The White privilege to terrorize

A lot of self hating whites might be surprised that there ARE black people out there objecting to pushing genocide on to white kids & that lying about your race and hating yourself doesnt make black people respect you or like you.
So, I guess the idea is if you accuse others of white genocide, then other genocide perpetrated by you against those of color is then justified. A real self licking ice cream cone ya got the Rabid.
So, I guess the idea is if you accuse others of white genocide, then other genocide perpetrated by you against those of color is then justified. A real self licking ice cream cone ya got the Rabid.

Suppose someone in this thread was supporting policies which deliberately turn EVERY black country non-black and would harass, slander, threaten, demonize anyone who objects to these genocidal policies

Would it be safe to call them a genocidal anti-black?


The ONLY people in this thread that have ATTEMPTED to justify genocide - are YOU ALL.
Not me.
I'm full of LOVE
You're full of HATE
I'm full of (religious) FAITH
You're full of FEAR!

Seriously - are you capable of developing an adult worldview?
You are full of SHIT
I got ya figured
You wouldn't know God if he kicked ya in the arse.
I'm calm and happy
You are mentally ill, conditioned to racism to a pathological degree and sucked into tribalism. You wouldn't know yer arse from a hot rock, much less what goes on in yer own head. You are part of a suicide cult, enthralled to a desperate criminal psychopath and it won't end well.
You all posit this CONSPIRACY THEORY that i SECRETLY hate non-whites as much as you OPENLY hate whites.
ALL of your arguments seem to be based on this conspiracy theory
Nope, it's an actual fact demonstrated by your posts, you are the only one here obsessed with skin color and are mistaken in your beliefs about the nature of the human race. Your game is to justify genocide by falsely claiming it is happening to white people. You are not very clever and your cover is pretty thin.
Nope, it's an actual fact demonstrated by your posts, you are the only one here obsessed with skin color and are mistaken in your beliefs about the nature of the human race. Your game is to justify genocide by falsely claiming it is happening to white people. You are not very clever and your cover is pretty thin.
and pink
you are the only one here obsessed with skin color

Anti-Whites will harass, demonize, threaten slander any white person that objects to the policies which turn Europe/America non-White (genocide as defined by law)

Then AFTERWARDS they say "skin color doesnt matter to me"
the TOTAL lack of self awareness is ASTOUNDING really

NOBODY cares more about SKIN COLOR than an anti-white
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
Anti-Whites will harass, demonize, threaten slander any white person that objects to the policies which turn Europe/America non-White (genocide as defined by law)

Then AFTERWARDS they say "skin color doesnt matter to me"
the TOTAL lack of self awareness is ASTOUNDING really

NOBODY cares more about SKIN COLOR than an anti-white
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
Fear driven racist drivel from a mind conditioned to feelings and not much in between that and your mouth. From your posts it's plain you ain't a deep thinker son and are easily lead and manipulated, leave philosophy to the experts and take up gardening or some other useful thing.
You are not full of love, you are full of shit, your intentions shine trough brightly. Talk about an adult overview, how long are you gonna carry this Bullshit on for, you've been getting gang banged enough here to upset a normal person, but not you.
You are not full of love, you are full of shit, your intentions shine trough brightly. Talk about an adult overview, how long are you gonna carry this Bullshit on for, you've been getting gang banged enough here to upset a normal person, but not you.

Now we ALL know you would be ashamed to defend your worldview in a debate
But lets say YOU HAD NO CHOICE but to go on NATIONAL TV and spout your views against mine

What do you think the VEGAS ODDS would be that YOU would be the one walking out of that debate like the SANE, RATIONAL, MORAL person?
Care to explain how objecting to an obvious program of genocide is "racist"?

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What a shitty meme, no one with a brain could believe that, Tibet was invaded, I know a few Tibetan teachers, part of the dysphoria. You don't need to climb mountains, there are plenty of them here in North America! You'd have to be an idiot and pretty ignorant to compare the two situations. What happened to Tibetans was invasion and genocide what is happening in America is voluntary multiculturalism, there's a difference. Besides America needs immigrants and only brown folks from trouble spots want to come these days.
Now we ALL know you would be ashamed to defend your worldview in a debate
But lets say YOU HAD NO CHOICE but to go on NATIONAL TV and spout your views against mine

What do you think the VEGAS ODDS would be that YOU would be the one walking out of that debate like the SANE, RATIONAL, MORAL person?
You wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell in a moral and ethical argument with a 10 year old child. Your positions are indefensible and you are full of shit, in proper debates lying disqualifies you, so you'd be gone early anyway.