The Weed Nerd~

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BREAKING: JDR - Federal Cannabis Patient*Irvin Rosenfeld*and Wayward Bill from Colorado were arrested today in separate incidents in Washington, DC


Well-Known Member
Hey Sub, smoke a joint on the next nerd. U've never done that yet. :)
wonder why he hasn't... Have you been Paying much attention or what... Dude has issues with his lungs g, that he has talked about over and over and over hears an idea I've never seen him do a dab... Woo woo dab it up bro....

Mason Jar 92705

Well-Known Member
my intentions weren't bad. just the whole sub and mz jill rolling joints made me think of that and 5 seconds later I posted it. sorry if I didn't put my brain in gear first!
wonder why he hasn't... Have you been Paying much attention or what... Dude has issues with his lungs g, that he has talked about over and over and over hears an idea I've never seen him do a dab... Woo woo dab it up bro....


Well-Known Member
Where do I find synthetic pee? It appears to be my only recourse.
I used Spectrum Lab's Quick fix 5.7-1 on my last test. It is $30 and comes with a heat pad. You can find it here: I choose to not buy the dusty box at a local head shop as I did not trust it.

You might want to get two boxes to have one for practice. When I took my most recent test, they made me empty my pockets before I went into the bathroom. After, they checked the temp of the urine sample. Worked fine, but was tough to appear calm as my heart was racing. I'm an honest person to a fault and I hated doing this, but I'm not quitting weed and I never work high, so fuck 'em.


Well-Known Member
my intentions weren't bad. just the whole sub and mz jill rolling joints made me think of that and 5 seconds later I posted it. sorry if I didn't put my brain in gear first!
What the FUCK Dont u step out of line mason jar with ur comments DOESENT STOP SUB FROM DOING WHAT HE WANTS sMOKING ON THE HASH pipe so yaa iwould like one off those joint rolled by miss jill u see here packing the ends nice thats how i roll my fattys so a simple couple puffs off a dobbie on the weed nerd is not to crazy of a request lightin up tustus:joint:


Active Member
i'm pretty sure he has done dabs on the Weed Nerd
wonder why he hasn't... Have you been Paying much attention or what... Dude has issues with his lungs g, that he has talked about over and over and over hears an idea I've never seen him do a dab... Woo woo dab it up bro....


Well-Known Member
What the FUCK Dont u step out of line mason jar with ur comments DOESENT STOP SUB FROM DOING WHAT HE WANTS sMOKING ON THE HASH pipe so yaa iwould like one off those joint rolled by miss jill u see here packing the ends nice thats how i roll my fattys so a simple couple puffs off a dobbie on the weed nerd is not to crazy of a request lightin up tustus:joint:
now now, I know I can be abrasive some times I mean nothing by it and I apologize directly. I wouldn't ask this dude to smoke a joint but hey if it is that important to see some guy you probably never have met that is struggling with some medical issues irritate those issues well I guess you just go for it buddy, he probably will do it against his better judgment but whatever floats your goat. Not trying to start shit everything would have been fine if you just let it go.


Well-Known Member
I would love to smoke a joint fella's trust me I used to smoke 20 a day thats why I can still roll but I dont really smoke any flowers any more not sure why water hash makes me cough less makes no since but its how I get high these days.

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