The Universe

Unfortunately, a million isn't very much.

What do you term 'intelligent life'? Say, an ant. Would you term ants as intelligent life?

Well i said millions, not a million, and thats our galaxy alone, there are an uncountable amount of galaxy's out there, we just keep findin more, and as in intelligent life, an ant would not be, it is not self aware it is not really much different then bacteria if you think about it, but by intelligent life i mean, they are self aware, they understand their surroundings, and have reason, so dogs arent really considered intelligent life forms because they dont really understand what is happening, humans are fairly intelligent, but if we ever do find others, the chances of them looking anything close to human is next to impossible.
Well i said millions, not a million, and thats our galaxy alone, there are an uncountable amount of galaxy's out there, we just keep findin more, and as in intelligent life, an ant would not be, it is not self aware it is not really much different then bacteria if you think about it, but by intelligent life i mean, they are self aware, they understand their surroundings, and have reason, so dogs arent really considered intelligent life forms because they dont really understand what is happening, humans are fairly intelligent, but if we ever do find others, the chances of them looking anything close to human is next to impossible.

Fine, millions isn't much either.

All life on this planet is related. How do you know that ants are not aware of the self? If they are not aware, why do they behave in the same way we do? Ants form tribes, with armies, workers, a queen, even slaves. The slaves are taken from other ant tribes that have been conquered.

All life is the same. Voracious predators (no matter the foodstuff). All life feeds from other life. Whether bacteria or human. All life wants to do, is live. This is it's driving force, our driving force, an ants driving force. Just because we cannot communicate with ants does not make them unintelligent.

Elephants mourn their dead. They've very recently started to remove the tusks from other elephants that have died. Scientists believe this has something to do with ivory hunters. Why do you think they do this? Look into the animals eyes and tell me you do not see intelligence.

Chimpanzees hunting monkeys, using tactics (pincer movements) to capture and then eat the monkeys raw. They use tools for grinding insects out of bark. How long before they discover fire?

All life is searching for the same thing. Really we are all one, just gone in different directions, learned to survive in our individual ways. Survival is a product of intelligence. We survive the best this makes us the most intelligent, this does not mean that the other animals do not have intelligence.
Fine, millions isn't much either.

All life on this planet is related. How do you know that ants are not aware of the self? If they are not aware, why do they behave in the same way we do? Ants form tribes, with armies, workers, a queen, even slaves. The slaves are taken from other ant tribes that have been conquered.

All life is the same. Voracious predators (no matter the foodstuff). All life feeds from other life. Whether bacteria or human. All life wants to do, is live. This is it's driving force, our driving force, an ants driving force. Just because we cannot communicate with ants does not make them unintelligent.

Elephants mourn their dead. They've very recently started to remove the tusks from other elephants that have died. Scientists believe this has something to do with ivory hunters. Why do you think they do this? Look into the animals eyes and tell me you do not see intelligence.

Chimpanzees hunting monkeys, using tactics (pincer movements) to capture and then eat the monkeys raw. They use tools for grinding insects out of bark. How long before they discover fire?

All life is searching for the same thing. Really we are all one, just gone in different directions, learned to survive in our individual ways. Survival is a product of intelligence. We survive the best this makes us the most intelligent, this does not mean that the other animals do not have intelligence.

so you're saying that if an ants brain was put into a human body they would be able to build what we built, you are comparing our brain capacity, and you dont think millions of civilizations out there equally or more advanced then us is alot? An ant isnt civil, they are not a civilization, i mean they are intelligent for their size but how can you compare them to human intelligence
little bit off topic; but what you think?the Neanderthals has brains 13% bigger then we.Einstein use 10-12% of his brains.normal human use just 8%.this mean long time ago ppl. beeing smarter then we.we just lost almost all information witch we got from our ancient ppl.its just some thing.maybe wrong.:mrgreen::joint:i'm drunk today.:spew:
scientists got example for us.if ants be big like sheep they got speed 140km\h and walk with weight on their chests somewhere around 200 kg.just one rule they got power in geometrical progression size+power.if you understood my thing.i'm drunk:spew:sorry
so you're saying that if an ants brain was put into a human body they would be able to build what we built, you are comparing our brain capacity, and you dont think millions of civilizations out there equally or more advanced then us is alot? An ant isnt civil, they are not a civilization, i mean they are intelligent for their size but how can you compare them to human intelligence

Who said anything about millions of civilisations?

Ants are not civil? Who says? Ants do not have civilisation?

They have a very ordered civilisation where every ant knows it's place. They have slaves, also ants that guard the slaves. Ordinary worker ants that go out foraging. Soldier ants, in many societies these may or may not have wings dependent upon the type of soldier they are. I suppose you could call them socialists.
What does socialists ants have to do with the universe, Wow ants work together because the hole colonie is a family.
Skunkushhybrid has a point.
Ants do have a very complex and ordered society. As mentioned before, the ants take slaves.

