The White House: Open for questions

The mockery of our past time continues by the obama administration

I think this makes it pretty clear that regardless of who is president (save for ron paul) legalization is not going to come via the executive branch...
Well fdd, we have always been fucked so as far as im concerned thats simply status quo.

BTW...why wont my pic display? it displays in my edit screan
Wow, CNN just ran an ass burning "change we can believe in" commerical about Obama's treasury department and bailouts funds.

I think Obama's ass is going to be on fire for a while.
Firstly , the question that the first reporter asked about was the answer poltically or economically motivated, never did get answered.

Secondly, since when is giggling an acceptable part of proper parlimentary procedure?

Third, I wasn't aware of when "Uuummmm" became a term whos use is acceptable over and over again in the same sentence.

I was waiting for those reporters to advance on him and attack. They looked serious as hell and he looked afraid. The giggling just made his nervousness more apparent.

It's plain as day that the Obama administraion has not researched anything about marijuana, or they wouldn't have been laughing about it being in "green jobs". I guess they don't know as much as they like to pretend they do.

Makes them look like really dumb assholes.

The mockery of our past time continues by the obama administration

Firstly , the question that the first reporter asked about was the answer poltically or economically motivated, never did get answered.

Secondly, since when is giggling an acceptable part of proper parlimentary procedure?

Third, I wasn't aware of when "Uuummmm" became a term whos use is acceptable over and over again in the same sentence.

I was waiting for those reporters to advance on him and attack. They looked serious as hell and he looked afraid. The giggling just made his nervousness more apparent.

It's plain as day that the Obama administraion has not researched anything about marijuana, or they wouldn't have been laughing about it being in "green jobs". I guess they don't know as much as they like to pretend they do.

Makes them look like really dumb assholes.

yeah these latest stunts have lost obama (and his administration) points in my book.
I assume most of you have seen this??

<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
yeah these latest stunts have lost obama (and his administration) points in my book.

I think i'm going to revise this statement. At first i was disappointed and somewhat insulted by his remarks and since he's made more questionable remarks but as i think about it, it almost seems like he's doing this on purpose.

I mean consider what has happened since the town hall meeting. Everyone has been talking about it and with lots of seriousness. If he had given an elegant no or spouted archaic rhetoric would there be this same level of discussion. To be frank, the answers he has given lately are playing to the strengths of the legalization lobby. Ultimately only he knows what his intentions are but it almost seems planned...

consider this quote of him on a CBS interview

Obama said:
Well, what’s happened is that President Calderon I think has been very bold and rightly has decided that it’s gotten carried away. The drug cartels have too much power, are undermining and corrupting huge segments of Mexican society. And so he has taken them on in the same way that when, you know, Elliot Ness took on Al Capone back during Prohibition, oftentimes that causes even more violence. And we’re seeing that flare up.

could he set us up any better?
The Obama administration needs to take these questions more seriously. They just keep saying they don't support it but never give any reasons why