The United States of America?

We are united for just two weeks, every four years, during the summer Olympics (except this time). Then, it's back to the Confederate States vs. Progress.
You forgot St. Pat's Day, we get pretty united in drinking our arses off :)
God bless the Irish for bringing an air of civility to this land & the World, even though it only lasts for 24 hours :)
We all become Irish for a day worldwide, which is very cool, indeed :)




What a fairy tail/load of shite that statement is, written by some wealthy old white land/slave owners in 1776 that is/was a fantasy
We've NEVER been United and if you have ever read American history, you would know that.(We did unite though in killing Natives, but that was easy)
Really, tell me how the fuck could we be ever be considered United?
From the beginning of this Nation, starting with the Pilgrims actually there has been religious intolerance as a divide, which has never actually gone away.
It used to be Protestants vs Catholics, Mormons had a hard time and the time honored favorite Religion to attack/vilify, the Jews.
Now the go-to Religion to hate is Muslim (we can all despise them/it right?)
Then we mustn't forget State vs State, starting in New England
Massachusetts vs Vermont/Vermont vs New Hampshire. No one bothered Rhode Island, everyone felt sorry for them :)
But, the most demonstrably obvious example of how divided we are (not were, are) was the Civil War, which to this day was the most costly war in causalities in American history.
We slaughtered each other, North vs South with gleeful abandon for four fucking years, all over slavery, to free the Black man.
That worked out well for the Blacks in this country, right?
After all, that made slaves/Blacks officially American citizens, and as this statement "All men are created equal" is included in the Constitution of the United States (I'm laughing hysterically now :) ), they're good to go right ?(ask George Floyd/ Oh, you can't can you because he was fucking murdered by a White cop)
So, here we are in 2021, just one Big Happy Family, right?
I mean adversity (Covid in this case, not a War for a change ) brings people together, that's the American way, right?
Well, that bullshit, at least the "United" States"/all men are created equal bullshit, has never, ever in the fucking History of this country been so obviously exposed as to what it is, pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT!!!!!!
We fucking hate each other.
East Coast vs West Coast/North vs South/Blacks against Whites & Whites against Blacks/ & everyone against those immigrants, those dirty, criminal minded job stealers & possibly Socialist/Communist/Muslim.
And now we have the COVID-19 & the Delta virus, which in theory should unite this country against a common threat.
But nope, the Reality of how divided/fucked up we are is on full display now.
Here is a map that's an example of how divided we are today, and the Great Divider is Republican's vs Democrats or Red State vs Blue.

View attachment 4952300

And the Genie that pulled out of the bottle all of the hate/awfulness of this Country and smacked us right in the face with it, was this motherfucker Trump, who today if he ran again for POTUS, would receive 97% of the Republican vote, which represents over a third of this Country,

View attachment 4952301
Fucking great, huh?

I think the important thing to remember is that the stated ideals were the goal, and were not a claim of achievement. The words which we appeared to embrace hypocritically, were included for the purpose of righting wrongs in the future. It's the same words which brought about civil rights, words which appear to be in conflict with subversive and systemic racism today, that will help correct them tomorrow. It's okay to say, "we should not eat red meat" while mowing down on a hamburger, because you start with stating what's right, then work on how make it happen.
What a fairy tail/load of shite that statement is, written by some wealthy old white land/slave owners in 1776 that is/was a fantasy
We've NEVER been United and if you have ever read American history, you would know that.(We did unite though in killing Natives, but that was easy)
Really, tell me how the fuck could we be ever be considered United?
From the beginning of this Nation, starting with the Pilgrims actually there has been religious intolerance as a divide, which has never actually gone away.
It used to be Protestants vs Catholics, Mormons had a hard time and the time honored favorite Religion to attack/vilify, the Jews.
Now the go-to Religion to hate is Muslim (we can all despise them/it right?)
Then we mustn't forget State vs State, starting in New England
Massachusetts vs Vermont/Vermont vs New Hampshire. No one bothered Rhode Island, everyone felt sorry for them :)
But, the most demonstrably obvious example of how divided we are (not were, are) was the Civil War, which to this day was the most costly war in causalities in American history.
We slaughtered each other, North vs South with gleeful abandon for four fucking years, all over slavery, to free the Black man.
That worked out well for the Blacks in this country, right?
After all, that made slaves/Blacks officially American citizens, and as this statement "All men are created equal" is included in the Constitution of the United States (I'm laughing hysterically now :) ), they're good to go right ?(ask George Floyd/ Oh, you can't can you because he was fucking murdered by a White cop)
So, here we are in 2021, just one Big Happy Family, right?
I mean adversity (Covid in this case, not a War for a change ) brings people together, that's the American way, right?
Well, that bullshit, at least the "United" States"/all men are created equal bullshit, has never, ever in the fucking History of this country been so obviously exposed as to what it is, pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT!!!!!!
We fucking hate each other.
East Coast vs West Coast/North vs South/Blacks against Whites & Whites against Blacks/ & everyone against those immigrants, those dirty, criminal minded job stealers & possibly Socialist/Communist/Muslim.
And now we have the COVID-19 & the Delta virus, which in theory should unite this country against a common threat.
But nope, the Reality of how divided/fucked up we are is on full display now.
Here is a map that's an example of how divided we are today, and the Great Divider is Republican's vs Democrats or Red State vs Blue.

