The UK Growers Thread!

Hi folks, im just starting my first grow from seed and i would like to know what happens with seedlings sprouting through the soil at different times. I have them in a propagator and one seedling seems to be stomping ahead of the others as they havnt even broke the surface yet? Sorry if i have interupted your convo but i cant be doing with the americans sarcasum. Cheers.
Hey sammy boy how ya been? Still doing the psychosis?

alrite beans, yeah im all good m8 im growing pyschosis and exodus cheese at the mo and will prob just stick to them 2 for good now, some mighty strains they oldboy.

how u been? whatcha got on the grow?
Hi folks, im just starting my first grow from seed and i would like to know what happens with seedlings sprouting through the soil at different times. I have them in a propagator and one seedling seems to be stomping ahead of the others as they havnt even broke the surface yet? Sorry if i have interupted your convo but i cant be doing with the americans sarcasum. Cheers.

im off beans is our resident yank minus the sarcasim but he nos his shit, beans answer his q's m8 missus is picking me up ina minint.
surfing the crest of a two day accumulator hangover here. oddly i feel better today than i did yesterday. i reckon its sticking to spirits instead of pints
pissin down here too m8, i really liked canada when i spent a few months there would love to have the chance to have a go out there u should go for it ttt fuck it, whats the work programme??? i aint been on the thread much.

the work program is a working holiday deal for 18-30 year olds or something, basically gives you a 1 year working visa which can be extended at the end of the year. I can't wait. /got an email from my mate over there, he enquired on the price of the pound his housemate picked up recently, 1400 canadian for a pound! that' fucking £50 an ounce, hell yes! Gonna be setting up a grow none the less me thinks
sambos back to his old ways. menace to society. I had a bit of a breakthrough last night, after 3 years of on n off smokin, i had 5 days off and a cig made me throw up, bare in mind there was a lot of tequila n wine in the equation but thats a first.

either that or your still pissed don lol
the thought had occurred but i'm actually pretty hangover free. little tired. get this though the bog troll in revolution was telling me he makes 800 bar a DAY?!!? has to deal with wankers out on the piss but i reckon it's worth it for that.

saturday porn

hahah 3 candles one scented :lol:

i use 2 x 600w HPS fella. i did have a 300w blue and red spec cfl i was vegging with but the blue half blew. for 1 -2 plants a couple of 300w red spec will give you reasonable results
ah i see , hope mine dont blow as ive decided to see it through with the cfl , always got the hps in back up tho but these bitches are probably coming down early they gotta be ready for xmas.
thats mine at 5 weeks flower today and all lookin very healthy, the upward growth has halted and now the buds are filling out nicely, probably chop the the 2 aks in 3 weeks and give the church another one and the black jack another one after that. i'll get a chance to see my 3 soil ones later, i havent seen them in a couple of weeks coz there in a mates chamber, i dont even think there in flower yet.
thats mine at 5 weeks flower today and all lookin very healthy, the upward growth has halted and now the buds are filling out nicely, probably chop the the 2 aks in 3 weeks and give the church another one and the black jack another one after that. i'll get a chance to see my 3 soil ones later, i havent seen them in a couple of weeks coz there in a mates chamber, i dont even think there in flower yet.

how you finding the church mate
how you finding the church mate

ive grown it quite a few times, it was my very first plant and i always go back to it. its a good easy plant to grow ,decent yeilder and decent smoke. usually pull around 3 oz in an organic soil grow this time im doing dwc so im expecting higher returns. its one of those plants i advise ayone starting out to give a go because it mould and disease resistant.
I have one roasty toasty left arm. I was stood a touch too long trying to get glass out of the crucible in the bottomr of the furnace and well, when my arm had gotten a touch hotter than simply warn, burns up n down lol. 1200 is a lot of degrees of hotness. Great fun though, made a fancy wine glass, brandy decanter, a fucked up vase, some christmas bouballs. I tell you, making a bong by hand from glass is absolute childs play. Takes a touch of work to keeping yoru main stem straight when you open it up, but other than that, first ever go with some melted glass and i'd have been able to knock one out if i had time. Also makes me wonder how in heck spoons/pipes are so difficult to make, you literally form your ball of glass and blow, cut it down, blow, re-heat, cut down, blow, childs play. Granted this is not lampwork, but the principals remain the same (hence how i was able to carry them over to what i was doing today)
Yeah, just a day course to see how i get on with the idea of glass blowing (i love it!). I was £85 for the day but you basically had free reign. They have a big factory shop and you were able to just point at something and say help me make one of those :D I have easily recouperated the initial cost with what i made. I mean just the christmas bouballs they sell themselves for £15 a pop. Their type of glass used is very famous, no buyin in, it's all made from scratch from sand with a geneation old recipe for colour, very cool place. Although the stuff is loaded with iron oxide i think it is so their glass is really heavy.

Tell you what, rolling a ball of 1200C glass into shape in your hand using nowt but some wet newspaper as insulation between the glass and your palm, that's a bit nerveracking the first time around.

I told the guy that i would actually be looking into lampwork, he turned and instantly said what, so you can make pipes and bongs haha. Sounds geezer.