The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
IMG_20130804_143205_846.jpg hope this clears it up a bit that's the one in showed u on the left and on the right I'd say that's in pretty good health maybe a tad over fed. ;)


Well-Known Member
afternoon fukkerz how u all doing today? been out with the 3 kids all day so now im home its time to feed my girls and have a look in on the cuttings


Well-Known Member
Yehbthats what makes me think she doesn't need much food if she was hungry she'd all be yellowish. But to be honest give her a couple ofnplainnfeeds then back on the nutes she'll be fine lad


Well-Known Member
Easy Gazza what unsay in mate ??? I've fed the veggies today and flowers 2morra 5;plants take 30 ltrs near enough Lol big roots with them air pots


New Member
Greetings, Just a new grower from scotland.. Starting my first grow in september.. Just trying to work out everything at the moment.. Just dont understand the whole ventilation thing.. Am going to be using a tent i think and go for like 5 plants.. hope to get a journal up on here..


Well-Known Member
welcome punner, nice name.

feel free to ask newuserlol all kinds of questions, he's the really helpful one around here lol


New Member
I have never been in a flat with a grow and I can't find the answer to this question. I live in a block of 6 flats, I'm on the ground floor, is everyone around me going to smell it?

It's more complicated than I thought and I've started to research the basics but this could stop me in my tracks if everyone who walks past my door is going to get a heavy whiff. The best room for me to do it in is one that the hallway runs on the other side of going to the front door of the building.


Well-Known Member
just make shure u got a good filter....i think its a must if u live in flats....also get some ona block to mask smell.....or light few insense stiks ect.......but with a good filter u shld be ok....


Well-Known Member
Lookin.nice n clean now badger plenty of clones ;) b:ut tou should of been more ruthless lol and took em all off and WTF u doin with small green rizzla????? Lol u need these 1375631868474.jpg


New Member
I dont use my kitchen much, Was thinking about putting a tent in my kitchen , do u need to get air from another room for the tent or can i just get air from the kitchen aswell?


New Member
Its a funny situation pilchard cause am actaully in the same position as you except i only have one person living upstairs.. i was actaully worried about the noise?