The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
bro your living in cloud 9 weed is as dear as gold nowadays and prices go up all the time bottom of the ladder are doin a ten at .7 and a arfer at 1.4 work it out its happening not to mention the shit they put on it to make it weigh more so your 28 g oz has just made it to 33g
no way, ill keep saying it because its not viable... who will buy ounces for 250 or 280 when they can only brake it down and make 280 anyway...
and i dont think many people use LED'S .. i hear its really expensive.

Yeah i believe his numbers.. i got 1,3gpw on a similar grow in soil...
i would love to do some of his grows... especially the shelved grow he did, 2 lights pulling 8 plants a week .. would love it. but need a whole room


my first grow i pull 20 oz from 6 plants under 2x 600w...and think this was crap. 2nd was 25 oz this time im aiming 4 30-40 oz or im quiting..simpls


Well-Known Member
Not saying its true fella its up too you to make your own mind up. Google heath robinson vertical grow an have a butchers, this guy got 70 plus oz from one plant in one of his grows but i cant remember how many lights he had. Even so if its true then thats some going.
bro just looked and he is using a vertical setup not sog sorry in vertical setups yes its viable but sog your not getting those weights!!


Active Member
would love to get back into a room setup myself to try these grows out but im stuck in grow cabs until i move house. Forgot to say 1.3 gpw is good for soil, never achieved that myself in soil only hydro
Yeah could have been better if i used nutes , but i only used them at the end and it was getting too late by then allready lost all the leaves... check it out if you want.

you soil or hydro mate?

the best way to learn is through mistakes, ive made stacks over the years but never the same twice
Ditto, everything you do wrong you try and not do it again. live ane learn, i find its the best way to learn. trial and error.


Well-Known Member
bro just looked and he is using a vertical setup not sog sorry in vertical setups yes its viable but sog your not getting those weights!!
Agreed, in a SOG its not happening. Ive got a SOG grow on the go ATM in my cab, 18 plants under 2 400w looking for 20 oz for the first run, should be easily doable


Active Member
bro your living in cloud 9 weed is as dear as gold nowadays and prices go up all the time bottom of the ladder are doin a ten at .7 and a arfer at 1.4 work it out its happening not to mention the shit they put on it to make it weigh more so your 28 g oz has just made it to 33g
I would love to sell it that price but its not possible, it would ake me a year to shift 25 ounces at that price. or one day at 150.
I havnt baught weed in 20 bags for years but i hardly believe that bags are going for 1.4....... maybe 2.0, then they would make 220 an ounce.. so may i could sell an ounce for is 180.
If i try and sell for more than 180 round manchester i would get laughed out of business.


Active Member
sorry i aint a hater but where where the big arse colas? 1.3gpw without nutes what super soil was u using?
Just plain old soil i got from a local farmer.. ph 7.
i have 13 plants flowering in there and averaged about 2 oz per plant.. 26 ounces.. 737grams... just worked it out .. ok so it was 1.22 not far off..


Well-Known Member
The price of green is mad these days, back in the day i was paying 120 for an OZ it was pucker gear, real nice smoke and TBH i havent seen gear like it available through dealers for donkeys. Most of the time its commercial crap or chink weed which is why i grow. Decent green is just not available where i live, ive seen it all grit weed, sprayed crap, chopped to early and wet and still dealers want to shaft ya with under weight garbage, yet people buy it. Dont understand it.


Active Member
How often do you think choppers would be looking for outdoor grows int he uk?
i reckon theres a huge chance most areas dont even bother. right?
if i was to put a large clear plastic sheet over my patch, i dont think it would get found..
any other ways you can think of to keep the heavy september october rains off the buds?


Well-Known Member
long time since I've been on here... moving out in a month or so, gonna get another grow on when I can be asked much tastier than the shit you have to buy.. and cheaper...

I doubt a chopper could even see specific plant species from that high up the cameras aren't that high res, plus if you mingle em in with other plants they're pretty much un-noticeable even if someone walked past (aside from the smell) so unless the police are in your house looking for it, in which case your already fucked XD , I wouldn't have any worries.

September rains... plastic sheet propped up with some garden poles like a little sort of greenhouse type thing.


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't be covering up plants on a guerrilla grow as all your doing is drawing attention to the fact somethings there granted its a small chance but a chance none the less. If its in your garden and your not over looked then yeah i would think plastic sheeting is OK. Suppose it would boil down to how good a loctaion you have.

BTW how to i link my grow diary in my profile, cant work out how to do it, anyone help me out


Active Member
Well its guerilla so its in the middle of knowhere
also i dont know how to link grows.. i tried to do it in my sig a while back but it wouldnt work ..


Well-Known Member
Well its guerilla so its in the middle of knowhere
also i dont know how to link grows.. i tried to do it in my sig a while back but it wouldnt work ..
Im not the only one then lol. If you have a good locataion you might be be good, i wouldnt bother though let mother nature do its thing. What strain is it and how many you planting out.


Active Member
Im not the only one then lol. If you have a good locataion you might be be good, i wouldnt bother though let mother nature do its thing. What strain is it and how many you planting out.
Serious seeds chronic.
hopefully 30 rooted clones
i only have about 4 weeks to grow the 6 mothers i have, hopefully i can manage 4 clones .. and if i cant get 5 side branches from them (because i would like to flower them indoors afte i clone them) then ill chop them in half and count the top as the 5th.

the spot looks perfect on google earth... cant wait to go check it out on saturday.