The White privilege to terrorize



next time think about what you're saying before hitting 'reply all'. YOU made yourself the face starting with the request to go to Cabo. YOU said you'd never go to jail due to race, employment and the bleach YOU use on YOUR hair (it's not really blonde now dear, is it?).
left online by Twitter as hateful but important.

so i guess Congressional Members are now free..out in the open.. to terrorize other Congressional Member and a Sitting President.

i wonder when Garland is going to act?
aaaany daaayyy nnoowwww


Mitch McConnell.

just remember if a Democrat so much as 'look' their way and they're asking members to resign carrying tiki torches..something something about Jewish Community and being replaced.

i mean you would think DOJ would do something at this point since people were threatened?

isn't it against the law for a House Rep to threaten to kill another House Rep and the President through any medium?

is this High School?
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Reuters Tracks Down 'Untraceable' Trump Supporters Who Threatened Election Officials

Jason Szep, reporter for Reuters, talks with Rachel Maddow about his reporting on threats made against election officials around the United States and the ease with which he and his colleague were able to find and interview several of the people who made the threats even after law enforcement authorities said the threats were untraceable.
Nearly half of Republicans polled say schools shouldn't teach history of racism
Arguments against teaching critical race theory in schools generally center around a misunderstanding of what CRT aims to accomplish, critical race theorists say.

More than 4 in 10 Republicans say they’re opposed to public schools teaching children the history of racism, a new survey has found, though the majority still supports it.

A Monmouth University poll found that 46 percent of Republicans disapprove of teachers educating students on the history of racism, while a slim majority (54 percent) of Republicans approved. When asked about teaching critical race theory in public schools, only 16 percent of Republicans said they approved, compared with 40 percent of Independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Overall, 75 percent of respondents approved of teaching the history of racism, while only 43 percent said they approved of teaching critical race theory.

Teaching race in public schools has become a hot button issue across the nation, even figuring into this year’s Virginia governor’s race. Pushback, mostly from conservatives, stems largely from a misunderstanding of critical race theory, or CRT.

Critics have said CRT teaches children to hate one another based on the color of their skin. Condoleezza Rice, the former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, told “The View” last month that she didn’t support teaching it in schools because “I don’t have to make white kids feel bad for being white.”

“This is a conversation that has gone in the wrong direction,” Rice, who is Black, said, adding that she’s worried CRT teaches Black children to feel “disempowered.”

But critical race theorists argue that CRT doesn’t attribute racism to white people as individuals or even as groups of people, but states that U.S. social institutions, like the criminal justice system or housing market, among others, are fraught with racism that’s been embedded into laws and regulations that lead to differential outcomes by race.

Sociologists have long recognized that racism can exist even without racists.

Other recent polls suggest a large number of Republicans generally oppose discussions about race in schools altogether.

A USA Today/Ipsos poll from September found that fewer than 40 percent of Republicans supported schools teaching about the ongoing effects of slavery, and a Reuters/Ipsos poll in July found that 32 percent of Republicans opposed teaching high school students about racism’s impact in the U.S. Shot 2021-11-11 at 1.37.58 PM.png
Three high-school students in Texas reportedly dressed as Ku Klux Klan members for Halloween — and attacked a Black teen with a Taser.

Matt Manning, an attorney who represents the victim, said the incident occurred in Woodsboro on Oct. 31, according to a report from Corpus Christi's Channel 3.

Manning wrote on Facebook that he was "infuriated because I learned, from multiple sources, that another, even younger victim was terrorized by these depraved menaces that same night."

"Furthermore, the three young men who perpetrated these crimes were apparently still allowed to play in Friday night's Woodsboro Eagle football game against Falls City," Manning wrote. "We are demanding an explanation from the Woodsboro HS administration and athletic department for how three players could commit an act of terror, hate, and injury — surely known by coaches and administration to have occurred — yet still be afforded the PRIVILEGE to play football. It is abhorrent, indefensible, and inexcusable, and we demand answers."

At a news conference on Wednesday, Manning added: "We're not dealing with kids who just happened to get into a fight, we're not dealing with kids who happened to be engaged in high school high jinks. We're talking a specific act of terror where they are emulating the members of a terrorist organization."

Manning declined to release the identities of the three suspects, or his client, because they are all minors.

The Woodsboro school district issued a statement saying officials cannot discipline the suspects because the conduct occurred off campus. However, the district said it is cooperating with a law enforcement investigation.

"The Woodsboro Police Department said it has opened an investigation into the incident and has acquired the help of the Texas Rangers from Sinton," the Caller Times newspaper reports. "The local NAACP has deemed the incident a 'hate crime' until further information is revealed."
Most of you are white and constantly looking for and posting anti-White rhetoric. You wouldn’t even think about posting shit about anyone else. Somebody doesn’t agree with you and you call them “ Racist.” Why not instead look for things where white and black people worked together and did some good in this world? This is exactly what indoctrination looks like. Wake up!
Most of you are white and constantly looking for and posting anti-White rhetoric.
I haven't seen any anti-white rhetoric.

I have seen anti-white privilege rhetoric maybe, but not anti-white rhetoric. You special little snowflake.

You wouldn’t even think about posting shit about anyone else.
Really? Because you say so?

Somebody doesn’t agree with you and you call them “ Racist.”
Maybe, when they say racist shit.

Why not instead look for things where white and black people worked together and did some good in this world? This is exactly what indoctrination looks like. Wake up!
You mean like when white people forced black people to do great things like build the White House?

Or when say Obama and Biden and the rest of the Democratic party worked to bring health care coverage to almost all Americans (at least until those Republican led states denied their citizens the ability to access it)?

There is lots of great examples and lots of not so great examples of this. But this is a great thing about the Democratic party, unlike the Republicans who legislate for about 5% of the population and represent about 40% of the nation, the Democrats are legislating for 100% of the nation and are represented by damn near all of us too.

The only ones that need to wake up are the insurrectionist Republicans and their cult that have been swallowing their lies for decades by listening to hate radio and the propaganda tv shows on Fox News/Oann/Newsmax/Sinclair Broadcasting and all you trolls online.
Most of you are white and constantly looking for and posting anti-White rhetoric. You wouldn’t even think about posting shit about anyone else. Somebody doesn’t agree with you and you call them “ Racist.” Why not instead look for things where white and black people worked together and did some good in this world? This is exactly what indoctrination looks like. Wake up!
Bullshit. It’s anti-unfair white male privilege discussion, you know, the stuff that CRT is made of. Gonna invoke white genocide next?
Most of you are white and constantly looking for and posting anti-White rhetoric. You wouldn’t even think about posting shit about anyone else. Somebody doesn’t agree with you and you call them “ Racist.” Why not instead look for things where white and black people worked together and did some good in this world? This is exactly what indoctrination looks like. Wake up!
things like that do happen, and that's a good thing, but systemic racism is real, and it's still here, not ever going to go away on it's want to ignore it so you can feel more comfortable in your fantasy world where everyone is treated fairly, and the police don't kill anyone for no reason, and the jails aren't full of minorities that went to jail for things that white people would have gotten a slap on the wrist for. a world where everyone has the same chance for the same job at the same salary...a world that doesn't exist anywhere but in your mind, and the minds of other apologist racists...