the usual help with my roots, using tea...


Well-Known Member
So in flower roots are perfect... I have 30 ppm on the 500 scale tap water...

Ok so I'm using

Rapid start
Sylica blast

And heisenburg tea... I bought an aquarium heater becausei figured the water was too cool which it was...

So I had the root issue, changed the res used a bunch of tea, maybe put in some hydroguard... roots stayed coming back strong... a week later I did a res change because I saw the water was murky and just good to clear the last bit of whatever was in there out...

Well after my res change the slime is back full on... I just put in more tea (24 hours brewed) as an early helper, I'll add more tea tomorrow after its brewed for 48 hours. ..

The roots look like they're coming back a little but wtf...

I'm running an undercurrent (cch20) For the first time so please help....

I ordered the cultured solutions steril nutrients which uses uc roots so I'll try that when it comes in. ..

Can i change from a live res to a steril res mid grow?



Active Member
We see it so often. Killing with kindness. Maybe not.

What type of system are you using?

What is your pH?

What is the strength of your nutrient solution?

You have not supplied us with enough proper data to help you. Lok forward to your reply. :)


Well-Known Member
What is your res temp that you felt the need to put a heater in there? I'm a real newb but my res temp is 67-70. I also run a tea for the first time, aqua flakes and a bit if epsom salts. I use low pressure sprayers as well. I add the tea every couple of days and no issues. Did you add the tea to the refilled res or wait until you saw slime again? Just keep pouring that stuff in there imo. I use microbe lift to brew my tea as well.


Well-Known Member
I used the heater to brew tea, water was coming out at like 55*

Veg ppm is like 330 on 500 scale

Ph started at like 5.9, now like 6.2... getting high I know

In veg I'm using an rdwc system... good water flow, 2 commercial air 1 pumps per system so like 76 lpm, manufacture specs anyways... one veg system is like 30 gallons & the other is like 36 gallons

water temp is prob at 71*

A fair amount of new root growth coming through, I'm gonna spray off all the roots prob tomorrow

And I started the new res with tea and have been adding some every 2-3 days
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Active Member
What is your res temp that you felt the need to put a heater in there? I'm a real newb but my res temp is 67-70. I also run a tea for the first time, aqua flakes and a bit if epsom salts. I use low pressure sprayers as well. I add the tea every couple of days and no issues. Did you add the tea to the refilled res or wait until you saw slime again? Just keep pouring that stuff in there imo. I use microbe lift to brew my tea as well.

I recommend you change solution well before slime. Slime is not good. Peace


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be switching over to cultured solutions in one of the systems to start and see how sterile vs tea compare


Active Member
Never heard of Cultured Solutions. I will ahve to check it out. I have my favorite Nutrient systems, and make my own for my greenhouse, but I am always wanting to see what new ideas people come up with; Despite the fact that I am happy using what I use, as are most growers. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


Well-Known Member
Roots made a big recovery in veg, prob switching over to cultured solutions tomorrow with Uc roots (sterilizer) since they just came in... I'm in week 4 flowering with aqua flakes so i might keep with the h&g aquaflakes and add uc roots (sterilizer) and the cs mid bloom... and in veg it's a big switch to different nutrients and from live to sterile... I'm sure I won't notice much of a difference (I hope)