The Weed Nerd~

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Well-Known Member
Shit Nugs, making me look all scrawny. I gotta start lifting again, lol.
shit, you should have seem me when i was sick.....lost lots of muscle, and weight....i was fucked....feels great to be getting back on my feet.....juicing veggies and canna is saving my life......still in quite a bit of pain, but sprouting cheesquake this week looking for the cbd rich pheno for that!


Well-Known Member
yea, dude. I am the opposite, 2 years ago I was about 235 lbs. all stress weight, lol. Now I am down to 175.

started growing really 2 years ago and smoking on a daily basis the same time. Lost over 50lbs and got in better shape than when I was in the army. Never been happier.

Cannabis was my life saver, truly.


Well-Known Member
should i smoke cannibus before or after i workout..
Ive been able to smoke a good amount of my A13 dom Vortex, and still workout with success. Its almost like i go into a zone where my mind is soo high, i forget about the fact that my body is moving a lot of weight. Pretty damn awesome if you ask me, lol.


Well-Known Member
Dang Nug, Lyme Disease? That shit kicks your ass! Also, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I ask because I find that when us older guys (I am 41) stay in shape or workout it can inspire the younger guys to get healthy. And it seems like a lot of younger dudes these days are outta shape. I myself, I stay in reasonable shape by mountain biking, and practicing western medieval martial arts (sword fighting). I would like to start hitting the weights, too.

Hey Sub, there's a topic for you (maybe)... health issues, or staying in shape and being a cannabis consumer. Should I smoke before or after? Medibles while working out? Cannabis for health (Preventative, as opposed to medicine for sick people). Or maybe incorporate talking about some sports or activities into your show. As we all know, it can sometimes be all to easy to to stay welded to the couch and skip working out, or getting outside and being active. And that's not healthy for anyone. One of the things I love is a long ride to the top of the trail, having a smoke while taking in the view, then descending the trail like a ghost on the landscape. Fun fun fun!

Love the show, and as always, thanks for sharing your knowledge. You have helped me, and it is much appreciated. (Sorry the post is so disjointed, I am only operating on one cup of coffee)


Well-Known Member
should i smoke cannibus before or after i workout..
Whatever works for you, I smoke cannabis throughout the entire day so when I work out its not really a big deal, it just makes me get tons higher!

It doesnt effect my lungs too much because I've been using a Volcano vaporizer for the last 6 months, has made a huge difference in my breathing which had gotten pretty bad from 4 years of cigarrettes, tsk tsk i know I i finally quit two years ago.

If you feel like you cant get as good of a workout while medicated, then don't ingest before, ingest after.


Sorry to hear about your situation Nugbuckets, you ever thought about taking up kick boxing? amazing phycical activity/stamina boost and tons of fun.



Well-Known Member
i actually just read a study that said that marijuana smokers had a noticeably higher lung capacity then non mj smokers... They said that the findings surprised them, as they assumed that the act of smoking would have diminished their lungs, but as it turned out, it was the opposite. What they came up with was the amount of smoke ingested on average, not only had no ill effect, but that because of the way we breath deep, and hold... We're actually training our selves to have a fuller, deeper total lung capacity...


Well-Known Member
Holding in combustibles for extended periods are never recommended, even if it is cannabis. That has been known for some time. Thus the recommended use of vaporizers and/or a clean burning hash (less frequent consumption).


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your situation Nugbuckets, you ever thought about taking up kick boxing? amazing phycical activity/stamina boost and tons of fun.

kickboxing, and martial arts are cool as hell.....i like the thai fighting....but my joints are ravaged pretty hard from lyme, esp. my back....i spent 20 years in heavy construction too, so that didn't help.......i am pushing 40 already......i have got to say, for 50, Sub is doing pretty damn good, and that lovely lady of his too~!........its inspiring...........i look really young for my age...and i am in decent shape.....last night i was at my daughters friends graduation, and she told my one of her friends thinks i'm cute, and way too young to be her dad!:-P........that felt pretty good, being an old guy and all........all i do is run a bit, and do mostly free resistance training, push-ups, chin/pull ups and want to see some cool stuff kids are doing in"bar brothers"....all free resistance.....these kids are fucking ripped hard!....wish i was in to that when i was a kid....would have gotten a lot more tail than i did.:?


Well-Known Member
i actually just read a study that said that marijuana smokers had a noticeably higher lung capacity then non mj smokers... They said that the findings surprised them, as they assumed that the act of smoking would have diminished their lungs, but as it turned out, it was the opposite. What they came up with was the amount of smoke ingested on average, not only had no ill effect, but that because of the way we breath deep, and hold... We're actually training our selves to have a fuller, deeper total lung capacity...

however we are still inhaling tar and benzene. so while it may not be as bad as cigerettes, it is still bad for us. but there is still alot of uncertainty. it contains more tar than cigarettes, but they still find no link between marijuana use and lung cancer, and while we have increased rates of chronic bronchitis (increased mucos and cough) we have lower rates of COPD.


Well-Known Member
True, anyone who's ever spent any time in a hospital will tell ya what the first thing is they start doing after surgery...They bring in that God Damn breath O meter! Now take a deep breath. Agaaaaain. Little more. Fuck off, bring me a shot! (Or leave the room so I can hit my bat) Ozium anyone? But the thing is that they want you to start taking those deep breaths to get everything working again. Obviously its never good to hold in tar from smoke for very long.


Well-Known Member
i actually just read a study that said that marijuana smokers had a noticeably higher lung capacity then non mj smokers... They said that the findings surprised them, as they assumed that the act of smoking would have diminished their lungs, but as it turned out, it was the opposite. What they came up with was the amount of smoke ingested on average, not only had no ill effect, but that because of the way we breath deep, and hold... We're actually training our selves to have a fuller, deeper total lung capacity...
I stopped smoking 4-5 days ago when I turned to the vape and I can already feel a noticeable difference in the way my lungs feel. I get that the deep breathing could help lung capacity but I think combusting anything is bad...


Well-Known Member
no its true. When ever i stop smoking for a week or more, i see a good jump in singing ability. :-) Thats why im trying to go with more Bubble.


Well-Known Member
dident really care for vaping , i like smoking my pot out of a pipe i fill that it goes farther just the way i roll i guess


Active Member
I am highly medicated right now. Did I inhale? Yes Did I hold my hit in? Yes for a little while. Did I cough? No

I just sealed my tent up tight and flipped some monster dairy queens onto 12 hour rotation. Took a while I think they are clones that were taken from the Mum in November of 11. They were given to me late February and have been vegging ever since. They are like waist high already. They are going to be trees. I have been doing LST for canopy management and have them bent back maximizing space in a 4x4 tent. They are in 7 gallon buckets. Now the fun begins.
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