but if it the only way to get by and you cant get a flet mate, my heart goes out to ya man tats gonna be some tiught shit!!!!

i say go with the canadian option to save your health and iv been talking to a couple of canadians on here and theres some lovely looking strains over there.

hope things work out for you tho

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well if it was in the offing i say fuck the uk its gone to the dogs anyway man. or alternatively get a hot new female flatmate ;)
Yeah man, my flatmate is leaving partly because of that, he just can't stand the UK any longer, so he's knocking off two birds with one stone, one quite literaly :P Irony is my previous boss who became my new boss, she wants to move in haha, she's a riot if a little nuts, wanders around rooms for hours blessing them with sage and love :lol:

4s abit much man, but if it the only way to get by and you cant get a flet mate, my heart goes out to ya man tats gonna be some tiught shit!!!!

i say go with the canadian option to save your health and iv been talking to a couple of canadians on here and theres some lovely looking strains over there.

hope things work out for you tho
All i need is a diary and i should be good, the 3 at the moment is tiring as fook but quite managable, if i've no days off i might as well go the whole hog anyways :D I'd goto cananda just for the weather and the people, not experienced the weather, but well, England, nuff said, and the people, well all the canadians i sat around with in Amsterdam a. smoked the pants off me "i've heard about you crazy europeans and your mixing weed with tobacco", wasn't ready for that :D and secondly well, they rocked, nicest group of folk i met over there, finished by the Scottish, they were all broke and begging me for money haha :D

That is indeed an idea Dura! There's a 12yr old kid on the floor beneath, i can teach him all about raiding mummies purse and make a fortune :D What defines a brothel? I mean if my "girlfriend" and i just happened to be open to new ideas and well, she shagged 100 guys a week who just happened to leave a thankyou tip, where's the harm, i'm just letting the gf blow off some steam so she don't kill me in bed officer.


Active Member
All i need is a diary and i should be good, the 3 at the moment is tiring as fook but quite managable, if i've no days off i might as well go the whole hog anyways :D I'd goto cananda just for the weather and the people, not experienced the weather, but well, England, nuff said, and the people, well all the canadians i sat around with in Amsterdam a. smoked the pants off me "i've heard about you crazy europeans and your mixing weed with tobacco", wasn't ready for that :D and secondly well, they rocked, nicest group of folk i met over there, finished by the Scottish, they were all broke and begging me for money haha :D
well if youve got the time you might aswell make money wasting it lol.

i love smoking with different nationalaties in amsterdam, first time i took my missus we were smoking with 2 indians who had never smoked bud before and asked me to skin spliffs up for them, then poles, finish, brazilian, american but best of all is smoking with the dutch.

cant wait for amsterdam the count down is on 21 days :) weather permiting :/


Well-Known Member
Morning folks, no frothy coffee today! Got me some shopping ive put off for about 2 months to get done, some time in next 15 or so days. Yea Amsterdam is my heaven! been 5 times 3 this year and imo the place DID need cleening up a bit with the especially the all-nighters trying to hassle you at every corner. Took my friend over in 06 and was better than when I first went in 2000, and i tried to explain the no eye contact, just walk on thing but we were almost rolling about canal's twice in first hour getting to Red Light District. Not to say the last 3 times ive been this year hav'nt been great, but I just think they have took it a bit too far and its not the same anymore! The nightlife, atmosphere and seems the only place you can drink a beer and smoke your own weed is the Stones Cafe, which happens to rock, and run by Brit's. But yea the U.K is gettin quite redic.

P.S R.I.P John Lennon


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, my flatmate is leaving partly because of that, he just can't stand the UK any longer, so he's knocking off two birds with one stone, one quite literaly :P Irony is my previous boss who became my new boss, she wants to move in haha, she's a riot if a little nuts, wanders around rooms for hours blessing them with sage and love :lol:
blessing them with sage and love!?!?!? god damn hippies............ i could see that getting pretty old pretty quick lol


Well-Known Member
christ im bloody ruff!! went to the pub last nite with £20 woke up and found out i'd also borrowed another £60, dont remember coming home, wouldnt let the girl in my house , poor cow nearly froze to death( it was -15oC last nite), woke up with £3, last thing i remember was drinking brandy and baileys in the same glass although vague memories of drinking all sorts of crazy shooters. i dont feel well.


