The Universe!!!


Well-Known Member
These are my thoughts and they are long and not for the faint of heart...

I hope that many will read them and use them to form their own opinions...

One last warning this thread is not for the faint of heart and you should bring your reading glasses and a fat


Well-Known Member
in the beginning three things existed.


Time-Has always been and will always be... it will go on forever and can not be changed...

Energy-The true base for the universe... Everything uses energy and energy will always be around much like time...

Awareness- Probably the most important of the three... The ability to realize that the other two exist... Also the reason the physical plane is neccesary...

That is the beginning and that will be the end. There for there is no beginning and end. The physical plane may end but can always be rebuilt the three items listed above are eternal. God is energy with the largest amount of awareness in the universe. God also understands time. Humans unfortunatly do not understand any of the three... Well some do but most don't... You see time is infinite i'm sure most can grasp that idea but do they truly understand? I don't think so... maybe i'm wrong
but i think if humans could truly grasp the depth of the universe then there would be no war or man made problems in the world because society as we know it would instead be looking for answers not fighting silly wars or trying to come up with ways to kill everyone who didn't believe in what you believe off... I think that we should learn from
histroy yet we haven't... we still are fighting over the same things people have been fighting over since the beginning of time... Have we learned that its pointless to have beliefs with no real foundation? Have we learned trying to force these beliefs on to others just causes pain and strife? Have we learned that civilization has been built and
destroyed many times due to the two previously stated questions? The quick and simple answer to that is no... The greeks the romans the egyptians etc... they all had great civilizations that fell due to pride and vanity... Yet we are at the same point in history again... We have 6 billion people on 6 billion differnt sides arguing 6 billion different arguments... And what has this got us??? A world ready to fall into the longest dark age in history... What is this dark age you ask? It is the dark age mentioned scientifically and religiously... The last dark age for humans the very last!!! The only way to change things is through a ripple effect... Those that are knowlegeable and have means to do so must start to preach a new message... And that message is that humanity is all one in the same... We might all be differnt colors with different languages and different cultures but we should have one goal... and that is the furtherment of humanity... You see if everyone could work together and we could begin to seek the answers to the questions that have been asked since the beginning of time... but instead we bicker and try to rationalize our own thoughts and beliefs... You see i believe in god and i believe he gave everyone different talents for a reason... So that we could work together towards the betterment not of just the human race or earth but the universe as a whole...You see in my opinion reality is based on the thoughts and opinions of physical beings bestowed with the energy of the universe... and that energy is existance if you will...
The physical world was created so that this energy could have a tangible place to reside... Yet the physical world is not neccesary... I believe the physical plane is here as a test... I think that god if you will... (Remember that god is the largest most concious entity in the universe) wanted to find out if the universe was good or evil in nature...
I'm sure anyone can agree that truly there is no gray area when it comes to this... So he created the physical universe and gave physical beings the energy and awareness that until then had no way to be used... Imagine for instance a scientist... This scientist wants to test a theory but without a physical experiment his theory is just that theory..
So he must give his theory physical form... He does this by conducting an experiment... Well i believe we and all other aware forms of life in the universe are gods experiment...But this is not an experiment in terms that we can possibly imagine... This is an experiment that can only be comprehended by the one who intiated it... So god creates a physical
plane so that he can imbue this plane with the energy and awareness that he understands and which is all around him... He limits the experiment to a set amount of time and off we go...Yet time the way he understands it is not the same as we understand it... I believe we are close to the end of the experiment and we are in one of the not so good groups universally...Humans have bickerd arugued and have tried to compare themselves to god since the beginning of time... Not once in documented histroy have the people come together to seek enlightenment...And now we are in a time where that is more possible then ever and things are worse then ever... I believe we are god's test we were put here in a physical body created from nothing but pure will and we were imbued with a soul a mixture between energy and awareness... now as i said before the physical plane is not eternal there is no reason for it to be... reality exists without it because as i mentioned all reality needs is time energy and awareness... Our souls are what make us in gods image and in the end we will all go back to that again a mass of energy and awareness moving through time... however the bad energy will no longer exist because it has been weeded out and the good energy will continue to prosper... Evolution or more like adaptability you see everything moves towards perfection and energy seeks to do the same... Time governs awareness and awareness energy... More specifically because there is time and we must be aware of it for there to be existance and in order for awareness to exist it must have a way to exert itself which is through energy... So we come to this time and awareness are the controls in this experiment and energy is what is allowed to change... In the story of adam and eve all of these things are present... God creates the physical world in a certain amount of TIME...To do this it takes ENERGY... And adam and eve eat the fruit of the tree of life and gain AWARENESS... And now however much time down the line the experiment is ready to come to a close and the bad energy is ready to be expunged from the universe along with the physical world... This bad energy will be replaced by neutral energy and god will once again need to create a physical plane to test this energy... and the good energy will go to be with god or be a part of god... a being based in knowledge and understanding of what is... But this is just for our neck of the woods in our controlled section of the universe... Who knows what is going on everywhere else out there... I sure don't and i'm not even sure if i'm right about this but it is my belief none the less... and what are we without are beliefs but empty husks devoid of life... this belief is my own gathered from the things i have witnessed and the people i have met and talked to and i HOPE over time my belief changes and gets closer to the truth but this is a base and its what i live for... KNOWLEGE is power and the only true way to gain knowledge is to seek it... And knowledge is not something you can find unless you learn from those that come before you... i urge people not to recycle old beliefs and the beliefs of others but to use those as a stepping stone for their own beliefs... Just as i believe it doesn't take a certain belief structure to acheive happiness and peace with the universe... I believe that if you lead a good and righteous life and seek out knowledge you will be rewarded no matter what your religious beliefs just as i believe that if you do the opposite no amount of religious beliefs can save you from recieving your just desserts... So i beg of anyone that takes the time to read my words that you seek out knowledge and do your best to be happy and help those around you... and to expunge true evil in any form that you might see it in... You don't have to follow some silly religious rules to be rewarded just do what you know is right in your heart... You have the ability the energy and the awareness to make not only this earth a better place but the whole universe a better place... So what do you say we work together and move towards perfection...


