The US interests in the Nord Stream sabotages

it makes more sense that russia would damage it and then blame ukraine.
They haven't done that though, have they? I believe they blamed "The West".
They wanted to get out of contracts with expensive penalties is the motive, they can't play with the gas valve without paying an additional price. They were having "technical" deliveries before as an excuse for throttling supplies since the invasion began. There is also mounting evidence from several sources that it was them, Joe is ok with Germany getting Russian gas with no strings attached.

You should just save the typing and post the Tucker Carlson clip.
Sorry, I don't watch Tucker Carlson or FOX News, so I'm not familiar with the clip you're referring to. I did watch the Biden clip where he said he would end it though.
Gas sales. Bingo!!! locking out and weakening their direct opponent.. their dirty and expensive refracked gas !!!

Because we all remember, not so long ago, Ted Cruz and a bunch of other senators public outcries about the then soon to come completion of NS2. Their speeches reveil a number of potential moralistic and economic motives. Certainly the US has the means to easily pull that stunt to damage important Russian property.

And, it has A REAL INTEREST to have no gasflow in NS1&2.
Also, the current enforced media redderick also raises doubts about the legitimacy of unproven claims of the nature of the perpetrator.
Yes, Putin put that bit of propaganda out not long ago. The premise is a dumb as a sack of Republicans.

The US isn't able to make up for Russian gas supplies. Not even close. So, the price rises for LNG that the world will pay in the near term will hit the US consumer, not benefit the US exporters. That blow to Nordstream hurts the US too. I don't know what refracked gas is, but yes, fracking is a dirty source of energy. Our environmental movement opposing it and regulations necessary to protect the environment are more reasons why Europe is unlikely to see US gas supplies in an meaningful quantity.

Your thread is stupid. Are you a bot?
Yes, Putin put that bit of propaganda out not long ago. The premise is a dumb as a sack of Republicans.

The US isn't able to make up for Russian gas supplies. Not even close. So, the price rises for LNG that the world will pay in the near term will hit the US consumer, not benefit the US exporters. That blow to Nordstream hurts the US too. I don't know what refracked gas is, but yes, fracking is a dirty source of energy. Our environmental movement opposing it and regulations necessary to protect the environment are more reasons why Europe is unlikely to see US gas supplies in an meaningful quantity.

Your thread is stupid. Are you a bot?
from Deutschland oblast

If anything, the perpetrator will have used a submarine... the danger of being exposed by satellite is much too risky because this sabotage endangers a whole continent. It's a reason to say Goodbye to friends if these pick up too radical methods
Why would Putin do it? It doesn’t make any sense. Only a madman would do such a thing.

Way I see it, Putin was humiliated by the scope of Ukraine's counter attack and he did the one thing that Russia is good at-destroying stuff on the seabed-just to save some face. The US and Europe didn't do it, it runs totally counter to their corporate Capitalist economic goals. They would LOVE for Russian gas to start flowing again from a SANE Russian state. Putin might have done it himself in his Dr. Evil sub. Either that or James Cameron is laughing his ass off right now, but in a really sinister way.

The US and Europe didn't do it, it runs totally counter to their corporate Capitalist economic goals.
If it runs counter to their goals, then why would Biden publicly state that the US would "bring an end" to the Norse Stream pipeline, if Russia invades Ukraine? And why would we think that he didn't live up to this threat?:

All that Putin wanted, was a land corridor to the Krim. Even the attack on Kiew from many directions was a ruse. But he is a damn coward for not formulating an official war declaration. And we really should reconsider if we want to trade with these warmongers but when the pipelines are already there, let's use them. But it will be next to impossible to shield the transpart from terroristic attack, when the perpetrator is a technological advanced institution.
There is zero motive for Russia to blow up their own pipeline. They could just turn off the switch instead. The fact that Biden said in the recent past that we would end the Nord pipeline, should say a lot.
Hard liners in Russia (and even Putin) who support wiping Ukraine from the map would benefit because there is less reason to negotiate a settlement in Ukraine. Without the pipeline, Germany and others are less inclined to press for peace.
The Ukrainians are valiantly fighting back. This could develop into a long-drawn out war, the implications of it would be a considerable economic weakening of Europe, when Asia continues to soar high.
If anything, the perpetrator will have used a submarine... the danger of being exposed by satellite is much too risky because this sabotage endangers a whole continent. It's a reason to say Goodbye to friends if these pick up too radical methods
It wasn't a sub. That would have been detected. You should actually read about things before talking as if you knew something on the subject.