The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
seeds all soaking in cups of water, i always like to give them an overnight soak. ive only room for 4 plants when the grow is up but im germing 7 just in case of failures. 3 x ak 48, 2 x black jack and 2 x the church. heres hoping, christ ah feel like a fuckin virgin here, thats the first time ive germed in over a year i think, last few plants were clones and its been around 6 month since i was busted. ex nazi jailbird acting like a daft fuckin school girl.....jeez, ahm actually embarrassed about it!! but its fuckin great tae be back on the grow.
haha feel like a virgon again myself problem with getting wasted u forget shit put two big bud #1 into germ. thinking about it wish id germed an auto bubble only had enough soil for 2 pots and both seeds have gone to ground now.


Well-Known Member
Eventful day at blackpool and even tho i missrd utd v chelsea i could care less as i won £170 from a tenner at ladbrooks lol guessed the score would b 3-1 and can honestly say i ve no fickin finger nails left!!


Well-Known Member
Right ok, thier in the dark now for 6 hrs so when i get them back out il put them closer to the light. thank you all for the help, this is stressful growing for the 1st time lol. Also (sorry to asking questions) but only 3 out of 5 seeds have come up out of the soil could any one tell me why that is?
you can give them 24 hrs light until you want to flower , u can get the cfl 2-3 inches away ive just started up a cfl grow myself its in my sig if u want some cfl reference.


Well-Known Member
look at this shit
my name is miss mabel cole, i saw your profile in this site,( i want us to be friends i don't know how you will feel about it, please you can write to me through my email ( ,m sorry if i am embarrassing you, i don't mean to do that,please write to me through my email address so that i can send you my picture and also tell you more about me,so that we can move from there to know each other better,thanks for your understanding, i am waiting for your lovely reply

to my email lol wtf


Well-Known Member
how quick do cfl bulbs burn out and need replaced? i prefer( when i can remember!!) to change hps bulbs every grow( or 2) but i know very little about the life span or power drop of cfls.


Well-Known Member
look at this shit
my name is miss mabel cole, i saw your profile in this site,( i want us to be friends i don't know how you will feel about it, please you can write to me through my email ( ,m sorry if i am embarrassing you, i don't mean to do that,please write to me through my email address so that i can send you my picture and also tell you more about me,so that we can move from there to know each other better,thanks for your understanding, i am waiting for your lovely reply

to my email lol wtf
sounds a bit spammy to me. surely no cunt would genuinely send that! saying that there are a few fuckin strange people around, but we all know each other so its fine usually.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many of tonight's X-Factor auditionees will turn out to be related to the Swansea miners...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well one of the moderators accounts seemed to be fucked yesterday although maybe the account is purely a pice of software, but eitherway something went down last night :p

what do you think about the church as a smoke dura? I found it a really easy an good yielding plant, lovely big firm round nugs, but i found that the high was ok but nothing to write home about.

Anyone ever herded flies on their HTV using the mouse cursor? :D


Well-Known Member
Dura's a big church fan if my memory serves me correct, i grew it not that long ago and i wasnt impressed , it didnt have a long lasting high and to be honest wasnt that great but like everything it depends on batch of seeds and grower i supose !


Well-Known Member
i think on average about 50 000 hours.. but would probably be a good idea to replace before hitting 50k

how quick do cfl bulbs burn out and need replaced? i prefer( when i can remember!!) to change hps bulbs every grow( or 2) but i know very little about the life span or power drop of cfls.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'll be nice and share my greedy ways. Help yourself...


I'll peek in if i sober up :p

Dura, i ran my 400w bulb for about 16 months straight, no issue, have had my 600w bulb a good while, still works just dandy. Keep a spare bulb or light at han and just run em till they yield no crop or blow.


Well-Known Member
not enjoying cfl that much atm but then only have one the rest should hopefully arrive 2mrw kinda miss my hps it felt like it did something lol


Well-Known Member
Well guys my journal updates (with pics) will be on in about half a hour 40minutes , chinese just arrived so abit of a delay .... journal in signature below :)


Well-Known Member
yeah i am a church fan, it was the first plant i ever grew, smoke was good and yeild was bout 3 or 4 oz per plant in soil with biobizz nute. i went with it becoz my mate had done the same and he was 1 grow in front of me so i was kinda just following his lead although we both developed our own ways of growin( as we all do after a bit) , i suppose what i really liked about it was that it was almost 100% hassle free( i think 1 hermied but as a result of that , instead of throwing a hairy fit and running around screaming i sat and read a lot about hermies and dicovered they are quite easily curable , this taught me a helluva lot about plant genetics and probably more than anything made me realise the benefits of this site and the web in general to learn about growing) its also a very resiliant plant, bugs dont seem too interested( at least i had no issues) and it seems mould and disease resistant too, thats why i always suggest it to new growers. it'll always have a special place in my growing affections but like u said robbie its all batch dependant.


yeah i am a church fan, it was the first plant i ever grew, smoke was good and yeild was bout 3 or 4 oz per plant in soil with biobizz nute. i went with it becoz my mate had done the same and he was 1 grow in front of me so i was kinda just following his lead although we both developed our own ways of growin( as we all do after a bit) , i suppose what i really liked about it was that it was almost 100% hassle free( i think 1 hermied but as a result of that , instead of throwing a hairy fit and running around screaming i sat and read a lot about hermies and dicovered they are quite easily curable , this taught me a helluva lot about plant genetics and probably more than anything made me realise the benefits of this site and the web in general to learn about growing) its also a very resiliant plant, bugs dont seem too interested( at least i had no issues) and it seems mould and disease resistant too, thats why i always suggest it to new growers. it'll always have a special place in my growing affections but like u said robbie its all batch dependant.
out of interest, how do you cure a hermie?