The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hello unlucky, it's the Oktober Beer Festival that is famous in Germany.

hello DST
what festival are you going on about ? ;-)
if its him and billy goin it'll be the Sexpestfest. lock up your chickens.
With the Krauts involved it wouldn't suprise me either dura.

Love it when a plan comes together D........Ill give u a bell laters. With dura the now and the bitch is cooking me a fry up
Nae bother pal. Laters....


Well-Known Member
Ive not even got a me Dura.

whisper- billy needs to b nice to dura, once he parts wae 15 giros it will b business as


Well-Known Member
Ive not even got a me Dura.

whisper- billy needs to b nice to dura, once he parts wae 15 giros it will b business as
ahm gonny string you up ya cunt!! ahm jist aff tye phone tae our mutual friend and it turns out sumbudy (this means you ya twat) didnt sort out that bloody cash issue wae him, ave jist had ma lug burned for 20 mins!!! yer bloody luck ah can jist manage tae cover ma arse with it . lol, ah fuckin KNEW ye were playin the dodgy card ya cunt, ye were shifty as fuck earlier. shiftier than usual i should say. so thats 185 off ma bill ya fucker, lol. in fact ah think ahll make it a nice round 2 ton seeing as you upped the original price anyway and then played me ya tosser.

fuckin north ayrshire chancers.


Well-Known Member
cannabis cup i'd piss it with the exo i just chopped recently. knocks ppl out gets ppl sacked, locker searches lockstock the fukin lot, it stinks
hard to beat the exo, i dont give a shit what any1 says hard to beat on a all rounder it has it all.

how long did u let it go? how much ya yield? and please say ya talking bout the clone-only and not the ghs version lol although i will admit the ghs fake is some nice smoke just not on par with the real mcoy or anything like it tbh.


Well-Known Member
ive got two clones i was told were exo but billy saw them and said they weren't, personally i dunno coz ive not grown it but maybe its the ghs fake. not that im really giving a shit as long as it yeilds i couldnt care fuckin less.
its all about the yeild, how cares what shit im flogging, never mind the quality feel the width.


Well-Known Member
ive got two clones i was told were exo but billy saw them and said they weren't, personally i dunno coz ive not grown it but maybe its the ghs fake. not that im really giving a shit as long as it yeilds i couldnt care fuckin less.
its all about the yeild, how cares what shit im flogging, never mind the quality feel the width.
i recently just smoked the ghs exo it taste nothing like the real deal but is deffo still a nice a weed, as for billy being a ''dodgy shifty fucker'' i refuse to beleive that slander against our pure sbill lmao

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ive got two clones i was told were exo but billy saw them and said they weren't, personally i dunno coz ive not grown it but maybe its the ghs fake. not that im really giving a shit as long as it yeilds i couldnt care fuckin less.
its all about the yeild, how cares what shit im flogging, never mind the quality feel the width.

He looked at his hash and said that it was real gold seal :D