The UK Growers Thread!

my favourite stone wise of the clone onlies...fukin stinks and beautiful golden green colour, no wonder its a legend, im in the zone with it ummmmm
These little ones are just starting to stink up proper, they're small but it's starting to get acrid when you're up close.


Active Member
hi guys an gals i need a lil help my mate who lives in the uk has just set up in his bedroom 2 tents 1mx1m and a 1.2x1.2 both 2m tall has 6inch extractor filter ect. the room has a chimney which is unused and a vent on exterior wall. whats best way to vent?
2. vent on exterior wall
3. into loft (not sure if its insulated)
4. out of tent into bedroom( will it get to hot to sleep in)

he lives with family and smell and noise is a issue house is rented.

any advice is welcome also would lie to know what setup ventilation wise you are running and for how long?
to many grows getting busted round here so we are worried about flir

oh and ive read loads already and all different ways but id like advice from fellow uk growers

and i used ripen a few times if i need to force it early but normally just flush with water and mollases and for hydro use royal jelly (vitimin)
hi guys an gals i need a lil help my mate who lives in the uk has just set up in his bedroom 2 tents 1mx1m and a 1.2x1.2 both 2m tall has 6inch extractor filter ect. the room has a chimney which is unused and a vent on exterior wall. whats best way to vent?
2. vent on exterior wall
3. into loft (not sure if its insulated)
4. out of tent into bedroom( will it get to hot to sleep in)

he lives with family and smell and noise is a issue house is rented.

any advice is welcome also would lie to know what setup ventilation wise you are running and for how long?
to many grows getting busted round here so we are worried about flir
Wrong place at the wrong time mate......

And 5 posts in 3 years makes you a lazy bastard.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Only really organic guys Tip Top. Just because you don't see a problem doesn't mean there isn't one, you should know better than that.

Assumption? I will guarantee that if somebody pays attention to EC and PH properly they will have better weed all round than if they didn't.
Just like I can guarantee that if I stop paying attention to my PH and EC my crops will turn to shit.

Too much smoke being blown up too many peoples arses, if you're not striving to produce the best shit you can then what's the fucking point?
Nobody can tell me they're producing top quality by chucking it all in a bucket and fuck it'll be right (other than organics), bollocks.
Then you clearly are not as good a grower as you think if you think it requires ec tests and such in order to grow good bud. I completely stopped paying attention to EC and ph with my hydro, my crops continued doing exactly as they'd always done. When i had bad crops, that was because i fucked up, i.e forgot to refill the bucket. Growing good weed is not rocket science. I bought my EC metyer because everyone told me it was essential with hydro, a few grows and i realized that was a load of bollocks.

And if you don't strive to grow the best what's the point? That's like saying unless you're going to cook michelin star quality food for dinner at home, what's the point. From my experience, i can strive to grow the best if i want, and it doesn't require an e meter to do so. Stop trying to force your own experiences on others. We can grow great weed without an ec meter, and unless you have very very hard water, without a ph meter. Don't be sour because you're not capable of this.

And that burnt up shite you claim he grows, well news flash, he grows fucking fantastic weed. He had his period of shit hitting the fan, as all growers have at some point, but the guy sent me stuff once he was dialed in, and it was as good as i've ever had.

You seem very sour. What's the real issue? We can grow without makiong it into a science lesson, you don't seem to be able to. Grow up and deal with it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Wrong place at the wrong time mate......

And 5 posts in 3 years makes you a lazy bastard.
you clearly do not understand the piont of this thread. Why not just leave? The guy is more than welcome to post newbie queestions in here, we all have. This thread is basically the UK version of the forum because we were all getting fed up talking with head up their arse medical yanks.

Man up of fuck off. You clearly have the wrong attitude for this place ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hi guys an gals i need a lil help my mate who lives in the uk has just set up in his bedroom 2 tents 1mx1m and a 1.2x1.2 both 2m tall has 6inch extractor filter ect. the room has a chimney which is unused and a vent on exterior wall. whats best way to vent?
2. vent on exterior wall
3. into loft (not sure if its insulated)
4. out of tent into bedroom( will it get to hot to sleep in)

he lives with family and smell and noise is a issue house is rented.

any advice is welcome also would lie to know what setup ventilation wise you are running and for how long?
to many grows getting busted round here so we are worried about flir

oh and ive read loads already and all different ways but id like advice from fellow uk growers

and i used ripen a few times if i need to force it early but normally just flush with water and mollases and for hydro use royal jelly (vitimin)
It depends on the lighting really. I used a big CFL and a 600whs and vented into my loft. It was not insulated at all. I never had an issue. Had police choppers around all the time and even had a bbc documentary have a helicopter with FLIR scan straight across the rooves on my street including mine. Never got a knock on the door.

That is the only way i ever did it and encountered narry an issue, but can't comment on others, although i'd have thought wall vent would be a safer bet than chimney. As to venting into bedroom, it could indeed get quite sticky. You'll also then be recycling the old air back into the tents. as to ventilation, keep it going 24/7

Just remember, police suspicion is almost as big an issue as your heat signature. was a couple of years ago that cops turned up on a womans doorstep with a search warrant for a cannabis farm, for what turned out to be nothing more than a heater in her garage that was used to keep hamsters warm. Their cameras are GOOD. It's about not giving them any reason to think it might be anything suspicious.


