The use of Mycorizzhae in non organic grows.


Well-Known Member
I have a buddy that I am trying to help out with some issues that he is having. He uses Fox Farms nutrients, Pro-Mix Orange, and supplements with Floralicious Plus and Dark Energy.

He has been having issues with what I believe is nutrient build up and then lock out. He is watering in between feedings, but e hasn't been using any beneficial bacterias at all. I think that the Organics that he gets from the Big Bloom aren't getting broken down properly due to the bene's being wiped out from his pH up and the chloramines in his water. I have basically guided him into trying to nurture his beneficial bacterias more. He has a resevoir already, but I bought half of his water filter set up for his Bday and he is covering the rest. I also have him changing his pH up and down to the organic up and down from Earth Juice. And I have him doing innoculations every 2-3 weeks. I believe that the bacteria boost will clear up the problems that he is having.

The recipe I have him was basically what I used when I first started innoculating.

-1 tsp Molasses (sugar for bene's)
-2.5ml Dark Energy (humics, amino acids)
-1 ml Floralicious Plus (nutrient uptake and some building blocks)
-1 tsp Mykos (not my first choice as a stand alone bene source, but he had a bag on hand and we're trying to use what he has on hand.)

The question is when I pH'd this it ran really low. For someone who has to worry about pHing their nutrients, (I don't.) Should they pH an innoculation even with organic pH up and down?

If I am off base on any of this feel free to correct me. :)


Well-Known Member
mycorrhizae is fungus, but the bigger issue is that mediums with chem ferts seriously disrupt the micro-life, often disabling or killing it.


Active Member
He doesn't need any living beneficials/inoculations/mykos etc since he's already committed to having FF nutes or any kind of nutes in the reservoir.

Just use the standalone FF nutes. It's design to used alone especially using it in a reservoir unless you absolutely know what you're doing.
You and your buddy is complicating things by adding too many variables creating more problems.


Well-Known Member
I would not pH the inoculation.

That little bit every 2-3 weeks isn't going to matter much pH wise and the pH+- will certainly not be good for the mycos and BB, even the EJ.

Did he add lime to that ProMix?

Interested to see how this works with the FF nutes.



Well-Known Member
Sorry the resevoir is just for holding water and aerating it.

He hasn't added Lime to his Pro-Mix. I was thinking that it might be a good add, but then again... I am trying to help him out with FF and I had moderate success with it. SO much success that I switched nutes, lol.


Well-Known Member
Do not Ph the inoculation. I see your recipe, but how are you preparing and applying this inoculation?