The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World


Well-Known Member
your willful ignorance is entertaining, but not as entertaining as when you cite white supremacy groups.
Idk. I think after you took the time to drop that gigantic/embarrassing load on their chins, the least they could do is swallow...........


Well-Known Member
your willful ignorance is entertaining, but not as entertaining as when you cite white supremacy groups.
All the color one could ask for, but why no link?
That's like posting quotes from something that may or may not exist, are you hiding something, where is the link?


Well-Known Member
95% of americans support universal background checks.

70% of americans support a national gun registry.

60% of americans support a ban on high capacity magazines.

50%+ of americans support an assault weapons ban.

when toomey joined manchin to propose background checks, his poll numbers shot way up.

when ayotte spat in the face of 90% of her constituents by voting against it, she plummeted in the polls like a stone.

all the measures above are consistent with the second amendment as per the heller decision.

that's called reality dick-slapping you in your face, mahsistah.

you gonna cry or something?
Good thing we aren't a democracy, so it really doesn't matter how many people in a poll want something.

Gonna need to strike that second amendment first, it kind of hinders the government from making any laws or infringing on that right.


Well-Known Member
Gun shows already have background checks. You cannot purchase a new gun at a gun show without doing the background check, been like that for years and years now.

High capacity magazines ( they aren't called clips unless you are firearm ignorant) banned? Wouldn't change a thing for me since the ones I already own can NEVER be banned.

Ban assault weapons? No such thing, can't ban something which does not exist.

Add armed guards to schools? That would be an easy job since .000000000000000001% of school children ever get shot.


Well-Known Member
Good thing we aren't a democracy, so it really doesn't matter how many people in a poll want something.

Gonna need to strike that second amendment first, it kind of hinders the government from making any laws or infringing on that right.
nope, read the heller decision. everythin i listed is perfectly consistent with the second.

maybe take a basic civics course, kiddo.


Well-Known Member
it's not my job to babysit you on reality.

but here ya go anyway, ya fucking crybaby.
"As memories fade from last December's horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, a new national poll indicates that support for stricter gun control laws appears to be fading, too. According to a new CNN/ORC International survey, 49% of Americans say they support stricter gun control laws, with 50% opposed."

You're a typical left winger, you have to misrepresent issues to make your arguments.


Well-Known Member
"As memories fade from last December's horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, a new national poll indicates that support for stricter gun control laws appears to be fading, too. According to a new CNN/ORC International survey, 49% of Americans say they support stricter gun control laws, with 50% opposed."

You're a typical left winger, you have to misrepresent issues to make your arguments.
no, it's you trying to misrepresent things now.

i never said anything about broad, vague attitudes towards gun control in general. i named four specific measures: background checks, a gun registry, magazine limits, and assault weapons, and gave the polling data on all of them.

but you can't argue with that, so you moved on to something else that i never tried to argue.

you are a pathetic pile of racist clown shoes.


Well-Known Member
The facts remain. if the lying anti gun proponents didn't misrepresent statistics, only 2200 gun murders out of 310,000,000 people.
It's a big lie, guns aren't the problem, it's the idiots using them.

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
The focus always is aimed at the gun when there is a shooting, almost never does the media seem to care much about the shooters mental state. Seems many of the nuts who are cowards hiding behind a gun are on some sort of medication.

Like anything guns don't cause crime anymore than a persons political beliefs, race, ect. In most cases it is environment driven, and that is the area society would benefit most focusing on, and trying to fix.