Hi Subcool,
this is everett603, the guy who takes off smoking for his Granny...and now has a super clean bong
this isnt going to be easy for me, but im going to reach out for the first time.
Im going to keep it real. i saw your episodes and i was blown away by your genuineness. When i saw the thanksgiving episode i started balling my eyes out..I Can not listen to Alices Restuarant with out losing my mind. So, i decided to come out of my shell and start making comments...i felt comfortable doing it...so im here now to tell you my story and anyone else who cares to read.
I was Born in Bloomington, Indiana and my family owned much land..my grandfather owned farms and was a dentist. My family grew pot, talked about pot, breed pot, smoked pot, everything was about pot. I remember topping plants and cutting them down with pipe cutters when i was 6...and the smell of the skunk in the basement.mmmmm... i remember going out to the fields, getting lost, finding turtles, crying about wanting to bring home every damn one i saw, running into people,,lie to them, run!..ya know...i lived it. When i was 8 people broke into my house and shot my mom in the head in front of me. Thank god my little sister was in the bedroom. They were cops. My dad later was found in a cave, there are lots of them in indiana,shot in face with shotgun in end of october...go figure...they wanted the fields. My uncles were also killed. News papers say domestic violence...
me and my little sister were taken by family members that lived in Guam....and last name were changed.
My whole life i have fantasized about growing...not smoking...but growing. So, as you can imagine my family wouldnt dare let me near it. I have hid my passion my whole life. In college i was a biology major..taking mostly botany classes...i worked for rockhill, SC city compost. My honors thesis was on microbial degradation within the compost pile...i mostly found what materials in that area were counterproductive to the composting process..low and behold i found the area had many eucalyptis leaves...the control plot did little better than the others...wasnt a significant difference for the city to pump in money to separate the stuff out...i did my best...
When i got done with college i went home and kicked it with Granny. For real... it was best time of my life. she lived on mommas land (i call her mom..actually aunt). she was very old and refused to go to an old folks home and everyone else to busy to take care of her...they gotta pay bills. On her death bed she asked me to join the navy, submarines...to become a man she said...they day she died...i called the recruiter...thats a big leap of faith...im not down with that kinda stuff..liberal arts college...the back ground...long hair..hippie...
i made it to e5 missile technician MT2. i was lead work controls supervisor..usualy a chiefs job..for 2 nuclear weapon system upgrades...this happens every 20 years...i did 2 of them in 4 years....not bad for someone with Autism.
Thats another reason im reaching out to you. im autistic. i didnt write a paragraph of words until i was in my freshman year in college. i cheated, got girl friends to do it for me...the amount of anxiety it would give me to write would blow your mind. commas, periods.....its tough...look at me now! Winthrop university with its 17 students to professor ratio saved me. after 1 year of college i had a full ride...its still hard to write coherently for some damn reason...but i get good with practice. you would never know i was autistic...
My Grannys oldest got ran over at 8 becuase of autism....he had a more severe case than me...my sisters 3rd child has it bad...they are very religious and live in GA...so tincture is hard to come by..dont even know if she would entertain the idea...she did however fly up to a conference up here about the certian kind of autism he has..im very embarrassed at the moment that i dont know what it is...he too will just run out the house with out warning...he has alot of tactile issues as well..i dont have anything like that. i just see things differently and think differently than 99.9% people i meet.
I tried soo hard to go to the school of dank..but i couldnt afford it.

i had greenside cooperative holding tickets for me... unfortunate
its all good..you posted them

im out of the navy now and have a lifetime medical card in state of WA.
I spent every dime i saved in the navy pretty much on my garden...set up is based on what i learned from your vids and Jorge Cervantes. i also dropped 1500 on your seed stock. somehow i didnt get any vortex seeds....but i got 2 similar pheno cuts atm in 12 gals i vegged for 90 days..pigs style

believe that.
im well within my legal limits btw...my garden has half amount of plants im allowed to have. thats becuase the full legal amount wouldnt fit in the room... lmfao or i would have.
Im reaching out to you becuase ive never been happier!! and my success in my garden is due to your hard work...from your genetics to the videos ...thank you brother
Also, the money you raised for Autism is tear jerking.
Here is a vid, Ted talks, that brought autism into focus for me....and gave me a better understand of what it is...
btw, i have nothing against cops. i just have something against bad people. And as you say Sub "there is a special place in hell for those MOTHERFUCKERS"