The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Evening all how we all been?

Started getting itchy to cut plants down lol, today is day 51 and they all take between 55-70, plus I havent got any smoke atm and all the stuff ive bought recently has just been complete shite, bah why can they not just hurry the fook up lmao


Active Member
i got 11 oz dry in total of the 2!

I would be well happy with half that outta my first grow. Well done mate she looks goreous


Well-Known Member
i got 11 oz dry in total of the 2!

I would be well happy with half that outta my first grow. Well done mate she looks goreous
Thanks mate, i got 8oz of 1 plant on my 1st grow lol, lookin foward to startin my 3rd now once im back off holiday, good luck with yours mate


Active Member
fooking hell i would feel like i died an went to heaven if i had that much off each of my girls but i will see in couple of months eh lol. Have a good holiday going anywere nice ??


Well-Known Member
Thought i would take some pics since ive been saying for weeks i would lol, in no particular order an i really cant be ased to sort em lol



Well-Known Member
anyone who watched rambo first blood the other night... first blood 2 is on itv :D not as good as the first but still good for a laugh..


Active Member
shite would have watched first one, epic film second just like a retarded sibling to the first lol, third should have been shot at birth and the forth suprisingly brilliant. When stallone jumps up on that machine gun attached to the back of that truck and pummels the driver till hes just a pair of legs. Legend :)


Well-Known Member
had a dream last night I got busted, was pretty fuggin horrible. and, for whatever reason, they found a 4 oz rock of cocaine in my room ahhaha.


Well-Known Member
The other day when I sold my stuff, the guy gave me the money, I went to my flat and counted it. It was all there. Gave him a call and said I would meet him at the little Auto shop in 5mins.(which is just round the corner from my house) I picked up the bag with 27oz in it. It was stinking, real smelly. Walked out the door and 2 cops were there talking to a guy on a bike. Got to admit I stopped in my tracks and the 2 cops looked at me. I walked out my gate and they were still looking. They must have been waiting on a warrent check coz I 100% sure they smelt it and the way they were looking at me was like, "If I wasn't busy, I'd pull you and check that bag". Story ended well though but just goes to show, in another life, if that guy wasn't there on the bike, I reckon I would have been busted. Moral of the story - get some other cunt to do your dirty work


Well-Known Member
The other day when I sold my stuff, the guy gave me the money, I went to my flat and counted it. It was all there. Gave him a call and said I would meet him at the little Auto shop in 5mins.(which is just round the corner from my house) I picked up the bag with 27oz in it. It was stinking, real smelly. Walked out the door and 2 cops were there talking to a guy on a bike. Got to admit I stopped in my tracks and the 2 cops looked at me. I walked out my gate and they were still looking. They must have been waiting on a warrent check coz I 100% sure they smelt it and the way they were looking at me was like, "If I wasn't busy, I'd pull you and check that bag". Story ended well though but just goes to show, in another life, if that guy wasn't there on the bike, I reckon I would have been busted. Moral of the story - get some other cunt to do your dirty work
Close call. I know you were thinking, "Shit. I shouldn't have stopped! I look suspicious as fuck because I stopped!" lol.

I never get my hands dirty.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuckin close one lad. the cool head will usually see you through. bet it was a rush tho haha it goes against my instinct with the rozzers but being polite gets you a long way.

question is are you going to take it as the gypsies kiss n move on ?

i only carry my weight in airtight containers now. 20p back off a bottle of bru :lol:


Well-Known Member
yeah Don there was defo bowel movement. It was in a giant red holdall. lol Not very These things are sent to test us. Water off a ducks back and all that. The thing is I had a suit on and the cunts prob think I'm "Mr Big" lol There is a camera that goes right up my street so they prob got a pic of me handed to the DS. Mibby I'm just being para


Well-Known Member
Had a similiar thing sunday night, sitting in the front room having a smoke an all of a sudden we hear a load of car tyres screech and then " BANG BANG POLICE STAY STILL " and what sounds like our front door being kicked in, ran to the front room window an its next door but one getting "the special knock with the big red key" fucking bricking ourselves for a good while after that, put our joints out and cleaned the front room up just in case they were knocking up multiple houses y`know, they were there bout 10mins and then just peeled out in a cloud of tyre smoke and driving up the wrong side of the road with all their sirens an shit on running cars coming the right way off the road, for the next 3 hours the whole town was alive with old bill, helicopter, cars, dog units walking round the streets, armed response standing on the corner of each end of our street with their guns out etc

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's damned crazy. Rather you than me!

Woke up to a nice rain shower so decided to tend to my plants, flatmate got to bed before i could talk to him about em. He's out now so could use the necxt 30 minutes to try and silence the op but don't think it's viable :D If it moves, it's gonna make a sound.

Almost! :) Just gotta wait for the seeds to mature :) Also found a spare set of digi scales at work which will read by the gram upto 3000g so great for just working out harvest weights etc :)



Well-Known Member
yeah Don there was defo bowel movement. It was in a giant red holdall. lol Not very These things are sent to test us. Water off a ducks back and all that. The thing is I had a suit on and the cunts prob think I'm "Mr Big" lol There is a camera that goes right up my street so they prob got a pic of me handed to the DS. Mibby I'm just being para
me and my buddy got a random pull this time last year driving into a festival, just waving cars thru and stopping maybe 1 outta 20, he'd just finished a joint but as i was driving all i'd been doing was sniffing lines on the way there. they pull us and ask if anything in the car, my mate puts his hands up straight away coz the bit of hash was sittin in the car in plain view, so the fuckers get the dog out and all the gear out my car, dogs sniffing away at me , the car , all our tents etc..good 15 mins whilst my buddy is gettin charged and shit. the head DS guy is questioning me and im just easy going friendly waith him then he hears some sham 69 on my cd player(old skinhead band from the 70s for all you youn'uns out there) and starts telling me he used to be a skinhead, so i deftly kept the fuckin conversation on music and stuff and he eventaully strolls off as my mate heads back. we drive away and park. then my knees buckled, i couldnt stop laughing and shaking at the same time. round my neck was a wallet thingy on a band with around a grands worth of goodies; charlie, e, speed , valium, morphine, the fuckin lot...i would have been looking at 18 month to 2 sure as fuck reminds you that you've got a heart.


Well-Known Member
I thought wanking really did send you blind.

Then I realised my mum's knickers were still on my head.