The Weed Nerd~

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E Doh907

Weed Nerd 1 is editing now I will upload for morning Thanks to Mzjill for all te hard work on the cam as well as others like TC thats helped out and even some weed nerds.

It will take a few parts Part 1 is an hour Long!
this am or was it yesterday i started watching it but since it was long i figured i watch after work n it was deleted. i'm read rest these pages now

E Doh907

The ONLY reason i regret not making the trip the the cup is i missed out hanging in/around the booth with Sub and the gang, and all the visiting nerds....most everything thing else would have just annoyed me, esp. HT and all the other elitist cock-swinging bullshit.

i really hope TGA starts a Weed Nerd Cup, perhaps coupled with the School Of Dank....i know it would be epic.....and the more nerds we can get together, the more we will be able to help people in need, and show the entire medical community how it is done weed nerd style.....

..nerds unite..

count me in
You all should check out Brother Dege- Hard Row To Hoe, or The Girl Who Wept Stones. Both are pretty kick ass songs, he has others that are good too, but those 2 I really like. Makes me think of Dave out at Weeden jamming for all us nerds :)


Well-Known Member
I say have a weed nerd party later this year after outdoor harvest season, well planned in advance :)

If we're looking for a legal spot I'd prefer CO or WA, sorry MI :) No medical card for me here from TX for MI to honor... but I can transport, buy and consume it no problem in CO -- not sure about WA but CO is no problem for the nerds... up to 1oz is completely legal, even for out of staters! I'd rather even go to WA if I'm gonna make a trip but not sure on legalities for out of staters there.


Active Member
New link is up on the TGA website. Goes to the TGA by others thread when clicked on. Awesome idea for people new to the genetics and can actually see results.


Well-Known Member
I'm really hoping i get that tiny pheno in my space bomb. I got to know what that hash is all about! Beautiful as always Rize.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
I'm quite impressed with the quality of Weed Nerd grows I'm seeing and how the quality and numbers and weed nerds keeps increasing. I'd love to see some independent grower led cups or get togethers to share samples. Denver would be great because of it's more of a central location and the fact that weed is legal. I like the Cali scene, but it's not the only scene.


Well-Known Member
Have you looked up the venue on Google? Looks sketchy. I asked some friends in CO and they say there have been a few 420 events there before and it was OK. They are moving the smoking area outside for the cup so the venue won't get so smoked out.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of CO, I got my CO2 tank/regulator/monitor hooked up tonight... I'm so psyched! I hope we wait til a later date only because I'm not sure I can make it to denver for the cup if it's there...
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