View attachment 4952300

And the Genie that pulled out of the bottle all of the hate/awfulness of this Country and smacked us right in the face with it, was this motherfucker Trump, who today if he ran again for POTUS, would receive 97% of the Republican vote, which represents over a third of this Country,

View attachment 4952301
Fucking great, huh?

Curious if you can name any point in human history where everyone agreed with each other, religions got along, natives were not displaced by foreign invaders, and everyone was treated equally? Especially a non homogeneous nation**

As I write this I am in disagreement with you, but I do not hate you. Your post solidifies the reality we will never be “United” by our view of the nation, or the world for that matter. We must agree to disagree with civility. We are different.

That’s why in my opinion, protecting the rights of the individual are so important. When you start painting groups of people with a wide brush like “black people” or “white people” making generalized statements about who they are, or what they’ve done as a people, you justify silencing them. It’s the same kind of thinking that leads to genocide, which repeats itself throughout human history.

The blueprint that is the US constitution and the Bill Of Rights, grant more rights to the individual than any government formed prior. Its imperfect, as we humans are imperfect. Social norms change over time, but the pursuit of life liberty and happiness is a constant. It’s the responsibility of the republic to remain engaged (suffrage, civil rights movement, etc.) but the reality is too little of the population is; beyond voting every four years.

Trump's rough day hints at limits of his power over GOP

WASHINGTON — For someone his political party still can’t quit, Donald Trump sure had a rough day on Tuesday.

The House’s Jan. 6 committee heard testimony from the Capitol police who fought with rioters on that day, with excommunicated Republican Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Il., taking starring roles on the committee.

Notably, Trump didn’t comment on yesterday’s testimony (but he did fire off statements on masks, crime and the Ohio-15 special election).

Then Trump’s endorsed candidate in Texas' 6th Congressional District — Republican Susan Wright — lost to fellow Republican Jake Ellzey, demonstrating the limits to a Trump endorsement, even in a low-turnout runoff. (George P. Bush, you can breathe a sigh of relief.)

And as of publication time, Trump hadn’t commented on that setback, either.

Since Trump left office and especially after Jan. 6, Republican leaders have tried different ways to deal with the former president.

They’ve appeased him, traveling to Mar a Lago or Bedminster to break bread with him. They’ve tried to sidestep questions about him. And they’ve warned about what might happen to the party if they lose Trump’s base of voters.

But they’ve never to tried to marginalize a former president who, it turns out, doesn’t have as much power as they think he does.

Data Download: The numbers you need to know today
53.3 percent: The share of the vote Republican Jake Ellzey got in yesterday’s Texas runoff.

46.7 percent: The share fellow Republican Susan Wright got.

Over 300 percent: The increase in U.S. Covid cases nationally since June 19th, per the CDC director.

3,177: Tokyo’s number of new, daily cases on Wednesday, the second-straight day the city set its record for highest daily cases.

17 percentile points: The decline in math achievement for Latino third graders in the spring of 2021 compared to 2019, according to a new report. Students in other minority groups also saw outsized declines in achievement during the pandemic.

24 percent: The share of white evangelicals who say they won’t be vaccinated for Covid as a new study shows higher rates of vaccine resistance among evangelical Christians.

342,607,540: The number of vaccine doses administered in the U.S., per the CDC. (That’s 395,489 since yesterday morning.)

49.2 percent: The share of all Americans who are fully vaccinated, per the CDC.

60.1 percent: The share of all American adults at least 18 years of age who are fully vaccinated, per CDC.