Well-Known Member
I got tiny ones too hence tha need fer sum sunshine, I heard a lot about the cape verde islands, yeh an fuk tippin I wont be doin that cos I am not a stupid tourist cunt despite the ray winstone yellow speedos an sombrero....jus hate partin wiv that sort of cashalready had a look at jamaica n read alot of reviews fuck all that tipping especially on a all inclusive lol plus i got a 1 yr old boy n 3yr girl will be there 1st hols bit worried bout em getting ill or something n being so far away, at least with the canary islands most are like mini england lol and temp are low to mid 20s in late nov wouldnt be my first choice, would really like to go to the cape verde its a group of islands off west africa fuck all on them but mega hotels and carribean like beaches but same again bit far out.