The Weed Nerd~

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Well-Known Member
Tokke gets along with everything except Snakes :)

He naturally hides behind the golf cart anytime one makes noise and looks at me like protect me dude!



Well-Known Member
Gotta love TGA... I was moving my plants while making dinner... all of a sudden i'm smelling cinammon french toast... WTF??? Then I realize... the smell from my apple jacks pheno timewrecks is mixing with the baked potato smell to make something new and yummy :) Can't believe no one else has found this timewreck smell... i have more than one plant with it... maybe it's the organic nutes in the soil. oh and I was repotting the veg cuts... took a couple lower leafs off my veg cuttings and what do i smell? Apple jacks. Even the veg cuts have the smell!?! AWESOME. I can't wait to see what apple jacks + black cherry soda smell like together when my aces hit flower at the end of may.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Apple jacks and potatoes sound delicious. I would make some cannabutter then they are finished and put it on the bake potatoes mmmm


Active Member
Excellent Weed Nerd! Really enjoyed the autographed Lyrnrd print. My girlfriend and I puffed on J's of Vortex the whole trip to the Gorge to watch Dave Matthews kick ass in concert by the Colombia River. Made the trip extra special :) Peace.

Mason Jar 92705

Well-Known Member
Great episode and good to see Sub back playin' the air guitar and in a good mood. ;) Anyway, u oughta see if u can get the snakes removed by traps or a professional. The last thing u need to happen is Toke get bit and die. That would be a sad day.


Well-Known Member
Ok on Snakes. The pros are idiots charged 250 last year found one snake we found 12 the next week. The snakes do not bother us they stay in the heat in the rocks away from humans.
It's only when were doing landscape moving rocks and shit you have to be careful. Also common since can help ya don't just reach under things around here without thinking and making some noise.
In 35 years the previous owner worked the land and was never bit. I worry about the new puppy of course but hopefully Tokke can school him.
No we havn't picked him out but Tokke's Lonely our bad ass Bengal Cat split the scene and we havn't seen him Tokke and the cat had a Bromance so Tokke has to feel alone. I will fix this :)



Well-Known Member
Do it Sub- Get a fuckin Peacock- FUCK IT!

Edit: I don't mean for you to get a peacock and fuck it. Nor are there a species of peacock bred for fuckin. LMAO


Active Member
Really having a hard time finding Down to Earths Pro Organic mix,
Im on the central coast of Cali and we dont have a ton of access to varieties of soil.
I called a few places up north to possibly have it shipped but the price of shipping is kinda ridiculous and plus I would have to buy a pallet of 45 bags.

So Im destined for a road trip up north preferably trying to find the closest place to buy the Pro Organic mix.
Ive searched google with not much results.

If anyone has a good idea on where to buy Im totally down to drive there and get outta this place for a day or two.

Thank u much
also school of dank so down for that!

Still having a hard time finding this soil. Called Berkeley indoor and they don't have it.

On my way up north now in Santa Cruz looking for this soil.. Anyone..?
Willing to drive further to find it.


So is the bag that tga is selling on the site the charge packs subcool speaks of???? And can I use promix hp with it???


Well-Known Member
OK Look there is an incredible demand for TGAsupersoil and you can't buy it anywhere right now cause untill friday the company was out of bags.
Dioxide will never keep up with the demand, ever but he does his best he will be shipping out 30 pallets this week in Oregon and Washington where he has a state permit to sell the soil with heavy metals testing, guaranteed analysis etc. Those are the only states you can buy bagged soil in period.

TGA soil is NOt for sale in California hell it took me 7 months to get my truck registered much less a soil product approved.
All TGA Soil questions should be directed to the TGAsupersoil website not on this thread please.
If they don't answer right away it means they have no soil to sell or no bags or the fork lifts broke or a hundred other things that go with starting up a company.

I do not sell soil and Dioxide does not read forums so typing soil questions here is just a waste of everyone's time.
Please don't take this is rude but 10 years and I am still answering dirt questions over and over.


I have a pallet shipped to my favorite Hydro shop and pay the shipping.

Order the charge pack make your own it's easy!

Back to our regular scheduled programming Fuckers!!


Well-Known Member
Tokke gets along with everything except Snakes :)

He naturally hides behind the golf cart anytime one makes noise and looks at me like protect me dude!

I'm very glad to hear this. I'm a CPDT (certified professional dog trainer) and teaching snake avoidance is very, very difficult. It's great that Tokke naturally wants to avoid them! Way too many dogs die each year from being bitten by poisonous ones.


Active Member
Sub in the yard with your snakes when you pick shit up pick it up towards you so you like have a shield from the snake. Kinda like flipping bales here on the farm. flip it toward so you have something inbetween you and the snake. Just a quick pointer if you arent doing that already.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
If you live in the upper Midwest this is how you can make a super soil easy and cheap. Fill a big stew type of pot with rich black top soil. Cover and cook in the oven until the middle of the soil heats up to 180 degrees. Set your oven to about 200 F. Use a candy thermometer. Do not go over 200 degrees F. Then simply mix with any standard mix that contains sphagnum peat moss and perlite. Viola...easy like Frenchy. Uber soil all ready to RoCk. Set it and forget it.
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