New Member
We are animals, just like the rest on this planet. Soon we will no longer be number one animal on the planet. As global warming intensifies and decreases our populations the insects will thrive. Insects adapt to quick-change in the environment far quicker than we do. They carry germs that they are immune to. Imagine a few giant ants dragging you off for dinner. Absurd? Remember the dinosaurs? I don't suppose there's many on this site that will, but I'm referring to their size. Everything was bigger, even the insects. Maybe it wasn't a comet that wiped out the dinosaurs, maybe it was the weather.

This is not armageddon, this is natural selection.


Well-Known Member
if natural selection works why are we here at all??? things change for a reason... it is a test a way to see what any given person will do in any given situation... i'm more convinced this is a testing ground... good and evil right and wrong... we are tested constantly by an unmeasurable amount of factors... look at your life really look at it... i see this in my life and i'm young... to many random occurences that just happened to be significant to me and the life i lead... i've learned so much and there is so much more to learn i wonder if i'll have enough your mind!!!


New Member
To look for patterns when there are none to see makes for an unfulfilled life. We only have the comfort in believing we are somehow special because we aren't in any real danger from any other life on the planet. We have been number one for so long that we feel we are special.

Why did this god create sharks? Or horsefish? Or squid?

To create something from nothing would take masses of imagination. Then, why bother giving these animals the ability to evolve?

Why create the dinosaurs? Why create germs and disease?


Well-Known Member
because to give humans a fair chance at knowledge other physical entitys are neccesary... if we were here by ourselves it would be a no brainer and what kind of test is that???


New Member
because to give humans a fair chance at knowledge other physical entitys are neccesary... if we were here by ourselves it would be a no brainer and what kind of test is that???
So, mankind was around the same time as the dinosaurs? Also, what do jellyfish have to do with us?

My argument is against the test. So to ask me what kind of test it is is a no-brainer.


Well-Known Member
i like the test idea, but if i followed it, id credit the idea of the test to myself. frthnkr, ur the one who came up with this idea, not god. ur the one testing the world, and thats all that matters.


