I need to grab my sand from the attic and then i'm good to get getting some pretty girly flowers planted outside, then throw a girl into the flowering cab. Gotta make up some hash today as well as i'm on me last bud and it's a good month until i have anything new to smoke.
Im looking forward to making some hash just as much as iam my first cropkeep end up smoking my leafs when i run outta weed tho so not much for hash need my crop done and down! lol
yeah its something id be quitre interested in doing at some point but need to get the grow in order first lol
Anyone ever tried mixing dyes with there feed/water and getting coloured plants ? probably another of my dumb thoughts lol
Anyone ever tried mixing dyes with there feed/water and getting coloured plants ? probably another of my dumb thoughts lol
Fdd said:DO NOT DYE YOUR WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT TASTE LIKE POO POO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah im fucking loving that food dye business thanks for the linky, wasnt being as dumb as i thoughtgonna sacrafice a plant to colours