The Ultimate Odour Control Thread


Well-Known Member
Depends on the quality of the filter and the fan. There are some DIY's on here that work pretty well but if you need total stealth than you need a professional filter and fan set-up.

who makes a good fan/filter setup? the cabinet i am going to be growing in is going to be about 30" wide X 24" deep and about 30" to 36" tall and i will only be growing a couple plants in it. does anyone have any suggestions?
Very new to growing here here but are these activated carbon filters the way to go? Would you not be better with something along these line, (A rebreather scrubber - the shiny silver tank) - perhaps replace the sofnolime with activated carbon - they are a lot cheaper than what the hydo shops sell - plus not to mention they are rated and what not for life support - way over kill for filtering essentially bad smells at no pressure - if they can supply medical grade air at 100 m below the surface - figured they would filter a grow room/cabinet no problem???

I'm basically asking in a long winded way if anyone has had a look at what divers and the diving industry do for their air filtration and management?

And on a side note has any of the growers here looked at using diving supplies instead of the standard hydro shop supplies - divers use activated carbon by the ton for air filtration, molecular sieve, ... among other things - I used to supply my local surgery with activated carbon,not trying to sell crap just wondering if any of the growers on here have tried anything like that?? I'm seriously considering buying another oxygen regulator and tank instead of the CO2 systems - I see no difference other than price and gas - and CO2 is a cheaper gas than O2, not to mention all the environmental monitoring sensors

My edit:

In case your going WTF diving equipment!?!?! a CO2 scrubber and the activated carbon filters seem to have bugger all differences except for efficiency and price, a CO2 scrubber has way more efficient gas flow, forcing the gas over as large a surface area as possible - if not there would be a lot of dead divers


Well-Known Member
has anyone tried stuffing dryer sheets in the exhaust, just a thought for a really cheap odor control.


Well-Known Member
my first plant didnt stink a bit, the two i just put into flower :400w hps" 3 days ago are freaking me out! I have 2 ona progels on the way and im going to hang some charcoal round the site. They only seem to smell right after feedings and about an hour before they wake up. Its such a good stink!:hump:


Well-Known Member
My last grow of white widow didn't have too bad a smell. But right after I watered them, for the next few hours it smelled like a glue factory. Almost like airplane glue.


Well-Known Member
I have a DIY carbon scrubber I made and it works good. I have tried the ONA machine and that works good too. But in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering the smell from a skunky strain can get really bad. I exhaust to the chimney but you can still smell the skunk odors outside my house even through my carbon scrubber. I purchased a 1.5 quart crock pot the other day. I filled it with 3/4 white distilled vinegar and 1/4 lemon juice. In a hour the smell is absorbed with the vinegar/lemon smell. You can't smell the skunk odor outside either. This is the best and most inexpensive solution I have found. The crock pot was $10.00, gal of vinegar $2.00, and bottle of lemon juice was $2.00. I have also used glade plugins around the house but for the grow room the vinegar works great. The ONA works good too but I'm not sure you want it in the grow room because of the strong bathroom smell. Plus it is also expensive and goes pretty quickly.


Hi everyone, need a little quick advise, I'm looking to grow around 10-15 plants and I'm swaying towards growing Auto AK47 but I know these plants give of quite a smell and I really don't want my house to be overwhelmed with the smell of weed, as lovely as it sounds it would be far too jail bait and the neighbors might call the cops. My grow room will be sealed off and I'll be running a 6'' Carbon filtered extractor fan. May also buy 2 or 3 Ona Gels, will this be enough to keep my house from being overwhelmed by the smell of weed?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
sounds like that should cover it. just pout your ONA into several cups so you can place some outside of your grow space for those lingering smells.


Can someone help me....
Im looking to grow one plant in a big pc case but im worried about the smell (live with my dad), im going to fit a 4"inline fan carbon filter.
Do you think it will make any smell?
Im worried! :S


Well-Known Member
get ona gel. it can be placed anywhere, and it works well. if your on a tight budget then it may not be for you. its about $20.00 a quart, but it should last an enture grow for your size space. carbon filtres reduce to much air flow.