Well-Known Member
hi guys an gals i need a lil help my mate who lives in the uk has just set up in his bedroom 2 tents 1mx1m and a 1.2x1.2 both 2m tall has 6inch extractor filter ect. the room has a chimney which is unused and a vent on exterior wall. whats best way to vent?
2. vent on exterior wall
3. into loft (not sure if its insulated)
4. out of tent into bedroom( will it get to hot to sleep in)

he lives with family and smell and noise is a issue house is rented.

any advice is welcome also would lie to know what setup ventilation wise you are running and for how long?
to many grows getting busted round here so we are worried about flir

oh and ive read loads already and all different ways but id like advice from fellow uk growers

and i used ripen a few times if i need to force it early but normally just flush with water and mollases and for hydro use royal jelly (vitimin)
man im wasted now...i..chimney, ii I vent into house, iii 2 busts in 2 weeks plus a big global bust, iv flir is a reality.....aaaaaaaaaaaaannnd number 5 I don't flush mrs is furious
Then you clearly are not as good a grower as you think if you think it requires ec tests and such in order to grow good bud. I completely stopped paying attention to EC and ph with my hydro, my crops continued doing exactly as they'd always done. When i had bad crops, that was because i fucked up, i.e forgot to refill the bucket. Growing good weed is not rocket science. I bought my EC metyer because everyone told me it was essential with hydro, a few grows and i realized that was a load of bollocks.

And if you don't strive to grow the best what's the point? That's like saying unless you're going to cook michelin star quality food for dinner at home, what's the point. From my experience, i can strive to grow the best if i want, and it doesn't require an e meter to do so. Stop trying to force your own experiences on others. We can grow great weed without an ec meter, and unless you have very very hard water, without a ph meter. Don't be sour because you're not capable of this.

And that burnt up shite you claim he grows, well news flash, he grows fucking fantastic weed. He had his period of shit hitting the fan, as all growers have at some point, but the guy sent me stuff once he was dialed in, and it was as good as i've ever had.

You seem very sour. What's the real issue? We can grow without makiong it into a science lesson, you don't seem to be able to. Grow up and deal with it.
Growing weed is easy, growing good weed is not.
Like I said I'll pay for the lab tests.

No it's not at all, how many people are capable of creating a Michelin starred meal at home?
I always cook the best food I am capable of, I grow the best weed I'm capable of.
Everybody is capable of producing better weed if you pay attention to the plants PH and EC requirements.

Period of shit hitting the fan? Then you're as deluded as he is because he hasn't shown a healthy, good looking plant since he's been here or you've always had shit weed.
You've yet to sample any of mine mate, but it's not far off.


Active Member
5 posts in 3 years, you come here wanting quick answers to something you could have learnt in those 3 years without even logging in.

Makes you a lazy bastard.

how about u and me dont tlk . and for ur info the last 3 years ive learnt mainly large empty houses never did a tent in a family house but in ur last 2 months on here your clearly now the wizard of oz. lol if you have nothing good to say why say it?? go smoke a joint and chill seriously plse dont talk to me cus i dont wanna end up being rude and lookin like a dick.

thanks tip top tokerthinking loft aswell there will only be one 600whps on at any one time but ive read that it gets wet /rains? did you notice any damp?
we get choppers roundhere every day

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
125 posts and dictating how weed must be grown and telling established growers they grow shit.

Makes you and arrogant cunt.
Lol, you should pop by the thread a little more often Tip Top.

Shit changes! ;)

how about u and me dont tlk . and for ur info the last 3 years ive learnt mainly large empty houses never did a tent in a family house but in ur last 2 months on here your clearly now the wizard of oz. lol if you have nothing good to say why say it?? go smoke a joint and chill seriously plse dont talk to me cus i dont wanna end up being rude and lookin like a dick.
After you've stopped assuming you can say what you like in here, nobody will hold it against you.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Growing weed is easy, growing good weed is not.
Like I said I'll pay for the lab tests.

No it's not at all, how many people are capable of creating a Michelin starred meal at home?
I always cook the best food I am capable of, I grow the best weed I'm capable of.
Everybody is capable of producing better weed if you pay attention to the plants PH and EC requirements.

Period of shit hitting the fan? Then you're as deluded as he is because he hasn't shown a healthy, good looking plant since he's been here or you've always had shit weed.
You've yet to sample any of mine mate, but it's not far off.
Then post me some, and i'll give you a fair opinion. I am not on anyones side so to speak, i am simply stating it how it is. I have had weed from numerous members on this forum, his was up there with the best of them. I don't know if i recall seeing more than 1 or 2 pictures of his plants, i can't recall a thing about them, but it does not change one thing, his stuff was fantastic.

And yes, it is easy to grow good weed.

And everyone is capable of cooking a michelin star meal at home, if they strive for the best, then they can do it. You seem to miss the point. I'll keep it in this context though, I am a chef by trade, i have been taught michelin quality food from my former chef, yet when i'm at home, i might cook food of that standard, or i might just make a quick in my mind, average dish, like i did last night. Why is striving for the best a requirement? Some people are happy to have a halfway house.

These members grow fantastic weed, few of them bother with ec let alone ph, so how do they do it. You cannot be as ignorant as to claim to know the quality of something you never looked at, smelt, or smoked? You are also now making claims about what i've smoked, you cannot in any way have any idea whatsoever what i have smoked, yet you have the audacity to state that i must smoke shit weed. You know nothing about me or what i've smoked, how could you even to begin to think a claim like yours would be taken in any serious manner.