I thought it was the rich? Because if the issue is whites genociding whites, which is what you've been complaining about, then there must be another element that goes beyond race/color. And you brought it up, which was money. Have you changed your mind?
Yes, we are well aware that white nationalist terrorists are full of hate. It's understandable that they would hate people who are examples of how much better a person the haters can be.
But then again, it's all fake. You have no skin in this game. How have you been harmed by people who don't embrace or agree with racist whites?
"yah well im glad its happening cuz white kids deserve it for history! and also its not happening,and if you don't want it to happen you are a NAZI and hate all the non-Whites! You should STFU and be threatened and censored! I'm glad white kids are being turned into hated minorities and i can't believe that you think im ANTI-WHITE. You re CRAZY!
Why are the white people smiling? Do you think they're bad people for smiling? Don't they know they're being genocided? Is it possible to be genocided and not know it?
I was just talking to a self hating white anti-racist on the phone and he was smiling! Whats the big deal? He is fine with forced diversity and the destruction of his race and civilization.... see?
The US is a nation of immigrants. Especially the slaves we stole from Africa and forced to work for nothing. They are why this country was able to fund its industrial revolution. Don't you know anything?
The US is a nation of immigrants. Always has been. If diversity is such a terrible thing, then how did we get to become such a world power?
Is there really such a thing as race other than the human race? Explain what that means.
I was just talking to a self hating white anti-racist on the phone and he was smiling! Whats the big deal? He is fine with forced diversity and the destruction of his race and civilization.... see?
Where is their page on WHITE NATIONALISM?
Any of you JUSSIES care to explain that one?
ME: "If you look at the law on genocide - it's pretty obvious that the ongoing program of mass immigration + FORCED assimilation on to EVERY & ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES clearly meets the definition of genocide. Along with numerous OTHER human rights violations.
ANTI-WHITES: "yah well im glad its happening cuz white kids deserve it for history! and also its not happening,and if you don't want it to happen you are a NAZI and hate all the non-Whites! You should STFU and be threatened and censored! I'm glad white kids are being turned into hated minorities and i can't believe that you think im ANTI-WHITE. You re CRAZY! Tired of getting proven wrong yet?"
saw it live and i'm like WTF? just woke up to it- this shit is just nuts now without Trump to pacify them? i'm going to say these people have a high propensity for addiction. they must really be missing the Tweets.