The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World


Well-Known Member
There were a total of 151 Americans killed in 2012 as a result of mass shootings.
That same year, over 260 Americans died each day from prescription drug overdose.


Well-Known Member
There were a total of 151 Americans killed in 2012 as a result of mass shootings.
That same year, over 260 Americans died each day from prescription drug overdose.
might as well argue that seatbelts and speed limits are pointless because so many more people die from heart disease.


Well-Known Member
There were a total of 151 Americans killed in 2012 as a result of mass shootings.
That same year, over 260 Americans died each day from prescription drug overdose.
So what you are saying is that prescription drugs are mass killers to the tune of 400 times more than all the guns in the USA combined?

Yet no one is calling for the ban of prescription drugs or only allowing you to take a maximum of up to 10 doses in any one lifetime.


Well-Known Member
sure, you could also make a great case for why mental retardation is easier than being capable of rational thought.
I just thought that a concerned and compassionate person as yourself, would jump at the chance to advocate safe prescription drug use.
Your gallant purpose is to save innocent american lives, amirite?


Well-Known Member
I just thought that a concerned and compassionate person as yourself, would jump at the chance to advocate safe prescription drug use.
Your gallant purpose is to save innocent american lives, amirite?
did you miss the dozen references i made to gun massacres, kiddo?


Well-Known Member
did you miss the dozen references i made to gun massacres, kiddo?
No I did not, did you miss the data I made available to you about prescription drug deaths that dwarfed the amount of mass shootings?
If your heart is really in the humanitarian cause to save innocent lives, wouldn't your efforts be much more useful and effective advocating safe drug use?


Well-Known Member
No I did not, did you miss the data I made available to you about prescription drug deaths that dwarfed the amount of mass shootings?
by that same logic, we should stop focusing on seat belts, airbags, and speed limits since heart disease kills more people.

how many more times do you need to repeat a fallacy before you are aware that it is a fallacy?

i guess stupid people just don't realize when they are being stupid because they are stupid.


Well-Known Member
Seat belts, airbags, and speed limits are not the problem, nor the solution. People are the problem, get rid of them and all your problems go away, except for some new ones that happen because no people are around.


Well-Known Member
More romantic nonsense. Pot was made illegal a long time ago, Pot is here to stay and it did not cost millions of lives for it to have been made illegal. Alcohol was made illegal and that didn't cost millions of lives either.

Suppose next week the second amendment were repealed, whom would you shoot?
How is it romantic nonsense? Do you have upwards of 3,300 Lb bears capable of running 35mph running wild through your back yard that could kill you without effort? Or Mountain Lions that could kill you before you even knew you were prey? Wolves that will play with your mangled body and leave you half dead? It's not romantic nonsense, I have seen at least 15 people who have been killed or seriously mauled by wildlife in my previous line of work. I live in the woods with the animals, I choose to live my life that way. The animals were given weapons built into their bodies, strength, agility, a will to live and lethal instincts.
We were given a will to live and brains, we used our brains from the first days to create weapons to survive. I am just lucky enough to own an Ar-15 and not have to sharpen sticks to defend myself from something that is as big and weighs as much as your Prius with 4" claws and a massive set of teeth.

Pepper spray is not as effective as the marketing campaign's would have you believe, plenty of people end up dead from a bear covered in seasoning. You know what will stop them a gun.
It's a way of life, when you go out to your truck at night you grab your pistol. In the summer I see sometimes 2 or 3 bears a day roaming in my yard and a mountain loin killing baby deer usually twice a spring. I have to keep my trash in 1/4 plate steel trash containers that are lagged to the ground with 3/4" lags, and that's the law. I have seen those containers tipped over with the concrete pad still attached.

There are some parts in the Alaska wilderness you are not legally allowed to go without a firearm.

And why would I shoot someone? If it were repealed I would hide them very well till another politician or a war put them back in their rightful place. No need to kill anyone just because they have different views than me, or they were just doing what a moronic regime told them to.