Well-Known Member
Dear Santa

For Christmas, I would really like a shiny new collar.

And some doggy chews.

And for David and Samantha to let me sleep on the bed with them.

Thank you so much.

Nick Clegg


Active Member
Morning folks, no frothy coffee today! Got me some shopping ive put off for about 2 months to get done, some time in next 15 or so days. Yea Amsterdam is my heaven! been 5 times 3 this year and imo the place DID need cleening up a bit with the especially the all-nighters trying to hassle you at every corner. Took my friend over in 06 and was better than when I first went in 2000, and i tried to explain the no eye contact, just walk on thing but we were almost rolling about canal's twice in first hour getting to Red Light District. Not to say the last 3 times ive been this year hav'nt been great, but I just think they have took it a bit too far and its not the same anymore! The nightlife, atmosphere and seems the only place you can drink a beer and smoke your own weed is the Stones Cafe, which happens to rock, and run by Brit's. But yea the U.K is gettin quite redic.

P.S R.I.P John Lennon

i went a couple of months ago and it was shit, im sorry i went at that time, all the coffee shops i went to had half the menus off for the cannabis cup so did get to try most of the stuff i had read about, and was upset to find out that the headband is now a rare plant :(

but your right stones is probz one of the best coffee shops in amsterdam for the area its in aswell, i stayed above the stones bar last time i went , and was in stones cafe watching the world cup when holland beat uarguay and that was amazing.

and the crackheads are doubling in numbers, they will see one ask you and you ignore but when you get to them they will still ask you.


Well-Known Member
Mate, I was there the week before!DSC00778.JPG Was there and left the day they played Brazil i think Brazil! Small world dude! Still love to have the funds to buy a flat over there and rent it out to friends and online any time i'm not there myself!


Well-Known Member
Hey Lads!

Any idea where I can find a cheap digital hygrometer without ordering online? I hate waiting for stuff arrive
i got mine online for a couple of quid but i'm pretty certain b & q were selling them although i think they mite have been around £20

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
i got mine online for a couple of quid but i'm pretty certain b & q were selling them although i think they mite have been around £20
Chears dura.

Fuck B&Q's prices. Looks like I'm ordering online then. I am a Cheap Basterd afterall.

Do you have a link where you got yours from?


Well-Known Member
Advent calendars. The only time when you can be really naughty and have some scrummy chocolate first thing in the morning!

I normally have mine straight after a bong hit and a line of coke.


Well-Known Member
Chears dura.

Fuck B&Q's prices. Looks like I'm ordering online then. I am a Cheap Basterd afterall.

Do you have a link where you got yours from?

these are almost the identical to mine but i'm certain mine were only around £3 or £4, i'm certain it was ebay i got them from but it was quite awhile ago , heres another link.


Well-Known Member
oh shit ahm really toasted, theres new 'e' on the go and its a fuckin wipeout. earlys 90's shit, ahve only had a half( ana cp o noraml(?) e's) ana ahm fuckin windowlicking! slightlt tripping at this point( thinkin the duvet is lookin at me,(no shit, honest). jeez, its fuckin hard tae type in this state. if ahm still alive tomorra .......ahll get back tou ...or me..or the duvet....need valium i there anybody out there or is it all in ma head

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
oh shit ahm really toasted, theres new 'e' on the go and its a fuckin wipeout. earlys 90's shit, ahve only had a half( ana cp o noraml(?) e's) ana ahm fuckin windowlicking! slightlt tripping at this point( thinkin the duvet is lookin at me,(no shit, honest). jeez, its fuckin hard tae type in this state. if ahm still alive tomorra .......ahll get back tou ...or me..or the duvet....need valium i there anybody out there or is it all in ma head
You lucky bastard! anything akin to a dove of the 90's? Shit the memories. Don't think my fragile mind could handle that shit any more. My problem with E back in the day was that I just want to drink pint after pint and chain smoke joints. Good times

Valium I can help you with, I have plenty of that shit.

Hope you don't comedown too hard today, dura.

P.S. How much does a tab go for these days?