Active Member
Thanks Sub.I dont even have a copy of Dank A good friend talked me out of my copy.
Dont run co2 in first 2 weeks of flowering (stretch) Or during last 2 weeks.
Thanks Sub.I dont even have a copy of Dank A good friend talked me out of my copy.
Dont run co2 in first 2 weeks of flowering (stretch) Or during last 2 weeks.
That must be some pretty bad ass hash lmfao. good stuff broHash Wars by TC
A long time a go maybe even a week ago in a sunny dank place
Yoda was telling Obiwan about the dark hash he found in a remote part of the state know a Hopland
There was a couple of fellows running around burning dark hash
Yoda had acquired a sample of the dark hash for inspection
Upon inspection he knew just where to find the dark hash
An epic battle followed
They thought they had Yoda down and found his stash of Matt Rize Headband
But decided it was great just to have hash around to smoke and had a party instead
Yoda was bummed out he was to short to get a rip
One of my homies I grew with grew the jack the Ripper outside and it got big and thick dense nuggets and tasted and smelled amazing as well as knocked you on your ass you would say.Hey Sub great vid, I tell ya Im looking foward to seeing how your outdoor run turns out. I have a question, When I go threw all your TGA strains you have listed for sale, what kind of things should I look for, to do a outdoor grow? I want good dence bud that will knock you on your ass when you smoke it, so to say. You have alot to choose from and it is kind of overwhelming. I got some JTR, Vortex and Plush Berry for this year and really hope I made some good chooses on what I got.