And if you think just a few thousand would die your nuts you vastly underestimate how much people love their guns in America. The people have a right to keep and bear arms. If you choose to not own a firearm that is your right, but if your neighbor wants to own guns let him be.

There are plenty of worse thing's in the world than a gun...


Well-Known Member
How is it romantic nonsense? Do you have upwards of 3,300 Lb bears capable of running 35mph running wild through your back yard that could kill you without effort? Or Mountain Lions that could kill you before you even knew you were prey? Wolves that will play with your mangled body and leave you half dead? It's not romantic nonsense, I have seen at least 15 people who have been killed or seriously mauled by wildlife in my previous line of work. I live in the woods with the animals, I choose to live my life that way. The animals were given weapons built into their bodies, strength, agility, a will to live and lethal instincts.
We were given a will to live and brains, we used our brains from the first days to create weapons to survive. I am just lucky enough to own an Ar-15 and not have to sharpen sticks to defend myself from something that is as big and weighs as much as your Prius with 4" claws and a massive set of teeth.

Pepper spray is not as effective as the marketing campaign's would have you believe, plenty of people end up dead from a bear covered in seasoning. You know what will stop them a gun.
It's a way of life, when you go out to your truck at night you grab your pistol. In the summer I see sometimes 2 or 3 bears a day roaming in my yard and a mountain loin killing baby deer usually twice a spring. I have to keep my trash in 1/4 plate steel trash containers that are lagged to the ground with 3/4" lags, and that's the law. I have seen those containers tipped over with the concrete pad still attached.

There are some parts in the Alaska wilderness you are not legally allowed to go without a firearm.

And why would I shoot someone? If it were repealed I would hide them very well till another politician or a war put them back in their rightful place. No need to kill anyone just because they have different views than me, or they were just doing what a moronic regime told them to.

And if you think just a few thousand would die your nuts you vastly underestimate how much people love their guns in America. The people have a right to keep and bear arms. If you choose to not own a firearm that is your right, but if your neighbor wants to own guns let him be.

There are plenty of worse thing's in the world than a gun...

dog whistle rant. The romantic notion had nothing to do with self protection, it had to do with the notion that your weapons will save us all from government tyranny. Had you read my post in context rather than trotting out argument #21 describing to the stupid anti gun liberal why you need your weapon, you
could have saved yourself a shitload of time and bandwidth.


Well-Known Member
No I did not, did you miss the data I made available to you about prescription drug deaths that dwarfed the amount of mass shootings?
If your heart is really in the humanitarian cause to save innocent lives, wouldn't your efforts be much more useful and effective advocating safe drug use?
You dishonestly focus only on mass shootings. Focus on all gun murders.


Well-Known Member
when was the last gun massacre in australia?

FWIW Firearms are not illegal to posses in Australia, about 6% of the Australian Population legally own firearms. It is simple to get a rimfire bolt action rifle or a breech loading shotgun as long as you have a valid reason.

So why no gun massacres?

Has nothing to do with the guns.
Probably because the looney people are being better sedated or treated in any case.

Guns don't cause people to massacre innocents, mental health problems do.
monash university? that was two people. not quite a massacre.
5 people were wounded, the fact that 3 lived makes you question whether or not it was an intentional massacre or not, really?
again, 2 people died. not a massacre.
There were a total of 151 Americans killed in 2012 as a result of mass shootings.
That same year, over 260 Americans died each day from prescription drug overdose.
You dishonestly focus only on mass shootings. Focus on all gun murders.
Either you have a difficult time following a discussion, or you dishonestly singled me out, you decide.

And if you want to focus on all gun murders to make a case for gun control in the US, lets start the conversation by me saying this.
If we look at the data for what it is, misleading, and take gang related gun murders out of the equation, we are left with approximately 2,200 gun related murders in a country of over 315,000,000. Quite an insignificant number given the the population of our country.

Minus the main stream media hysteria and partisan politics, there is no crisis.
Like i pointed out, over 260 Americans a day die from prescription drug overdose, now that is a crisis, so where is the government or the media on that issue?

The democrats obsession to ban firearms has nothing to do with compassion or saving lives, it's all about politics and the data supports this.