Well-Known Member
on that note ima turn the pc off n go watch the last of this ROC, night all
sorry sae wasnt even on the wind up was just asking m8, night.
on that note ima turn the pc off n go watch the last of this ROC, night all
Newuserlol killing the thread as per usual lol
sorry sae wasnt even on the wind up was just asking m8, night.
Piss my fucking self laughing ! Some people just don't get it m8 !
Popping in here laughing at our humour, who the fuck u think u are, where's ur input to the thread??
353 posts in 5yrs thats some input lmao still like the uk thread spirit m8 u on the vods too? lol
sorry sae wasnt even on the wind up was just asking m8, night.
sorry mate didnt see the other post ya posted, well since baby arrived weve jus been getting into more n more debt coz of ppl like the council keep cutting benefits thru mis-administration an stuff( for example every 6 months ya have to take all ya details, bank statements etc down to em to keep ya claim going, well they decided they wanted extra proof, didnt bother asking us for it and when we didnt supply it(coz they hadnt asked for it) they cut off our housing benefit for 2months leaving us an extra £1000 to find to cover it, an as you well know when ya got a kid theres very rarely spare money floating around, because we had to find the money from somewhere to keep a roof over our heads we had to take it from other bills then leaving us with extra needed to be found to pay them, because we couldnt pay them back in time as im only on a low wage they start adding fines n shit an it all snowballed from there.
Plus coz of the fucking nigerian landlord being a simpleton dodgy fucking mud hut dwelling, ongo bongo cow shagging idiot this whole house is dangerous an falling apart an he wont repair it so weve now had to go C.A.B n sue him coz the house is dangerous to have my daughter in so because of workmen keep coming round to do "estimates" (that never has the work done afterwards) I havent been able to grow since february so that 10months ive been out which has further fucked us over, at least when i was growing we could break even roughly ( i reckon im down about £10-20k by not being able to grow the last 10 month) because im not growing were now in debt with no way of paying it off so getting taken to court left right n centre
That's a shit situation sae, but I see how its come about now and when its all snowballing like that 1 debt rolls into another and it never stops not unless u got that extra money to get out the debt I.e the grow money, I'm lucky enough that both me and the missus have housing asc places so the rent is not a worry and repairs are done on time, and of course I can grow at my flat keeping it away from the kids but if I didn't have that flat I would be fucked I aint got no skills jobwise so I good job aint gonna happen anytime soon.
What's the plan then sae? Do ya fink ya landlord will ever pull his finger out n get the house sorted so u can get ya grow back on?
how much do you owe mate if you dont mind me asking? im only saying because i was in the same boat last year so i done a debt relief order thing. it wipes off debt of upto 7k i think. if you owe more you could just go bankrupt and try and make a new start in a council house. talk to C.A.B next time your down there
morning all, nice and fresh today and ready to get back behind the wheel. its fuckin great havin ma licence back, it really really really is.
Why's ya dad not speaking wit ya m8 cause of the 2k debt? Seems abit harsh seeing how the situation is for ya.
Morning m8
How long was ya banned for dura? Don't seem that long ago u crashed n all that malarky.