The UK Growers Thread!

lol i meant do em cheaper so ya shift more lol

do ppl really pay £25 per clone? you would either get laughed at or hospitalised down this way if ya said to someone 25 each lol

of course they do lol id happily pay 200 for some of the clone-onlys 25 is cheap sae, i refused tutti at 200s yrs ago BIG regret.
sambo wayya mean WAS nuts>? ur stil fucking barmey lmao

ya can do the time for fines its COMPO u cant do the time for,, dont matter eitherway sambos too much of a pussy to say look send me to jail u muppet, to the judge,, ve done it,, even got extra 9 months for calling a stripe a prik! lmao

i just got 29 points on my last medical, the doc who did me at home propper sorted me out,, and wen i said did me i dont mean anally LMAO

i been on income supprt for about 10 yrs now, dla for abour 4, dont gt me wrong i like the money and a brand new car every 3 yrs but to be qwite honest, id rather be working, better feeling of fullfillment wen u done a weeks graft and payday hits! i used to love the bonusses and such, so wen im better i will go bak to work but wen u do go bak, u aint geting bak on ESA/IS anytime soon
sambo wayya mean WAS nuts>? ur stil fucking barmey lmao

ya can do the time for fines its COMPO u cant do the time for,, dont matter eitherway sambos too much of a pussy to say look send me to jail u muppet, to the judge,, ve done it,, even got extra 9 months for calling a stripe a prik! lmao

i just got 29 points on my last medical, the doc who did me at home propper sorted me out,, and wen i said did me i dont mean anally LMAO

i been on income supprt for about 10 yrs now, dla for abour 4, dont gt me wrong i like the money and a brand new car every 3 yrs but to be qwite honest, id rather be working, better feeling of fullfillment wen u done a weeks graft and payday hits! i used to love the bonusses and such, so wen im better i will go bak to work but wen u do go bak, u aint geting bak on ESA/IS anytime soon

i use to be a weighbridge operator in central london, rubbish cost ya 60quid a tonne to dump down there use to earn 1000s cause every cunt wanted to pay 30 a tonne and no receipt lol but tbh all the money sent me over the edge what with the drug consumption involved.

but no way ice am i game for nick no fucking way so congrats right twice in 1 night what u growin a brain or something??? lmao
fuck me i went crazy at my medical.......NO point you get thrown out and kicked off your benifits,post tromatic stress or some shit,they dont give a fuck what you have done for your countery,just YOU NEED TO LEAVE,twats
fuck off numpty u took the origanal deal ur not owed 3 bitch! i could always just blank ya n claim foreign hols lol

coz i had no choice u plum,, was that or nowt,, dont worry wont be until u change strain, done exo onto bigger better things,, ahahaha

fogign hols U CUNT!! ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME ME ME,, stop egging me on you fucker
£25 a clone and u got 30 sittin newuser, nice few pound there if ye can get rid of them. Fuck Ud be as well vegging plants out for clones rather than growin bud, at least u wouldn't have to deal with much smell lol
£25 a clone and u got 30 sittin newuser, nice few pound there if ye can get rid of them. Fuck Ud be as well vegging plants out for clones rather than growin bud, at least u wouldn't have to deal with much smell lol

na hel kill em all in a drug fuled love session in his tent, i need to get on with my room, my next grow willl be starting 1st week of jan
3x smellychery or watever ther called
ond hopefully 1 psycho

all in soil some in airpots sum not as i wont have the room for all in airpots lol
I'm thinkin now goin 16 instead of 18, in the 2 nine pot wilmas, leavin the middle plant out in each system to make a bit more room, I reckon ill bet better off
£25 a clone and u got 30 sittin newuser, nice few pound there if ye can get rid of them. Fuck Ud be as well vegging plants out for clones rather than growin bud, at least u wouldn't have to deal with much smell lol

i could get rid of em mg but is ballache m8 and new people i dont like to accept anything but bitcoins and with sango out the game coins aint easy to get, i will tick most them out to trusted sources but means a 10wk wait for payment.
sounds like a plan m8 u said last lot was too crowded.

Yeah m8, think ill do alright that way but the psycho for me seem to do well crowded of not lol. After this lot I'm only goina do 8, spread them out between the 2 nine pots and grow some fuckin monsters with them. Get too para with too many all the time

bit coins are a ballache m8, it was my m8 was always into sr more, benn tryin to get him to get on there and get some of a vendor but he's got no laptop at the min so its not easy
Yeah m8, think ill do alright that way but the psycho for me seem to do well crowded of not lol. After this lot I'm only goina do 8, spread them out between the 2 nine pots and grow some fuckin monsters with them. Get too para with too many all the time

im bout to flower 15 got 6 at the mo but another 9 going into flower soon, if it wasnt shitting on me own doorstep i.e me own gaff id be happy more than happy with more but i agree especially when ya smoking loads on top the para gets too much.

and with 15 in flower u then got mothers n the next batch of clones so gos 30+ and that i dont like
after u go over the 9 or 10 plant limit the charge stays the same until 20 plants so wether u do 11 or 19 its the same, sou may as well,, after 20 ur fucked eitherway coz ur classed as commenrcial,

i stil say get sum airpots in them wilmas be mint!
after u go over the 9 or 10 plant limit the charge stays the same until 20 plants so wether u do 11 or 19 its the same, sou may as well,, after 20 ur fucked eitherway coz ur classed as commenrcial,

i stil say get sum airpots in them wilmas be mint!

the latest sentance guidelines said up to 27 can still be classed as personal but im holding 30+ so yeah fucked lol
Yeah m8, think ill do alright that way but the psycho for me seem to do well crowded of not lol. After this lot I'm only goina do 8, spread them out between the 2 nine pots and grow some fuckin monsters with them. Get too para with too many all the time

bit coins are a ballache m8, it was my m8 was always into sr more, benn tryin to get him to get on there and get some of a vendor but he's got no laptop at the min so its not easy

ill help ya with that shit mg cost u a defqon or a ferrari shield tho lol
the latest sentance guidelines said up to 27 can still be classed as personal but im holding 30+ so yeah fucked lol

is it 27 before ur a commercial,, sorry wasent 100% but my point remains the same once u goover the lower limit, wih i think is 9 or 10 as thers 3 levels for amount of plants, anwyays once u go over the 9 or 10 plant limit wether u do 11 or 26 thers absolutely no diffrence the senteninc guuidenlines are the same