The Union... The Business Behind Getting High


Well-Known Member
I think I'll have to watch this it seems like its been getting mentioned allot around here lately.It better be something interesting about weed an not some conspiracy theory bullshit.

Sr. Verde

I think I'll have to watch this it seems like its been getting mentioned allot around here lately.It better be something interesting about weed an not some conspiracy theory bullshit.
No it's not. It's REALLY interesting actually. It basically talks about the whole structure of selling weed. Where it comes from, how it gets across the border (CAN to US), who grows it, where it ends up, for how much, and the motives behind it all. They talk to growers (black faces) go to grow ops, talk to medical patients, Harvard professors, all VERY well done. All solid information I wasn't sitting there like "Well that's sort of true but they make it sound worse..."

What exactly is it? Before I get all excited
A documentary on cannabis, both street selling, the culture, the medical industry, pretty much everything.

The Union is definitely one of the better/more informative documentaries out there...
This I agree with. It kept my attention throughout the whole thing. Interesting music, interviews, very TO THE POINT. And they way they showed you information was equally interesting.

I'm going to go watch this now actually

Links are below


Torrent link:

uTorrent(If you dont know what torrents are, download this small unintrusive program and download the above, google what torrents are about if youd like):


Well-Known Member
I hope you all liked it..... sorry I posted and passed out LOL....... Imma watch both these video's again right now tho hehe

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you're a dick :P i was busy watching lost, paused to start the lecture video thing, and am now torn between both with 45 minutes before i have to get to be. batty crease!!!!

it's very interesting :)


Well-Known Member
you're a dick :P i was busy watching lost, paused to start the lecture video thing, and am now torn between both with 45 minutes before i have to get to be. batty crease!!!!

it's very interesting :)

Lol Sorry I just Downloaded All The Lost Seasons Myself 35GB worth lol It takes about 1 1/2 days straight to watch one season of lost and Only 3 hours To See these Hehebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I stayed up till 2.30am watching this little gem, and it needs to be broadcast throughout the world... It should be required viewing..

I actually found myself crying (hey I am a girl)... We have such an uphill battle, no matter which way you look at it..

We need to keep letting our politicians know that we will not stand for lies anymore... The person is smart, but people are stupid and they are relying on exactly that assumption...

When will the peaceful revolution happen? We are the governments worst nightmare, free thinkers who know the truth..

Here's some medical truth for you....

I am gonna put this out there and let you know that with both my pregnancies, it felt more like a disease than a blessing... I was sick from the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning until I went back to bed at night. Violently ill... Human Growth Hormone made my life a living hell...

The only thing I could use, in order to keep the morning sickness at bay and to give me an appetite, which I needed in order to nourish my growing baby, was marijuana... I was not stressed, the baby was fine, he wasn't born small or deformed, he was a bonny lad....African women have been doing this for thousands of years I now know, :weed:

The only drugs a pregnant woman can take is paracetamol, everything else is too dangerous for the fetus, my children are both bright and healthy specimens of what this amazing plant can do...:clap:

Everyone in my husbands immediate family are Diabetic, being either type 1 or 2. They are genetically predisposed to recieve this conditon. My hubby has been smoking Mj for over ten years and he has yet to be diagnosed with it... This is weird as his twin brother has type 2. He doesn't partake of the weed... There are studies proving THC can prevent the onset of Diabetes with good diet...

How long will it take for people to wake up? I wonder will it be in my lifetime???

Sad, confused and exhilarated all at the same time..



Well-Known Member
I stayed up till 2.30am watching this little gem, and it needs to be broadcast throughout the world... It should be required viewing..

I actually found myself crying (hey I am a girl)... We have such an uphill battle, no matter which way you look at it..

We need to keep letting our politicians know that we will not stand for lies anymore... The person is smart, but people are stupid and they are relying on exactly that assumption...

When will the peaceful revolution happen? We are the governments worst nightmare, free thinkers who know the truth..

Here's some medical truth for you....

I am gonna put this out there and let you know that with both my pregnancies, it felt more like a disease than a blessing... I was sick from the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning until I went back to bed at night. Violently ill... Human Growth Hormone made my life a living hell...

The only thing I could use, in order to keep the morning sickness at bay and to give me an appetite, which I needed in order to nourish my growing baby, was marijuana... I was not stressed, the baby was fine, he wasn't born small or deformed, he was a bonny lad....African women have been doing this for thousands of years I now know, :weed:

The only drugs a pregnant woman can take is paracetamol, everything else is too dangerous for the fetus, my children are both bright and healthy specimens of what this amazing plant can do...:clap:

Everyone in my husbands immediate family are Diabetic, being either type 1 or 2. They are genetically predisposed to recieve this conditon. My hubby has been smoking Mj for over ten years and he has yet to be diagnosed with it... This is weird as his twin brother has type 2. He doesn't partake of the weed... There are studies proving THC can prevent the onset of Diabetes with good diet...

How long will it take for people to wake up? I wonder will it be in my lifetime???

Sad, confused and exhilarated all at the same time..

My girl Uses Cannabis For Her Tummy As my unborn Son Really Likes to Rough Up her insides and she has A double uterus Which Means she will Give birth prematurely no matter what .... It helps Her Out so much She says there's nothing else Like it for relief....

And I also Got Choked Up During The talk with that guy With MS He took that hit it settled Him Down And I got Choked Up and I'm A guy ^^
It is a truly amazing Plant And is so Unjust to lock people up for using it...


Well-Known Member
My girl Uses Cannabis For Her Tummy As my unborn Son Really Likes to Rough Up her insides and she has A double uterus Which Means she will Give birth prematurely no matter what .... It helps Her Out so much She says there's nothing else Like it for relief....

And I also Got Choked Up During The talk with that guy With MS He took that hit it settled Him Down And I got Choked Up and I'm A guy ^^
It is a truly amazing Plant And is so Unjust to lock people up for using it...
You tell your girl, I love her and to take good care of your unborn... He's already getting a great start to life...:-) I had boys too, so more power to her...Natural herbs, much better than paracetamol...:-) Hang in there with the pregnancy, its not always easy... Thoughts are with the three of you..:-)



New Member
Great documentary, very informative yet entertaining all the way through. I got choked up a few times too.

Netflix has it on instant watch. I gave them false info and got another free trial just to watch it...


Well-Known Member
Someone out there is bound to need a good movie to watch tonight anyways why not make it these :p


Well-Known Member
I showed this movie to my family during the holiday's and now they are all for legalization. Pretty funny. Lol.
Don't say i'm underage because I was visiting from my house. Just saying. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Here's another good one to watch It lays it out very Transparently Gotta Love It :)



Well-Known Member
Well I just watched it. IMO it is the best marijuana documentary I have ever seen. You will all enjoy it. It will infuriate you.