Some species of ants practice agriculture. It sounds insane, but some species have evolved symbiotic relationships that resemble the keeping of livestock. Leafcutter Ants collect plant material for certain species of fungus gnats to survive, and guard them from pests, and keep the area of their nest the gnats live in clean and free of mold. The then eat the material the gnats produce. Other ant species do the same thing with other insect species. Some capture, raise, and milk aphids, giving them the moniker "ant cows". Insects are highly evolved, using chemical signals, body language, and the like to communicate with each other. While highly evolved, I still would not consider necessarily a higher lifeform. But, that all depends on what you consider "intelligence" to be.

The case for others species is more impressive. As he mentioned, the common chimpanzee is capable of forming hunting parties and patrols. They use highly complex tools; some tribes of chimpanzee have even exhibited the technology of creating stone basic stone tools and creating crude weapons from their environment. Bonobo chimpanzees, while probably less like us in the way they operate, show more self-awareness and general intelligence than the common chimpanzee. They have highly ordered societies, which unlike the other species of chimpanzee, is extremely and completely peaceful. They use sex as a means to achieve this; for this reason, they are functionally bisexual, and they are the only other species that engages in oral sex and kissing. The Bili Ape, which scientists assume is a new subspecies descended from the common chimpanzee (though it is an isolated, small group, and will likely die out because of humans), build crude shelters somewhat like gorilla nests, walk upright most of the time, and seem to be incredibly intelligent. If it wasn't for people already being everywhere, they might have the tools to have become the dominant species on this planet.

Apes have a complex vocabularly consisting of vocal sounds and body gestures that we don't understand, particularly gorillas. This is why we are so easily able to teach higher primates logograms and sign language; they have a predisposition toward language, if you can call it that. They do not exhibit properties of human language such as complex syntax or grammar. They can, however, communicate their thoughts and desires very well. Many higher apes are self-aware (passing every self-awareness test they can take), understand basic symbolism, and feel a FULL range of emotions, in much the same way we do.

Dolphins are now assumed by some to have a full-blown language, capable of relating symbolism.

So I see what skunkushhybrid is saying. We measure other animals against our own intelligence, without often knowing the full extent of what goes on in their heads. Some scientists (primatologists, specifically) are now pushing for something called "ape-personhood" in the United Nations, which affords basic rights to higher primates, because many now believe they may be sentient, but just not quite as intelligent as us. Then again, 50 years ago they equated the intelligence of a chimpanzee with that of a dog, before Jane Goodall actually studied their behaviour.

So, who knows? Intelligence is very, very hard difficult to test for, let alone measure. We only know the way we work, and compare ever other species to this standard. With some species, this may not be the way to go about it.

But what most scientists are looking for is any kinda life to prove that there is life building blocks example mircoorganism in millions of year can make intelligent life (mammals, insects, reptiles etc..):peace:
Ok ants have nothing to do with what i said earlier, ants are not considered intelligent life, when i said if one of those millions had intelligent life then there could be millions of civilizations, ants are not fucking in this category they are just regular life, when i said that i was using humans as a comparison
my god,,i went to the hubble thing jesus3 spoke of,,,,and i saw god,,er,,i mean,,,it was wild,,never seen shots like that before

Keep on Growin

my god,,i went to the hubble thing jesus3 spoke of,,,,and i saw god,,er,,i mean,,,it was wild,,never seen shots like that before

Keep on Growin

yes this pics are amazing.imagine all what you see in this pics happens millions light years ago.
Ok ants have nothing to do with what i said earlier, ants are not considered intelligent life, when i said if one of those millions had intelligent life then there could be millions of civilizations, ants are not fucking in this category they are just regular life, when i said that i was using humans as a comparison

Of course ants are intelligent life.

So to your mind we would need to come across another animal like ourselves for it to be regarded intelligent?

Life and environment go hand in hand.

As ethno' pointed out you cannot measure intelligence. Insects, to my mind, are aliens, they have their own reality. Just because it rarely stumbles into our own only proves how intelligent they are.

I'll go further. I'll also say that dogs are intelligent animals too. they are intelligent enough to feel emotion. Just because they cannot communicate with us, or us with them, in conversation. We do communicate in other ways. Silent ways. Dogs are empathic, cats too. They know exactly how we're feeling without us having to say a word.

We are so intelligent that we are going to allow this planet to destroy half the population. This is just the beginning. As Global Warming intensifies our architecture isn't going to be able to stand up. Fact is that millions of people are going to die.

What difference human beings to the earth and a cancer to the human body?
Thats probably true and all i was saying is we have no fact that we are the most intelligent or close to mos tintelligent creatures on this plant,
Find me an intelligence expert that will claim we aren't the most intelligent species on this planet and I'll saw one of my arms off for you.

An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions.
Intelligence is measured in mass quanities of matter of the unknown forbiddens of nature
Find me an intelligence expert that will claim we aren't the most intelligent species on this planet and I'll saw one of my arms off for you.

Man that would almost be worth paying an expert like 100 bucks to lie for me:mrgreen:.

As far as " intelligent life " goes, I think this refers to 3 things:

1.) Any form of life that shows the ability to make conscious decisions based
on not only changes in it's immediate environment, but also based on
memories from similar environments or situations.

2.) A complex memory and the ability to recall and visualize people, places.
or things from your past.

3.) The " free will " of a conscious being that allows us to think about
something, estimate several different outcomes, and choose an option.
This goes hand in hand with our ability to commit an illogical action for
logical reasons.