For a moment you have to consider these millions of people you’re referring to, myself included, give two shits about January 6th. It means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things and daily life in my opinion. People are even allowed to think the election was rigged! The horror I know! That doesn’t make them right - or Inherently bad people either. You’re not allowed to limit them from believing or talking about something that may not be true (see organized religion)
Nothing those people chose to do at the capital has anything to do with anyone else in my opinion. If someone breaks a law it’s their own choice. A few thousand citizens breaking in to a building in DC with selfie sticks and baseball bats was going to somehow overthrow democracy? What exactly was their master plan? If that were the case don’t you think the Pentagon would have had an actual response ready? My perspective comes from former service.
The capital building isn’t the republic - we are
If the 74 million citizens who voted for Trump and who vote for republicans really are what you say they are - there would have been an actual over throw of government. Except there wasn’t. We all just went along living life, while a few thousand people made a choice to do what they did. Pretty shitty attempt if you ask me considering the whole bring a bat to a gunfight scenario