The Weed Nerd~

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Hi my names anurism, I was wondering if the lack of webbing in my super soil means I didn't do something right or what the deal is. Any info would help. Thanks
Did you reach down into it or turn it at all? Is it located outside? What is the mean temperature hi and lo? Did you remember to spray it down with water or to add water to it? Sometimes the myco web dies back down especially if the top of the soil is dry. I would reach down into it up to at least my elbow and see what you got.
Hi my names anurism, I was wondering if the lack of webbing in my super soil means I didn't do something right or what the deal is. Any info would help. Thanks

You already asked and were answered :) Just go back and read can't remember whether this thread or another but several including me responded already
I've mixed it up a couple times the weather did get into the 90's for a few days. I've kept my cans in a shaded area.
Thanks for replying, Ive never chatted or been on a site like this thanks for being patient while I figure things out the site.
There must be darkness and the correct amount of moisture to get the desired webbing in the soil. Not to wet, not to dry.

Notice how healthy Subs outdoor veggers are looking and in relatively poor native soil to boot. That's a testament to Subs soil and ferts.

    • From the backwoods of Montana, "I know that if your using the supersoil with RO water that you should add some powder cal mag to it."
      That's true in hydroponics and probably what you're thinking, but Subs uber soil should have all the trace minerals in it. That's the beauty of soil, that and the buffering action.​

    I know that if your using the supersoil with RO water that you should add some powder cal mag to it.​

Yea from the show and all the pics. And info I'm a believer.
Im definatly not going back to hydro or using chemicals.
MIT just wouldn't make sense.
I like water culture and Subs Uber Soil best. Water Culture is the only hydro method I'd do besides good soil. Do you know what what would be REALLY cool? If Sub had a whole dump truck full of Iowa top soil. Black gold, Texas tea up thar in dem hills. Paint that yard black and 3 feet thick.
Ive just been using soil for the last six months with some iguana juice. I just saved up enough for a batch of super soil, I can't wait to see the results this winter. I'm anxious. Even the tips learned from watching weed need, about Letting a plant mature to its full potential. The difference is like night and day. I feel Like I'd never really had such tasty nugs. Ace of spades definatly has mouth watering flavor.
sub, i think you have made a small stoner mistake with putting up some youtube stuff. a few random episodes are "blocked content on mobile devices". the only weed nerd capable devices i have are my android tablet and xbox, both of which youtube counts as mobile divices. unblock the few randoms for the nerds like me? thanks brother.

OK, I can understand how "lollypopping" can greatly reduce trimming, but it really does increase total yield as well, eh? I'll have to try it. I usually make hash out of lowers but if lollypopping gives me heavier yield I'm all for it and can see how sativa braching type plants would benefit. I like how Sub keeps an open mind and is always willing to learn and how everybody seems to working as a team out there. Willing to learn from each other.
sub, i think you have made a small stoner mistake with putting up some youtube stuff. a few random episodes are "blocked content on mobile devices". the only weed nerd capable devices i have are my android tablet and xbox, both of which youtube counts as mobile divices. unblock the few randoms for the nerds like me? thanks brother.

go to bottom of page and click the desktop link in corner to view mobile blocked vids u may have to click play several times to get it to play depending on connection speed hope this helps

I liked that lollipop lesson, I've always been skittish about cutting too much off. I still have reservations about taking all the fan leaves off. I'm going to test the difference just to see.
One of my most important trimmings takes place about 5-6 into flowering. It's all the total sugar covered leaves covering the buds below them and then I nip the top cola ends ever so slightly. The plant responds by busting a nut and fast. New 2 inch sugar leaf in two days. All sugar production, all day. Plant thinks it's getting nipped on and has the infrastructure to respond big time. The Cindy 99.25 X Williams Wonder hybrid is a real resin regent however. Many of subs strains carry these same genetics that I'm using with the Cindy part of it.
Subcool great weed nerd it shows how small a world it is and how compasionate this circle is talking about Richard Flor. I had the opportunity to meet Richard at the first clinic i went to 4 years ago to get my card. I chatted him up outside and he was a compasionate dude. Your right his shit wasnt down the way we have it growing dank but he did try to help the people thats what matters. Montana being such a small state just passing over a million people in the last year and the medical circle is even smaller. The guy didnt sell to kids he sold to some pretty sick people one as you said subcool is his wife sherry. The few people that he sold to that didnt have a card were severly ill and cards just expired and these people are all not with us anymore they died. But even without there testimony a consipracy will get you and all it takes for that is three people to say you were doing something. So way cool subcool i know this guy would have been humbled to be brought up and remembered. His Wife although is still in prison in the Federal prison camp in Arisona poor lady. Richard himself was sick and should have been able to live out the remainder of his life free. If anyone wants to write sherry or send a card to the prison I have her address and you can pm me for it. Maybe even stick a few bucks on her books. I might as she is a very sweet lady that doesnt deserve to be where she is at. Goddamn Feds.
15 minutes #4. Check out sub in his molecule dress whites, sort of like Tom cruise in Top Gun. Sub's got the summer look down this season.

Honey, I super soiled the whole back yard! :-P
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