The UK Growers Thread!

WTF is that link all about?? I've got literally NO IDEA lol, proper interwebz confusion going on. Legend? Camels?? Moustache!

a prik backstabbing indian admin on it used to be a great site till him and the indians moved in now its shit us long timers know what hes done banning folks for no reason and faking proof of stuf theyve done

heres the other one

he is a universally hated dude
Ive kept all these plant short and lolipopped from and early age, hence they all have one giant pole of bud from bottom of the stem to the top. No longer am I fighting with space and using wire to tie things up and they are easy as fuck to feed. This is my new method and Im sticking to it. Looking for about 2oz per plant and Ill be happy
Turn that Frankenstein you see in the mirror in the morning into a Frankenfine! Of course, you'll still be you in a legal sense, but think of it as a thinner, more attractive, better you.
yeh im dong a 1 plant grow next and my aim is to get 16 ounce of it! qwite possible with a long veg u think?(well thats what i told the missus anyways)

on another note is it normal to start seeing double when ur taking tramadols?
yeh im finding my self banging the side of my head to get staright vvision again weird i really font wanna go bak to hospotal coz they wont gimmin ower nr as many meds as i need and its soo fuking boring expecially when tghey put u in a ward with 100+ yr olds dying on ventelators,no tv no phone fuk all
anyway sik of talking bowt my problems hows everyone eles probl;ems?
I dont really have any problems, except I'm smoking shit weed & my girls wont be done for a month.
cheers for asking tho, appreciate it man. Nice to know someone cares.

Hang on, I'm running out of rhizotonic. thats a bit of a bitch
evenin ring stretchers. im back, on ma spunk buckets new chrimbo lap top...its pretty good....she went in the huff with me the other nite for asking for sex....although tbh i did ask if she fancied me giving her fish bucket a little fuckin sense of humour that woman.
nice dura, a shiny new laptop. I give you an hour with it before it wont turn on cos its riddled with dirty porn virus' & shit.
Are you on a self imposed weed ban?

To a degree yes. I knew when i pollinated my plants that it would screw me over to a degree, and the one plant i do have growing is not for me. I not entirely fussed though, i've smoked all day every day for years now, given that i'm set to be hitting canada where i can get a pound for $1K from my mate, i rather decided that a 2 month tolerance brek before jumping over there would not be the wort thing in the world :)

And having smoked just about nothing but cheese for two and a half years, a break will be godd, i'm pretty much incapable of enjoying any strain but cheese, everything else is just genearlly naff. Hopefully after a break, i'll enjoy other strains a bit more :)
A client called just seconds after I lit up. He fires me every time I don't answer the phone, and I wasn't in the mood to be fired tonight, so I answered. It was maddening. He talked for ages so I thought it was safe to inhale, at which precise point he would say: "What do you think?" Kept happening. Sinful waste of precious medicinal plant created by a loving generous God, that's what it is.
lol. Your Ari Gold at the start of the call, by the end your more beavis & butthead.
I can no longer mix work & weed for this very reason.
lol. Your Ari Gold at the start of the call, by the end your more beavis & butthead.
I can no longer mix work & weed for this very reason.

So you quit working. Very wise. I've only been in possession of my own stash for a couple of months now, so I'm still working out the boundaries and restraints I need to self-impose to prevent a major fuck-up. Any further ones, that is.

But it's a learning experience. Lesson of the month: never, ever, EVER get mashed before trying out Powerizers for the first time.