The UK Growers Thread!


Thanks mate. Sorry I didn't see your post before now. I appreciate the help

check out my thread mate , just click the link under this post ... 1st page shows my 250w HPS connected to my fan and carbon filter in my tent .. if you need any more info ask in there and ill try to help you out :)


Well-Known Member
Lol just in the mornin. Well am jst smoking ma last J of sillybilly's gear n a hve to say am goin to be gutted when its finished :-(


Well-Known Member
Yip its a lovely puff. Fuck there's neva enough of the same stuff around here to get bored of it. A lot of people selling the good shit for 20 a gram :-(


Well-Known Member
Haha kev your right bro if i could get away with sellin my shit at 1.5 a ten or 3 gram for £20 i would just to fuck all the little skallys up i reckon i could sell a bar in 2days with the network of peeps i no and it would ruffle a few feathers for sure but the risk is enormous so its not an option to b fair even tho id love to do it !!


Well-Known Member
Yip your both right. A grow personal bcos of the prices. Got arthritis in ma left foot n am no even 30,well thats ma excuse lol. If a sell any its for new equip nutes n shit.


Active Member
Alright lads just a quick question foes anyone reckon uk exodus cheese still around I'm growing a very very old cheese strain but my mate can't confirm that's what it is anyone no of it still going round