I bought a volcano digital from the official website about a year ago.
I've had other vaporizers before but I have to say, this thing is so easy to use and has not broke down on me like all the others did. It never burns the stuff either. It's the best thing i've ever bought myself. I use to wake up and cough like I had the flu just from too many years smoking cigar size joints and round the clock pipes. I couldn't keep going the way I way but since i've had the volcano, I don't burn it anymore and my lungs feel great again.
Prefered temperature: Right now i've got it set to 174 celsius (345 fahrenheit) for this bud. The range I use is between 170c and 190c for most bud depending on it's moisture level. Last night I read something in wiki about optimal canabinoid vaporization occuring at 224c I think so I tried it real high like that... It was like a stoney sleeping pill! It reminded me of last time I made some canna butter. My wife made this really delicious cake that was so tempting to gorge on but just a small slice would lay me out on the floor.. like in a bad way as far as my likes go. I don't like being so drowsy
I like being high
Blended or whole? I never was a big fan of chopping weed up too much even when I smoked it in a pipe smoker and I don't like to do that with the vape either. It seems to me that when you chop it up it reduces the flavour and makes it more harsh. I prefer to just separate the buds into smaller buds, leaving small bits of stem in it, an pack those pebbles in to the 'pod' (what I call the chamber that sits on the vape with the weed in it). If i'm going to keep vape'ing the same bit over and over, I do unpack it and crumble it when it because tasteless and less dense to get the vape cloud thicker again.
Things I vape: I only ever vape weed... I'm curious as to if anything can be mixed with it to enhance the experience but just being able to taste the weed and not tar is already awesome.