for a first time cloner i dont think the bubble cloners are the way to go imo, heated prop, small light and jiffy pellets is best for beginners.
yeh i know im just trying diff method while i can mate, the props cumming bak here, i guess my room wasent hot enough as the box has never once steamed up, so il bring it bak here and put in airing cupboard same as i do me beans and stick the 6400k striplight over them and do it thataway
If you keep your random outbursts under control I'm refrain from being sarcastic when yer green finger turns septic like yer leg, how's about that?
random? no yorkie ur always trying to make out u know everything about everything, i have told u on numerous time u know wer i live so stoip talking shit on a keyboard and come roud and we will dance, simple, u got all bitchy making bullshit claims about mebeing dishonest about clones u gave me, so firstly i wasent, 2ndly u gave them to me so i can wateve rthe fuk i want with them, u need to stop with all ur regurgetated web bollox, u read on diffrent forums, the guys on here who actually matter including me know ur not too bad but ur just too fucking full of yourself mate, honestly stop talking like u know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING and ther wont eb any issues, ive tried being nice and u stil get on your soap box, i offer u round, and u decline,
and all u do is mention my leg? really? how u know its not healed? it might be? its not like but u know absolutely fuk all about it.
and shwaney mate ur off your nut having that in same garden wer ur op is, mate really? thats too many valium, fucked ur mind