The White privilege to terrorize


Well-Known Member
Canuck keeps saying i should be BANNED for BTFOng leftism
I actually got banned from the MEME thread for BTFOng leftism

The vast majority of you are now pretending you are for rounding up illegals and kicking them out - in favor of segregation - and you dont support ANY genocidal policies on to whites suddenly.

STRANGE isnt it?

DONT GET ME WRONG - i think eVERYBODY knows you are just being DECEPTIVE and temporarily denying your ENTIRE WORLDVIEW OUT OF SHAME
No matter how triggered you get doesn't make you correct.

There is no 'white genocide' no matter how hard try to spam those words into meaning something.

Get some new shit man. Is there anything real you care about or is it all going to be pre-programmed bullshit talking points that right wing spammers already made old?


Well-Known Member
Straight up terrified of brown people.
Geez trying to gaslight white people into believing that if they dont want to destroy their race it means they HATE non-Whites?

You anti-whites will literally tell the most vile disgusting lies to push genocide on to white kids


Well-Known Member
Its okay for you to spam a lie yet you want me banned for repeating a TRUTH that disputes your lying spam?
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lol at your pretending that between the screwed up counting that Trump ordered and the weird question set up about racial make up is 'genocide'.

Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 1.29.53 PM.png

Nah, you just look like a spamming idiot. It is nice that you are actually almost sounding like a person again, even if just parroting shit you think sounds good.


Well-Known Member
You SPAM your lies - i reply back with memes that DESTROY YOUR LIES
only ONE of us is mad about it lmaooooo
Incorrect about my spam being lies. It is the reality of the world we live in. You reply back with racist spam that you have been spoon fed like a delicate little baby so much that you (seem to) believe it.

And I am not mad at all, you are the triggered little snowflake using all caps nonstop.

I dont hate on racist trolls who need to get gas money man. I get it times are tough.


Well-Known Member

Is there like a neural intra race link that specific races have that can cause them to swarm in a hive like way after receiving "the signal"?
yes......from the 'shot callers' inmates....if your own race shot caller punches your ticket, they will draw straws to see who gets the job.


Well-Known Member
It comes down to this -I NEED YOU GUYS to help make my points.

Without you guys LAUGHING that your policies are turning white kids into hated minorities in Europe/America, and that white kids deserve it because of history, that anyone who objects to it is evil & hates non-Whites, slandering whites, demonizing whites, calling white people every name in the book, pretending that none of these obvious things are happening........... it wouldn't be AS easy for me to lay out the case for White Genocide (although it would still be obvious irrefutable truth)

To add hilarity to it all - you all do this IN PUBLIC and then say there is no EVIDENCE lmaoooooooooo


Well-Known Member
Its okay for you to spam a lie yet you want me banned for repeating a TRUTH that disputes your lying spam?
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The gene for darker skin is the dominant one. With travel being what it is, the pattern you seem to think proves a conspiracy is a simple expression of nature. We fuck. We make babies. Genes that are dominant are named so for that reason.

Inbreeding gives recessive genes a chance to reveal themselves:



Well-Known Member
Geez trying to gaslight white people into believing that if they dont want to destroy their race it means they HATE non-Whites?

You anti-whites will literally tell the most vile disgusting lies to push genocide on to white kids
You realize that the population is always growing and thus it's not zero sum? The creator of your cartoons doesn't seem to understand that, because more brown people doesn't mean less white people.


Well-Known Member
It comes down to this -I NEED YOU GUYS to help make my points.

Without you guys LAUGHING that your policies are turning white kids into hated minorities in Europe/America, and that white kids deserve it because of history, that anyone who objects to it is evil & hates non-Whites, slandering whites, demonizing whites, calling white people every name in the book, pretending that none of these obvious things are happening........... it wouldn't be AS easy for me to lay out the case for White Genocide (although it would still be obvious irrefutable truth)

To add hilarity to it all - you all do this IN PUBLIC and then say there is no EVIDENCE lmaoooooooooo
Oh the horror. Tell us the story about the white kid in Europe or America who is a hated minority. Who are you speaking of? What happened to them?


Well-Known Member
Oh the horror. Tell us the story about the white kid in Europe or America who is a hated minority. Who are you speaking of? What happened to them?
Your point ALWAYS comes down to this
Sure we are forcing policies on to whites that destroy their race BUT white people are financially secure so their genocide is acceptable

How about NO?