The what really grinds my gears thread


Well-Known Member
As stated above, what really pisses you off, i'm not talking about rollitup or the mods or any shit like that, i'm talking the everyday stuff, little things, what does average joe do that really makes your blood boil.


It really bugs me, when people drive just too damn slow, they don't have a clue where they are fucking going, speed limit is 40 and they are doing 20, looking at anything and everything, then they stop, let a few cars pull out cus they have absolutely nothing in the world to do.


It really grinds my gears when people get really specific and argue about rotation during smoking. It ruins the chill.


Well-Known Member
It really grinds my gears when people get really specific and argue about rotation during smoking. It ruins the chill.

I hate people that take forever at the atm, they take their card out slow, put it in, then have to read every option on the machine, then get a balance, then print it out for their records, then they get some cash out, then they stand in front of the machine as they put their cash in their wallet and their card away properly, then they get another card out to check the balance of that one


when i see 6 threads in 3 weeks all asking the same question

or when people slow down to 2 MPH in a 45 to make a right turn


Well-Known Member
When you are driving down the road and there is an obstruction on the other side, the other driver has to stop because its your right of way, but instead of doing that he aims right for you and puts his foot down to make you stop


When old people medicate (:leaf:) for their glaucoma, and then go out for a drive :wall:


It really grinds my gears when people get really specific and argue about rotation during smoking. It ruins the chill.
I hate that shit too man, I also hate when you smoke with the kinda person that's constantly trying to call rotation or "party" fouls.

"Dude, you coughed twice after hitting a gravity bong, thats a party foul"

It's annoying.


Yeah the joint passing shit gets really annoying, especially when there is more than enough to go around. Usually I am the patron and I make sure everyone gets their fair share, but if someone starts hogging that pisses me off as it is usually on my dime and I only want equality in tokage.

I don't understand a lot of the road rage. Where is everyone in such a hurry to go? If you miss your appointment or where you are going by 5 minutes is it the end of the world? I follow traffic rules, but I am known to go mellow and go slower than I normally would if on an empty road.

Now some stuff that frustrates me;

Slobbering on smoking stuff.

Slamming doors/toilet seats, anything really. Why the slammage? Let er down gently, close her easy. Don't be so damn rough.


People who yell, for any reason except emergencies.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the joint passing shit gets really annoying, especially when there is more than enough to go around. Usually I am the patron and I make sure everyone gets their fair share, but if someone starts hogging that pisses me off as it is usually on my dime and I only want equality in tokage.

I don't understand a lot of the road rage. Where is everyone in such a hurry to go? If you miss your appointment or where you are going by 5 minutes is it the end of the world? I follow traffic rules, but I am known to go mellow and go slower than I normally would if on an empty road.

Now some stuff that frustrates me;

Slobbering on smoking stuff.

Slamming doors/toilet seats, anything really. Why the slammage? Let er down gently, close her easy. Don't be so damn rough.


People who yell, for any reason except emergencies.
People should drive at a speed suitable to the road conditions, if traffic is flowing, then they should be driving under the speed limit, they should be driving to it, thats when frustration comes into play, you left in good time but your still going to be late for something, it could be something really important too but some dude who really has nothing to do with his day just don't give a shit.


Well-Known Member
lmfao!! am I the only one that thinks the what grinds my gears saying is fucking hilarious?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3601786]The grinding of gears really grinds my gears[/QUOTE]

fuck yeah thats the worst noise ever