Well-Known Member
maybe so preo... i'm not sure i just don't understand most of what i see... i'm a proactive person but it almost seems it would take super powers to change the way things are going... and i know in my heart that if things continue this way there will be an armageddon... and skunk just think of god as one who spins a top... he starts it spinning but after that who knows what will happen... i don't believe for a second i'm a puppet... I know for sure science works... but as a way of understanding of gaining knowledge not as a way of life... you have to live your life by a set of principles and those principles are no ones but your own and the results of your actions are no ones fault but your own... but you have choices and those choices make you who you are and when it comes time for you to leave this world god will not have to judge you because in your heart you will know rather you led a good life or not... just imagine god as someone who started everything through some means or another and just sits back and relaxes waiting to reward those who are ready to move on and punish those who do not deserve it... he didn't have to do anything but start things and finish them... everything else including differnt species etc... is a result of action and reaction with humans being the only ones truly able to choose their actions and everything else being a by product of our test...


New Member
We choose to do the right thing because it makes us feel better. Also there are consequences if we don't. Live by the sword, die by it.

I believe in a type of karma. I believe that we punish OURSELVES for the things we believe we have done wrong. These days I don't just rush in, I will think long and hard before taking revenge as I know that if I get it wrong, I will punish myself somehow.


Well-Known Member
No offense frthnkr, but I disagree with everything you say. I think you need to stop listening. I don't believe we should be restricted by any way of thinking. Ya know... life would be easier without mouths.


Well-Known Member
well to each his own muu... and chimps may do somethings not relative to survival but do they do anything that goes against survival skunk??? humans do... humans are the only ones that conciously create and destroy do you know of any other life form that does this... please enlighten me if you do... if the earth has been around so long why isn't there any other intelligent life??? what is your reason for this... because it just hasn't happened yet... ha ha ha... thats funny stuff... all the possibilities and it just hasn't happened yet... is that what you expect me to


Well-Known Member
well you got to believe something, and if it makes you feel better to think that everything you just said is real, then believe away.
but you guys honestly have to know, that we KNOW NOTHING, and there is no way for us to ever tell how this world/life/universe actully runs, or how it was created, and what our purpose is..
all i kno, is that we are all born to live the best life possible untill you die.


Well-Known Member
actually it a little contradictory but i agrre with it for the most part.

so if all that ends wil be still. then machavelinism is the only truth to it because nomatter what you do or what it takes to getthere, in the end things will remain in another form yet unchanged as a whole.


New Member
well to each his own muu... and chimps may do somethings not relative to survival but do they do anything that goes against survival skunk??? humans do... humans are the only ones that conciously create and destroy do you know of any other life form that does this... please enlighten me if you do... if the earth has been around so long why isn't there any other intelligent life??? what is your reason for this... because it just hasn't happened yet... ha ha ha... thats funny stuff... all the possibilities and it just hasn't happened yet... is that what you expect me to
If chimp's use weapons is this not a creative idea? If chimp's use tactics when hunting for fresh meat, is this not a creative idea? Chimps are quite happy on a veg' diet. They don't need to eat meat. Is this not an example of doing something not relative to survival?

Have you ever looked into an animal's eyes and seen intelligence? You might deceive yourself that it is you that puts the intelligence there, but it isn't. Animals are intelligent, and there is much to be learnt from watching thier behaviour.

Do animals not dream? Sleep, eat, defecate, fornicate... murder each other?

What are angels, and was man around at the same time as the dinosaurs?


Well-Known Member
angels are other forms of energy without the restraints of a physical body... yet less enlightened then god... in the grand scheme of things god was the first being in the universe to achieve concious awareness and angels are beings that came later but were able to escape the bounds of a physical body through enlightenment and expanding their minds to where they no longer needed physical bodies to maintain their grip on reality...maybe... who knows??? it could be that though and it kinda makes sense in a way but as i've said before i could be wrong... and in the bible dinosaurs are mentioned but if you are asking me i couldn't tell you skunk i won't pretend to know rather we were or not... i think that humans probably were around but???